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    What Is the Difference Between A 2032 And A 2025 Battery? (Revealed)

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    Batteries play an important role in our lives as they are used to operate many devices and tools that we use on a daily basis. There are many types and sizes of batteries. Ranging from the lithium-ion battery that can provide enough power for about 250,000 homes to smaller ones like nano batteries that are thinner than a human hair.

    Two such batteries are the Cr 2032 and the Cr 2025 batteries. These two batteries are very similar to each other and have much in common. They both share the same chemical name because batteries are named on the basis of their code and specialty. And these two have a common chemical component that is lithium, and hence the letters CR are used.

    But despite having the same chemical name and a few similar properties these batteries greatly differ from each other. In this article, I will be discussing what these two batteries are and their differences in great detail. So make sure you read till the end!

    The componets of a circuit board laid down on a white table
    The components of a circuit board laid down on a white table

    What is a Battery?

    Before we talk about the Cr 2032 and 2025 batteries it is important that we have a clear understanding of what a simple battery is.

    A battery is simply a collection of cells connected in a parallel or series circuit. These cells are metal-based devices that convert the chemical energy they contain into electrical energy. They accomplish this through an electrochemical redox reaction.

    A battery is made up of three parts: the cathode, the anode, and the electrolyte. The positive terminal of the battery is the cathode, and the negative terminal is the anode. In its molten state, the electrolyte is an ionic compound containing free-moving positive and negative ions. When the two terminals are connected to a circuit, a reaction between the anode and the electrolyte occurs, resulting in electron transfer from the anode to the cathode. The movement of electrons is what generates electricity.

    There are two types of batteries:

    • Primary batteries: These types of batteries can only be used once and then must be thrown away.
    • Secondary batteries: These types of batteries can be recharged and so be used again and again.

    What Is the Cr 2032 Battery?

    The Cr 2032 battery is a non-rechargeable battery which means that it can only be used once and so will have to be replaced for further usage of a device.

    It’s a coin cell battery that uses lithium chemistry and is very powerful as it has a 235 Mah battery capacity. Due to this high battery capacity, it is also longer lasting than other batteries. As a result of this high power and durability, it’s also pricier than other batteries.

    Following are the technical specifications of the 2032 battery:

    Nominal Voltage3V
    Nominal capacity235 Mah
    Dimensions20mm x 3.2mm
    Operating temperature-20°C to +60°C
    A table showing the technical specifications of the 2032 battery
     A Cr 2032 battery
    A Cr 2032 battery

    What Is the Cr 2025 Battery?

    The Cr 2025 battery is also a non-rechargeable type battery so any product using this battery will need replacement of batteries in the future.

    This battery is similar to the cr 2032 battery in design as it is also a coin cell battery and uses lithium. It has a relatively low battery capacity of 175 Mah due to which it isn’t long-lasting and durable. However, this is what makes it perfect for small devices that require low current production.

    This battery is also relatively cheaper because of its low battery capacity and low durability which makes it affordable and perfect to use for small products like toys and pocket calculators.

    Following are the technical specifications of the Cr 2025 battery:

    Nominal voltage3V
    Nominal capacity170 Mah
    dimensions20mm x 2.5mm
    Operating temperature-30°C to +60°C
    A table showing the technical specifications of the 2025 battery
    A Cr 2025 battery
    A Cr 2025 battery

    Factors Affecting Battery Life:

    Battery life is a very important thing to consider when buying a new battery. There are several factors that affect battery life. You should know about these factors and consider them when buying a new battery.

    • The type of battery you use: Lithium-ion batteries tend to have the longest life, followed by nickel-metal hydride and lead-acid batteries.
    • The discharge rate: Batteries discharge faster when they are used at a higher rate.
    • The temperature: Batteries discharge faster in warmer temperatures.
    • The age of the battery: Batteries tend to have a shorter life as they age.
    • Storage area: you would want a battery kept in a controlled area away from physical damage.
    A video talking about what affects battery life

    How Long Do Cr 2032 And 2025 Batteries Last?

    Now that we have discussed the importance of battery life and the factors that impact the life of a battery let’s talk about the battery life of the Cr 2032 and 2025.

    Cr 2032: Energizer claims that under a controlled environment their coin cell batteries can last up to 10 years. The Cr 2032 battery can generally last about 10 years because of its high energy capacity of 235 Mah. However, the battery life also depends on other factors as we have discussed above. An important factor that affects the battery life is what the battery is being used for. If the device consumes a lot of energy then the battery will be drained quickly.

    Cr 2025: The Cr 2025 battery is also a coin cell battery so it should last up to 10 years. However, because of its low battery capacity of 170 Mah, its battery life is around 4-5 years. Once again this is just an estimate and the actual battery life may differ depending on the use of the battery and other conditions.

    What Are the Uses of the Cr 2032 Battery?

    The Cr 2032 battery because of its high energy capacity is used in devices that require high energy production. It’s generally used in the following devices:

    • LED lights
    • Sporting goods
    • Pedometers
    • Hearing aids
    • Monitor scans
    • Door chimes

    What Are the Uses of the Cr 2025 Battery?

    The Cr 2025 battery has a lower battery capacity compared to the Cr 2032. It’s used in products that require low current production. Following are the products that use Cr 2025 battery:

    The Top Manufacturers of The Cr 2032 and 2025 battery:

    • Duracell
    • Energizer
    • Panasonic
    • Philips
    • Maxell
    • Murata

    What Are the Similarities Between the Cr 2025 and Cr 2032?

    The Cr 2025 and Cr 2032 batteries have a lot of similarities as they both belong to the same manufacturer.

    The first similarity between the two is that they both use lithium chemistry to produce electricity which is also the reason they have the same name Cr.

    Secondly, both batteries are coin cell batteries and have the same voltage of 3v. They also have similarities in their dimensions as both measure 20mm in diameter.

    Lastly, both these devices can be used to power small devices like pocket calculators, watches, toys, laser pens, and calculators.

    Cr 2032 vs. Cr 2025 Battery: What’s The Difference?

    Now that we have discussed what the Cr 20232 and 2025 batteries are in detail, I can now move on to explain the main differences between them.

    The first visible difference between the two batteries is their size. The 2032 battery is thicker than the 2025 battery as it measures 3.2 mm wide whereas the 2025 battery measures 2.5 mm wide. The batteries also differ in terms of weight. The 2032 battery is heavier than the 2025 battery as it has a weight of 3.0 grams and the 2025 battery has a weight of 2.5 grams.

    The second difference between the two is their energy capacity. The 2032 battery has an energy capacity of 235 Mah whereas the 2025 battery has a capacity of 170 Mah. It is due to this difference in energy capacity that the two batteries are used in different devices. For example, the 2032 battery is used in devices that require high current production like LED lights, and the 2025 battery is used in devices like mini calculators.

    The last notable difference between the two battery types is their price and battery life. The 2032 battery has a longer battery life because of its 225 Mah battery. Because of this reason the 2032 battery is also more expensive than the 2025 battery.

    Battery type20322025
    Nominal capacity235170
    Operating temperature-20°C to +60°C-30°C to +60°C
    Dimensions20mm x 3.2mm20mm x 2.5mm
    Weight3.0 grams2.5 grams
    A table discussing the difference between the 2025 and 2032 battery


    • Batteries are a group of cells joined together in a parallel or series circuit. They’re devices that transform chemical energy into electrical energy.
    • The Cr 20232 and Cr 2025 batteries are coin cell batteries with similar uses and the same manufacturer,
    • Both the batteries use Lithium chemistry and have the same diameter too.
    • The major differences between the two are their energy capacity, dimensions, operating temperature, and weight.
    • The Cr 2032 is more expensive because of its higher energy capacity and long-lasting battery life.
    • Battery life depends on many factors which are important to consider when purchasing a new battery.

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