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What is the Difference Between ESFP and ESFJ? (Facts Explained)

What is the Difference Between ESFP and ESFJ? (Facts Explained)

ESFP and ESFJ are two different personality types with different traits and personalities. They have different characteristics and preferences.

Extraverted, Observant, Feeling, and Prospecting (ESFP) are personality traits that describe an Entertainer. These people like living life to the fullest, passionately engaging in activities, and delighting in the unknown. They can be gregarious, frequently enticing others to participate in group activities. 

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator identifies 16 personality types, including ESFJ, commonly known as “The Caregiver” or “The Consul.” ESFJs are gregarious, loyal, organized, and tender-hearted people. Interacting with other individuals provides energy to ESFJs.

Continue reading to know more detail about these two personality types and what is the difference between them.

What Personality Type Is ESFP?

One of Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers’ sixteen personality types is referred to as an ESFP. Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving is the acronym for Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.

ESFP describes a person who is energized by spending time with others (Extraverted), who prefers to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and organized (Sensing), who prefers to focus on true facts and explanation in spite of aims and objectives (Sensing), who decides things focused mainly on feelings, ethics, and morals (Feeling), and select to be impulsive, adjustable, and flexible rather than planned and organized (Feeling) (Perceiving).

Because of their lively, energetic attitude, ESFPs are also referred to as Performer personalities.ESFPs are charismatic entertainers who captivate and enthrall people around them.

They are impulsive, active, and fun-loving, and they like everything around them, including food, clothing, nature, animals, and, most importantly, people. 

ESFPs are often outgoing and conversational, with a great zest for life. They prefer to be at the center of attention and in the middle of the activity. They have a fun, open sense of humor and enjoy attracting others and assisting them in having a good time.

ESFP are Outgoing and Extroverts
ESFP are outgoing and extroverts

ESFP Values and Motives

ESFPs are persons who are focused on the present now and love what life has to offer. They are intensely aware of their environment and take pleasure in the sights, sounds, smells, and textures that they encounter.

ESFPs like to keep themselves engaged, thus they have hobbies, sports, activities, and friends to keep them active. Because they prefer to live in the moment rather than prepare ahead, they can become overextended when there are too many pleasant things to do. Losing out on the fun times irritates an ESFP.

ESFPs are known for their fun-loving personalities, yet they are also sensible and down-to-earth. They’re grounded in reality and are usually acutely aware of the facts and details in their surroundings, particularly when it comes to people.

They are aware of people and their needs, and they are quick to offer help. ESFPs like to help others, especially in noticeable and sensible ways.

What Do Others think of an ESFP?

ESFPs are often the light of the party, amusing and engaging others with their sense of humor and energy. They pay attention to whether other people are having a good time and try their utmost to ensure that everyone has a nice time.

ESFPs may take the lead in getting everyone involved in an active diversion at home in their physical environment. ESFPs are generally warm and likable, but they can be difficult to approach. While they’re open, they’re hesitant to be serious or talk about negative topics.

ESFPs are highly sensitive to their surroundings and gravitate toward appealing colors and textures. They choose clothes and other accessories with great attention and care more often.

ESFPs are frequently dressed in sensuous fabrics or bright, dazzling colors to reflect their increased attentiveness. They’re always on top of the current trends and enjoy introducing new places and experiences to others around them.

ESFP are center of attention
ESFP is the center of attention

What Personality Type is ESFJ?

ESFJ is an acronym that stands for one of Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers’ sixteen personality types. Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging are the acronyms for ESFJ.

ESFJ describes someone who is energized by spending time with others (Extraverted), who prefers to be planned and organized rather than spontaneous and flexible (Sensing), who is more concerned with facts and details than with ideas and concepts, and who makes decisions based on feelings and values (Feeling). ESFJs are commonly referred to as Provider personalities because of their desire to help others in practical ways.  ESFJs are diligent helpers who are sensitive to others’ needs and enthusiastic about their obligations.

They are intensely aware of their emotional environment and sensitive to the sentiments of others as well as how others perceive them. ESFJs like a sense of unity and collaboration in their environment, and they are ready to please and offer. 

ESFJs value tradition and devotion, and their family and friends are usually their main priority. They give freely of their time, effort, and feelings.

They frequently take on other people’s problems as if they were their own, and they will try to use their considerable organizing skills to bring order to other people’s life.

Characteristics of an ESFJ

  • Take pleasure in assisting people. 
  • Requires approval.
  • Expect others to recognize and appreciate their kind and giving ways. 
  • Be aware of other people’s needs and feelings. 
  • Be able to respond quickly and provide the care that individuals require. 
  • Would like to be liked by others.
  • Unkindness or disinterest can easily injure you. 
  • External sources, such as the community at large, rather than intrinsic, ethical, and moral norms, are used to form their value system.

ESFJ Values and Motives

ESFJs follow a rigid moral code and want others to do so as well. They frequently perceive things in black-and-white, right-and-wrong terms, and they aren’t shy about sharing their assessments of others’ actions.

ESFJs endeavors for balancing and association and believe that the right way to get this is for everyone to obey the same set of norms.

They have a sense of order in how people interact with one another, and they frequently take on responsibilities that allow them to assist in enforcing that order.

ESFJs have a strong sense of personal responsibility for the needs of others and are usually willing to participate and assist.

They are usually serious and realistic, putting duty above pleasure, especially when it comes to caring for others. They prefer routine and frequently follow a set of rules that allows them to be organized and productive.

ESFJ are Organized For Their Future
ESFJ are organized and plan for their future

What Do Others Think of an ESFJ?

ESFJs are frequently seen in the role of host or hostess. They are quick to assume the position of organizer and want to make sure that everyone is taken care of. Committee leader, event organiser, and church volunteers are all good fits for the ESFJ.

They’re usually involved in their communities and work hard to ensure that the social order is maintained. ESFJs are fascinated by other people and like learning about their life.

Many ESFJs enjoy gossip, and they enjoy sharing stories about the people in their lives. ESFJs have a strong moral code that governs their actions and expectations of others.

They frequently hold strong beliefs on how people should act and what the correct course of action is. Manners and other social rules are frequently of significant interest to ESFJs. They may think in black-and-white, right-and-wrong terms.

They can be harsh with people who they believe are not acting properly, but they have the best of intentions: they simply want everyone to obey the rules so that they can all get along.

The ESFJ is concerned about the well-being of those around them and may become overly interested in their troubles and concerns.


ESFPs have a more free-spirited and spontaneous approach to their relationships. ESFJs, on the other hand, are more structured and strategic when it comes to maintaining connections. Both extraverted sensing feelers have various groups of pals for whom they will go to great lengths.

Experiencing and Expressing

People-oriented ESFPs find happiness through trips with friends. They could be investigating local coffee shops in the town next to them for one second. They may be buying a flight across the globe for a getaway the next second. 

Extraverted sense, the major function of ESFPs, allows them to process their environment fast, making them fantastic explorers with a million reasons to savor each moment. 

ESFJs, on the other hand, use a number of love languages to express their love and gratitude for others, including quality time, acts of service, words of affirmation, physical touch, and presents. They’re outspoken about who they prefer spending time with and who they avoid.

As a result, they spend the majority of their time talking about other people and what they’ve been up to. For example:

  • Uncle Paul, have you been working on your deck lately?
  • Is Aunt Helen’s flower shop still open for business?

ESFJs, in a nutshell, enjoy talking about people.

Values and Memories

Because of their auxiliary function, and introverted feelings, ESFPs have strong values on which they base their connections and decisions.

They usually develop these beliefs as a young adolescent and strengthen them as they get older: via heartbreaks, rejections, and problems. 

ESFPs have the potential to be highly creative artists who can touch many people’s hearts. They frequently possess the gift of gab, which makes them good public speakers and podcast hosts.

ESFJs, on the other hand, make decisions based on how their actions will affect others’ feelings. What kind of aid has a buddy provided in the past, and what is their track record of dependability? 

Traditions are important to ESFJs, and they maintain a lot of old albums of joyful times, memorable occasions, and emotional artifacts.

They like the warm rush of nostalgia that comes with revisiting these memories, and they are able to effortlessly express their feelings to others. Introverted sensing, their auxiliary function, is in charge of everything.

Methods and Ideas

On the surface, ESFPs appear relaxed and chaotic, but they have the ability to organize if the circumstance requires it. They can adapt to guidelines and rules thanks to their tertiary function, extraverted thinking.

They want facts about what transpired in an argument: what, when, where, and who. The “Why?” is rarely important to ESFPs, and they deliberately ask guidance from their inherent friends.

In elementary school, they may find one or two more strict courses, such as arithmetic or chemistry, to be pleasantly enjoyable.

ESFJs, on the other hand, have a hidden talent for brainstorming and, because of their shared extraverted intuition, may bring out the best in their colleagues who thrive at ideation.

They enjoy talking about their future plans with pals and meticulously planning every aspect, from restaurants to Airbnbs. 

More open-ended hobbies, such as creative writing, visiting art galleries, improv, and stand-up comedy, can help ESFJs develop their more creative side.

Reasoning and Hunches

When stressed, ESFPs become paranoid and pessimistic about their future. They’ll begin to feel that a single negative occurrence will snowball into a larger one, which can become self-fulfilling.

When individuals begin to catastrophize their lives, their thoughts may become their reality. Because of their paranoia, ESFPs will cease taking risks and instead “play it safe” to avoid harm and further setbacks.

ESFJs, on the other hand, shrink and become critical of minor things that are unrelated to the bigger issue at hand when they are stressed.

Their loved ones will be concerned because they will become extremely critical and negative. ESFJs will demand precision and place a higher emphasis on facts over others’ feelings, which can lead to irritability and disappointment.

Their thinking will grow more inflexible, and they will be able to respond to tragedies with a detached, annoying attitude.

Career Preference

ESFPs are more impulsive and want a vocation that matches their high levels of energy. Elementary school teachers, nurses, waitresses, bartenders, social workers, performers, and travel agents are all possible careers for them. 

ESFJs, on the other hand, yearn for a job where they can work with others, lead, and inspire others. Retail managers, school nurses, event planners, fundraisers, and special education teachers are all jobs that ESFJs enjoy.

Strengths-Positive and gregarious
-Enjoys socializing
-Focus on the present
-Loyal and kind
-Reliable and practical
Weakness-Dislike abstract theories
-Gets bored easily
-Doesn’t plan for the future
-Seek approval
-Dislike change
Comparing ESFP and ESFJ
Comparing ESFJs to ESFPs


  • ESFPs are people and experience-focused thrill-seekers.
  • They despise norms and regularity, which is understandable given that they believe their purpose is to bring peace, sympathy, and support to people’s lives.
  • They’re both warm and compassionate, as well as practical. 
  • The ESFJ is driven by a sense of responsibility and is people-focused and action-oriented.
  • ESFJs are cooperative and helpful pragmatists who dislike anything vague and prefer practical answers to human problems, and they will work hard to achieve this.
  • The ESFJ, who are extremely organized and good planners, can become overly controlling in their attempt to help others, believing that their way is the best.

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