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What is the Difference Between Turquoise and Teal? (Facts Revealed)

What is the Difference Between Turquoise and Teal? (Facts Revealed)

The world seems to be dominated by home décor and fashion trends at the moment. Many people desire to be revitalized and to view life with optimism in all areas. 

The most beautiful hues in the world are turquoise and teal. They can be discovered in lakes, woodlands, and other tropical environments. The blue color family includes these two hues. 

What, then, is the primary distinction between the colors turquoise and teal? While turquoise is a hue of greenish-blue, teal is a deep tone of the same color.

Many people are frequently perplexed by the striking resemblance between teal and turquoise. However, these blue-tinged colors are fantastic for decorating a coastal property. 

In a table, this article lists other distinctions between teal and turquoise.

What Is Turquoise?

A variation of greenish-blue is turquoise. The gemstone of the same color bears this name. In addition, turquoise’s Hexa triplet is #40e0D0. It combines a light blue and green hue.

Copper and aluminum hydrous phosphates make up the mineral known as turquoise. It has an opaque, blue-to-green color.

The mineral has been coveted as a gem and ornamental stone for thousands of years due to its distinctive color and is uncommon and precious in finer grades.

The gemstone has been revered for thousands of years as a holy stone, a bringer of luck, or a talisman in many civilizations.

The sky-blue gemstones were frequently adorned around the wrist or neck as a form of anti-unnatural death defense. If they changed hue, it was believed that the wearer had cause to be alarmed by the impending end.

Psychological Insights and Significance of Turquoise Color

Turquoise has been shown to shift colors, in the meanwhile. Light, a chemical reaction brought on by cosmetics, dust, or the skin’s acidity, or all, may be to blame for the change!

Between blue and green on the color wheel comes the shade of blue known as turquoise. It shares traits with both of colors, such as the tranquilly of blue and the growth symbolized by green.

The energy that yellow emits may also be found in turquoise, making it a positive color. Aquamarine and turquoise are similar stones that have a deep connection to the ocean’s color. As a result, it’s comparable to tranquilly and quiet.

Turquoise can be associated with emotional balance in addition to being a color that harmonizes the hues of blue, green, and yellow.

This color has a calming and steady effect on the eye. It has similar associations to blue with mental clarity and creativity. It is a color that promotes introspection and a focus on one’s own requirements, ideas, and emotions.

Turquoise is associated with calmness, but it can also mean placing more emphasis on a person’s spiritual and intellectual qualities than their emotional ones.

Turquoise's hexadecimal code is #40e0D0
Turquoise’s hexadecimal code is #40e0D0

What Is Teal?

A medium to deep blue-green hue, teal. It’s created by mixing a white base with blue and green colors. The Eurasian teal, a common freshwater duck with a bluish-green stripe running from its eye area to the back of its head, is the source of the name.

People started referring to the color as “teal” towards the beginning of the 20th century. A cognate of the Middle Dutch telling and Middle Low German link gave rise to the teal we see today.

One of the four inks used in color printing, cyan, is thought of as a darker variation of teal. It was one of the initial 16 web colors that HTML established in 1987. While teal also blends green and blue, its lesser saturation makes it more aesthetically pleasing.

Teal combines the calming steadiness of blue with the upbeatness and healing qualities of green. The color teal represents calmness, harmony in the mind and spirit, and repose.

Understanding the Psychological Traits Associated with Teal

The serene shade exudes a natural dignity that is neither forced nor overt. Teal’s subtle elegance promotes a contemplative, meditative state of mind.

Brighter teal hues are original and sophisticated. Teal-colored people are trustworthy and self-reliant people. They naturally think independently and are innovative.

A teal lover has a calm and considerate personality. He or she probably has a knack for negotiating and coming to an agreement.

On the other side, those drawn to teal may come off as snobbish and prone to overanalyzing every circumstance. Instead of acting on their desires, they could overthink things.

Teal has the hexadecimal value of #008080
Teal has the hexadecimal value of #008080

Colors That Compliment Turquoise and Teal

You must look at the opposite shade on the color wheel to choose the optimal complementary and desired color. 

For instance, the other side of the color wheel from greenish-blue is reddish-orange. Consequently, reddish-orange is the ideal complement to greenish-blue. 

Since teal and turquoise are various tones of greenish-blue, various tones of reddish-orange will go together flawlessly.

The best complimentary colors for turquoise are:

The best complementary colors for teal are:

Difference Between Turquoise and Teal

Although both colors are greenish-blue, they each have distinctive qualities that set them apart from one another. Here are some examples of how the two hues differ from one another:


Dark greenish-blue with a stronger green undertone, teal is a color. Turquoise, on the other hand, is a vivid blue-to-green hue that tends to lean more cyan.


Despite having numerous similarities, teal and turquoise come from quite different origins. The Eurasian teal bird, which has a similar-colored stripe on its head, is the source of the color teal. 

As an alternative, the turquoise hue comes from the named gem. The name “turquoise” itself comes from the French word “torques,” which means “Turkish.” It’s because Turkey is where the turquoise gem originally arrived in Europe.


In terms of culture, teal is a special hue that draws special people. It is well-liked by those who meditate and enjoy contemplation. People who declare teal as their favorite color are frequently loyal and thoughtful

Turquoise, on the other hand, is revered as a gemstone in some cultures. People use it as a necklace or a bracelet to ward against danger and bring good fortune.


Teal is frequently used to signify positivity, nature, serenity, and peace of mind. It’s a very classy hue that combines the splendor of green and blue. Turquoise, on the other hand, is more frequently linked to upbeat, positive energy.

Color Composition

Both teal and turquoise have unique color combinations in the RGB color space

For instance, turquoise is composed of 78.4 percent blue, 83.5 percent green, and 18.8 percent red, compared to 0 percent red, 50.2 percent green, and 50.2 percent blue in the color teal. In addition, turquoise has a pale tint, whereas teal has a dark one.

Teal color shades are darker
Teal color shades are darker compared to turquoise.

Comparison Table

Here’s a table that shows a comparison between turquoise and teal:

Basis of ComparisonTurquoiseTeal
Origin Of The NameThe blue-green Turquoise gemstone mineral is where the word “turquoise” originatedThe word “teal” comes from the name of a common bird, the teal, which typically has a contrasting color line on its head
Colour DescriptionIt has a greenish-blue hue to itIt has a bluish-green tint 
Hexadecimal CodeTurquoise’s hexadecimal code is #40E0D0Teal has the hexadecimal value of #008080
Complementary ColorsTurquoise is a stylish color that goes well with a variety of other hues, including yellow, pink, maroon, and even whiteTeal is a very diverse color, and it pairs beautifully with a wide range of other hues, including red, burgundy, maroon, yellow, magenta, silver, and cobalt blue
Colour PsychologyTurquoise represents calmness, assurance, peace of mind, wholeness, spiritual grounding, energy, and mental clarity in color psychologyTeal represents renewal, honest communication, faith, and mental clarity according to color psychology
Comparing Some Characteristics of Turquoise and Teal
Watch This Video to Know About the Real difference between Cyan, Teal, and Turquoise

Similarities Between Turquoise and Teal

Due to their close resemblance, teal and turquoise can be difficult for some individuals to distinguish from one another. 

Both hues are variations of a greenish-blue. They are a mixture of various shades of green and blue. 

Teal, on the other hand, is darker and has a stronger green-than-blue skew. Turquoise, on the other hand, is paler and has a stronger blue-than-green skew.


  • Turquoise and teal, both greenish-blue, differ in tone and depth.
  • Turquoise is lighter with a cyan touch, while teal is deeper and greener.
  • Turquoise signifies calmness and mental clarity from its gemstone origins.
  • Teal symbolizes renewal and honest communication, linked to the Eurasian teal bird.
  • Complementary colors for turquoise include yellow, pink, and maroon. And for teal, it’s red, burgundy, and yellow.
  • Both hues share similarities but differ in intensity and color composition.
  • Turquoise has a lighter tint. In contrast, teal exhibits a darker, stronger green hue.
  • These colors represent diverse emotional and mental states in color psychology.

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