Git Pull VS Git Pull Origin Master: Explained

When it comes to tracking history, allowing collaboration, and creating backups for source code management, Git is one of the most commonly used version control systems to allow these unique features.

Invented in 2015 by Linus Torvald, Git is a commonly used open-source distributed version control system to develop several types of commercial and noncommercial projects.

Its main objective is to support non-linear developments with effective speed and can handle large projects deliberately. One of its prominent uses is that it helps in tracking codes by storing them in the version of its repository, which is named GitHub.

With its numerous uses, Git also has several functions, such as Git Pull, Git Add, Git Commit, Git Push, and Git Clone, that have unique features and perform specific tasks.

A Git Pull and a Git Pull Origin Master both are commands of git, and we often use or write the ‘git pull’ as a ‘git pull origin master. This does not mean both the commands are the same. Both have some differences between them that are essential to know.

Talking about their functional differences, Git Pull only works if the branch you have checked is tracking an upstream branch. Whereas, Git Pull Origin master commits fetches from the master of the origin remote. Then it merges the master into the branch you currently checked out.

There are many facts and differences to know about Git Pull and Git Pull Origin Master, so read till the end as I will go through it all at once.

What is a Git Pull?

Git Pull is a Git command used to fetch and download content from a local repository and update the local version of a repository from a remote to match that content.

The repository is central in which data or content is stored or managed. Merging remote upstream changes is common in the Git-based collaboration of two commands.

Similarly, the Git Pull command combines two other commands, Git Fetch followed by Git Merge. When Git Pull comes into action, it accomplishes two tasks by default.

  • It updates the tracking branch for all other branches.
  • It also updates the current working branch (that is currently checked out)

Firstly, the Git Pull runs the Git Fetch command, which downloads content remotely from the specified repository. Here is when Git Merge comes into action—it is executed to merge the remote content and references and head in a new local merge commit. Git Pull only works if the branch you checked tracks an upstream branch.

Git Pull is among the commands that claim the responsibility of ‘syncing’ the remote content.

The git pull is a command of Git which is used to track the source code.
The Git Pull is a command of Git that is used to track the source code.

Git Pull and Git Push: are they the same?

Beginners often wonder how Git Pull compares to Git Push. They’re comparable because they’re both Git instructions that deal with network activities.

When it comes to outcomes, however, they are diametrically opposed processes.

Getting commits from the remote is the definition of pulling. Sending stuff to the remote is what pushing means.

Is Git Pull and Git Fetch the same?

Git Pull and Git Fetch are two commands often used by Git users. Although both differ, some new learners struggle to identify differences as Git Fetch plays a key role in the Git Pull command.

Git Fetch is a primary command for downloading content from the remote repository. Git Fetch is not used for downloading, but in conjunction with the git branch, git checks out, git remote, and git reset to update a local repository into a remote state.

Git Fetch tells your local git to retrieve the latest metadata information to the original, yet does not play a significant role in transferring files and plays a key role in checking changes. Whereas, the Git Pull transfers files as well as copies those changes from the remote repository.

Regarding their comparison, the Git Pull is a more advanced action, allowing you to introduce and apply changes to your currently checked-out branch. You can watch this video for a better understanding that Git Pull and Git Fetch are not the same.

Check this video out.

Video on the differences between Git Fetch and Git Pull for your better understanding.

What is a Git Pull Origin Master?

A person typing on their laptop
Git Pull Origin commits grab data from the origin remote’s master.

Git Pull Origin Master is a command that fetches and updates a specific brand called master and origin in the remote repository.

The default branch in this Git is the mastered branch and keeps updating frequently. The Git Pull Origin Master will pull changes and master branches from the origin remote and merge them to the local checked-out branch.

In simple words, Git Pull Origin commits fetches from the master of the origin remote. Then, it merges the master into the branch you currently checked out.

What are ‘Origin’ and ‘Master’ in Git?

As discussed above, you might have noticed that the terms ‘origin’ and ‘master’ are reputed several times. Many of you might be unfamiliar with these terms and feel confused.

No need to be puzzled as I will be going through it most simply.

Origin in Git

In the simplest form, the word origin is described as the place from where something is derived or begins. The same meaning can be applied to ‘origin‘ in Git.

The origin is the name given to the remote repository from where we can clone the repository.

In simple words, it is used instead of the repository’s URL, making the referencing much more convenient. It is the standard name given to the repository from where our local repository originated.

Master in Git

Master is a default that Git gives to a branch when we create a new repository. At the time when a new Git repository is initialized it only has one branch that is named master.

This branch has up-to-date, final, production-ready code. Other branches will be created based on some commit of this branch. Other branches eventually merge into the master branch.

We can rename the branch of our master branch to something else. The word ‘master’ is just to donate or associate with the main branch of our repository.

A statuette of octa-cat that is depicted in the logo of Github
Master simply means giving or associating with our repository’s primary branch.

Git Pull vs. Git Pull Origin Master: What creates the differences?

Git pull and Git pull origin master are two commands of Git. Although both spell it similarly and have similar functions, these commands cannot be regarded as the same as they have differences. Below are the key differences between Git pull and Git pull master

Git pull Git pull origin master
DefinitionIt is a command that Git fetch followed by Git merge.It is a command in Git that fetches specific branches called master and origin.
FunctionIt commits fetches from the master of the origin remote, and then it merges the master into the branch you currently checked outIt commits fetches from the master of the origin remote, and then it merges the master into the branch you currently checked out.
Key distinctions between Git Pull and Git Pull Origin Master

Git Pull Rebase vs. Git Rebase: What are the differences between them?

The Git Pull Rebase is a method for bringing your development branch up to date. The Git Rebase command conducts a rebase, from the word itself.

In simple words, the Git Pull Rebase is a way to go when you intend to bring your development branch up to date. It allows you to detach from the diverged point and replug it onto the top of another branch.

Whereas the git rebase performs a rebase, or in simple words, it rewrites the history. It will fetch changes from a remote and rebase or replug your changes on top of it. It records changes you made not on the remote and replays them starting from the last fetch.


  • Git is a widely used version control system for managing source code. It enables collaboration and helps in tracking history.
  • Git Pull and Git Pull Origin Master are two Git commands that serve different purposes.
  • Git Pull fetches and downloads content from a local repository. And it updates the local version from a remote source. While also updating the tracking and working branches.
  • Git Pull is essentially a combination of Git Fetch followed by Git Merge.
  • Git Pull Origin Master fetches data from the master branch of the origin remote repository. And it merges it into the currently checked-out branch.
  • ‘Origin’ refers to the remote repository from which the local repository was cloned, and ‘Master’ is the default main branch in Git.
  • Git Pull and Git Pull Origin Master are distinct commands. Both have unique functions and objectives.
  • Using either Git Pull or Git Pull Origin Master command is beneficial when one knows its tasks, features, functions, and objectives.

In summary, Git Pull and Git Pull Origin Master are essential Git commands with distinct roles in managing source code. A clear understanding of their functions leads to efficient control of version and collaboration.

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