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    60-Watt vs. 100-Watt Light Bulb (Let’s Lighten Up Lives)

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    Bulb placement illuminates the area around it. When darkness makes travel difficult, it becomes an incredible asset.

    Light bulbs’ designs and energy efficiency have improved over the past few years. Halogen incandescent bulbs, LEDs, and CFLs are among the more recent varieties of light bulbs.

    Energy bills can be reduced by using these lights instead of conventional incandescent ones because they use less energy and last longer. Therefore, they are economical and are available with several power levels.

    Other aspects to consider when choosing a light bulb besides wattage are the impact of the brightness, color, and energy consumption.

    There is an actual difference of 40 watts between 100 and 60 watts. Only about 60% of the current can be consumed by a 60-watt bulb. On the other hand, a 100-watt light bulb also ejects more light and heat in comparison with a 60-watt bulb.

    To know more, let’s examine the difference between two types of bulbs: 60-watt and 100-watt.

    Light Bulb: A Source Of Illumination

    A gadget that creates light is a light bulb. Our home has various lights, including incandescent, fluorescent, halogen, LED, CFL, HID, dimmable, and recessed lighting fixtures. These lighting devices beautifully illuminate different places.

    A light bulb
    A Light Bulb

    In addition to producing light, the bulbs also feature a few parts that heat up. These devices won’t be able to provide enough power for their intended use or function if one of those parts is improperly connected.

    Incandescent and fluorescent bulbs are two different kinds. Low-level illumination from an incandescent bulb (less than 600 lumens) is produced with little or no heat from the circuitry inside.

    On the other hand, fluorescent bulbs emit a lot of heat from their internal electronics and circuitry while producing high-level illumination (over 1,000 lumens). Both of these are checked on two bases: one is the wattage, and the other is brightness.

    Wattage and Brightness of a Light Bulb

    The wattage serves as a gauge for how much power will be required to operate a light bulb. It tells the buyers about the energy consumption of the bulb, not its brightness. For that reason, no bulb should be rated for its brightness by its watts.

    Therefore, a bulb rated at 1000 watts will take that many watts to power an LED (Light Emitting Diode). To achieve the same light output level as with an incandescent bulb when using an LED in a wall socket, you must boost the wattage by an additional 1000W.

    The measure for the brightness level is the lumen.

    For instance, a 60-watt bulb ejects 800 lumens. In contrast, a CFL light bulb that generates 800 lumens only consumes 15 watts.

    Therefore, buyers should evaluate a light bulb’s performance based on lumens rather than watts.

    A 60-Watt and a 100-Watt Bulb

    A 60-Watt or 100-Watt Bulb
    Four Light Bulbs

    A light bulb’s ability to produce energy from its power source each second is influenced by several variables:

    • The actual source of power
    • The electricity (or heat) passing through it
    • Current and voltage for determining the energy production per second

    As discussed in the previous section, the watt is the energy unit. Therefore, a 60-watt bulb means that it consumes 60 joules of energy per second when it is turned on. It implies it would consume 216,600 joules of energy over 3,600 seconds, or 60 minutes.

    Similarly, a 100W power rating indicates the bulb uses 100 joules of electricity every second. Tungsten makes up the electric bulb’s filament. The light source is filled with argon gas to lengthen its lifespan.

    Essential Features of a Bulb

    Ever wonder what makes those incredible lights so fantastic? Most individuals might not be aware that light bulbs have essential characteristics and features when making decisions.

    After focusing on the two crucial aspects of the light bulb, let’s take a look at some other decent features that make them unique below:

    Each bulb, whether it is fluorescent, LED, metal halide, or induction, possesses the four qualities that set them apart.

    Essential Features of a Light Bulb
    Essential Features of a Light Bulb

    Differentiation Factors Between a 60 and a 100-Watt Bulb

    These bulbs are pretty different from each other. They exhibit different behaviors when attached to the holder to illuminate the entire room or facility.

    The table below shows the disparity between them.

     Features60-watt bulb100-watt bulb
    BrightnessThe 60-watt bulb is most widely used in households. It produces about 800 lumens of light.The 100-watt bulb produces 1600 lumens of light.
    Heat ProductionA 60-watt bulb produces less heat than a 100-watt. Attaching a low-heat bulb to the fixture is preferable if it sounds satisfactory.More heat will be produced by a 100 W bulb than by a 60 W bulb. Don’t try to use a bulb with a higher wattage in a fixture if the sticker on it specifies a maximum wattage of 60. It can cook the insulation on the wires and give you a chance of a short circuit.
    ResistanceSince it is a lower voltage bulb, it has more resistance according to P=I2R and R=V2/P formulas. Therefore, it dissipates more power in a series connection with a 100-watt bulb.The 100-watt bulb has less resistance than the 60-watt; therefore, it dissipates less power during a series connection.
    Difference Between a 60-Watt and 100-Watt Light Bulb

    Some Important Points About Light Bulbs

    • If a 100-watt bulb is used in a 60-watt fixture, extreme heat could melt the coating on the fixture’s wires and the light socket.
    • If the LED bulb consumes less wattage than the fixture, you can substitute an LED bulb with a greater wattage equivalent.
    • Bright White/Cool White (3500K-4100K), Daylight(5000K–6500K), and Soft White (2700K–3000K) are the three primary color temperature ranges for light bulbs. The color temperature gets whiter the higher the Degrees Kelvin number.
    • Although conventional incandescent bulbs are good, many people want something that uses less energy. Fortunately, “warm light” CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights) are significantly more effective and safe for your eyes. They do, but only in minimal amounts. Halogen or LED lamps are other options.
    • The brightness of the light increases with wattage, but so does the energy it consumes. By using incandescent lamps, this system’s efficiency was first demonstrated.

    The above points summarize the details of some of the features and qualities of light bulbs.

    Determining the Brightness of a Bulb

    Some of the elements below need to be considered when discussing the bulb’s illumination. The optics, lens, reflectors, and fixture are things to consider because they impact a light bulb’s brightness.

    Optic Rests

    An optic rests on the bulb’s lens to control the light beam. This optic may prevent some light from passing through, reducing the bulb’s brightness.


    Reflectors are devices that go on top of lighting fixtures and are used to change the direction of the light coming from the bulb. Depending on their use, these reflectors can make the light appear less bright.

    Height of the Light

    The height of the light itself is another factor. The light will appear less brilliant the higher up on whatever mount or surface it is. The light will appear brighter when positioned lower because it will be more concentrated.

    Light’s Color Temperature

    The light’s color temperature also influences the brightness of a bulb. The cliometric scale contains a wide range of hues for light.

    A light that shines in the center of the spectrum, such as white or light blue, will be brighter than one that is red or orange. Blue, purple, and ultraviolet light are at the other end of the spectrum and reduce the brightness of a bulb.

    Watch this video to know which bulb glows brighter


    • Bulbs lighten up the space where they are placed. They are a valuable resource when darkness hampers the way. The design and energy efficiency of light bulbs have improved recently. Among the more contemporary light bulbs are halogen incandescent bulbs, LEDs, and CFLs.
    • By switching to these lights from standard incandescent ones, energy costs can be decreased because they consume less energy and last longer. As a result, they are affordable and come in different power levels.
    • A 60-watt bulb can use roughly 60% of the current. In contrast, a 100-watt light bulb likewise emits more heat and light than a 60-watt bulb.
    • Other factors to consider when selecting a light bulb besides wattage are how they affect the brightness, color, and energy usage. Therefore, the two types of bulbs—60-watt and 100-watt—were compared in this article.

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