He Vs. Him- A Detailed Comparison

The English language has its own set of rules and components that have made it a unique and international medium of conversation. Several parts together help this language with fluency and success.

Grammar is the main focus while considering accuracy. Along with that, nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives help us make meaningful sentences and phrases.

He, she, it, and they are some of the most commonly used pronouns. People wonder about the difference between the usage of “him” and “he”. 

He is a pronoun that is used in place of a name in a sentence (a noun). “He” is an object pronoun that is used to replace a name in a sentence that is used as an object (the verb’s action is directed at it). For example, I adore him.

Today, we’ll have a broader look at both of these pronouns and the way they’re used in our daily conversions. I’ll also address various other ambiguities related to the pronouns and grammatical errors we make while writing and conversing in English.

Stay connected till the end.

How Can You Differentiate Between He And Him?

He is a personal pronoun, whereas he is an objective pronoun.

For example, David is a nice guy. He’s also a very good cook. “He refers to David, who is used as a subject in the first sentence.

In case of referring to something to someone, we use “him”. “The knife belongs to David. “You can replace David with him here.

He owns that knife. Here we can see that, to know the owner of the knife, we use the word “him”. As a result, when referring to or identifying the belonging, we use “him,” whereas he is a pronoun for a male person.

I hope this is clear to you.

A photograph of several sticky notes having present simple tenses written on them and spread on a brown slab
The colorful sticky notes represent the present simple tense of “to be.”

Is It Proper To Say “This Is She” Or “This Is Her?”

In colloquial terms, this is her is making sense while “This is she” is completely meaningless and incorrect.

Some people will think you’re wrong no matter how you say it. This sentence was probably frozen in form as a result of secretarial training or something.

If someone asks who this is, we usually respond with the person’s name rather than “This is her”. Therefore, the right way is to refer to the name In case we compare the phrases “This is her” and “This is she,” the second one is considered accurate.

In all other cases, however, we all use the objective case. 

For example, if someone asks, 
  • That person you saw on a bike at midnight last night? It was you? The answer would be, That’s right, it was me.
  • Who is the person in the photo? That would be me.
  • Which of these gentlemen is your boyfriend? That’s him (by pointing at the person).

These examples might have helped you know the correct sentences between “This is she, or This is her”. Isn’t it?

Which Of The Following Is Correct: “Where Is he?” Or “Where Is Him?”

I would say both “he” and “him” are personal pronouns. He is the object of his gaze, just as I-me, we-our, she-her, and they-their are. Pronouns are used to avoid repeating the noun in the sentence.

Consider the following examples:

  • David had his father admitted to the national hospital.
  • Ayesha goes to the school with her son to drop him off.
  • When police arrived at the accident site, it was a bloodbath.

The personal pronouns with their respective objects are he-him-his, Ayesha-her, site-it, and so on in the preceding sentences.

The question “Where is he?” is correct. If your sentence had been longer, it would have said something like, “Where is he? I need to speak with him. You could have made it more clear.

There are various methods to use one sentence with several pronouns. Some of these examples show us their correct usage and meaningful phrases that can be structured.

To know more about the comparison between him/her and it/her, click the play button.

What Exactly Is The Distinction Between He/Him, He/They, And They/Them?

There are some considerable variations among all of these pronouns. He/him is one gendered pronoun pair. They/them are a pair of gender-neutral pronouns.

He/they are a mixed pronoun, with two sets of pronouns, one gendered and one not.

In addition, people with he/they prefer people who alternate between he/him set and they/them set when referring to them.

I like him, and he likes me. The first verb’s subject is ‘he,’ and the second verb’s object is ‘him.” He enjoys eating sandwiches, but they irritate my stomach. Here, the first one is singular, while the second one is plural.

When I arrived at the station, my parents informed me that they had brought their cats with them. (‘They’ is a subject pronoun, but ‘them’ is an object pronoun.)

We can see that the contrast is generally between the genders and the number of people, which leads to the use of the pronoun.

A concept of parts of speech, with several wooden cards spread on a wooden background
pronouns are a part of speech; words are used to replace nouns.

Which Of The Following Is Correct: He or Him?

It sounds very formal to say, “It is he”. ‘It is him’ is grammatically correct and widely used.

Subjects and predicate nominatives are written with “He”. While, “Him” is used for prepositional objects, direct objects, and indirect objects. You could rephrase the sentence: I most closely relate to him. He is the one I most identify with.

He is the one that I can relate to. I believe that the words “him” or “he” do not function as relative pronouns in either of the two sentences because they are not relative pronouns. Instead, an implicit relative pronoun appears in both sentences.

The case of he/him should be determined by other factors like the proper case after the linking verb, “is”. It should simply be a matter of determining which is more correct.

He is the one. Or, it is him.

As far as I have studied, the former ones seem to be correct. However, my understanding of colloquial English tells me that the phrase “it was him” is commonly used.

As a result, it seems right to me in terms of grammar and usage.

Should I Say “He” Or Him?

The pronouns “he” and “him” do not confuse normal usage because “he” is used when the pronoun is a subject, and “him” is used when a pronoun is an object that receives some action. 

However, in some sentences, it is unclear whether the pronoun is the verb’s or the preposition’s object.

He is a singular third-person male pronoun in the world of grammar. He is used to replacing the sentence’s male subject: it functions as a subject pronoun. This may appear to be complicated, but it is quite simple.

Consider the following sentences:

  • Dawood is on his way to school. Or we can write it as he is on his way to school.
  • The girl is driving himself to work. Or she’s driving himself to work.
  • Milly didn’t say anything like that. Or she didn’t say anything like that.
  • What on earth was Messy thinking? what on earth was he thinking?

Now we know where and when to use “He” or Him”.

Using Pronouns for Variety and Clarity in Sentences

As you can observe, he can take the place of the sentence’s masculine subject. You can just say him instead of Dawood or the man.

This helps to avoid repetition and adds variety to your sentences. This is also useful if you have already named the subject of the sentence and want to avoid repetition.

As an example:

  • Shaheer never lies, so he must be correct.
  • I trusted William because he was always honest.
  • Daniel is on his way, so he can drive us.

To avoid repetition, the pronoun replaces the second subject in sentences like, “Tommy doesn’t lie, so Tommy must be right.”

A photograph showing a man holding a flashcard with "Hello" "my pronouns are" written on it
There are so many pronouns, such as masculine, feminine, singular, and plural.

The tables below show some of the most commonly used objective and Subjective pronouns in the English Language and Literature.

First IWe
Second YouYou
Third He, She, ItThey
Subjective pronouns
First MeUs
Second YouYou
Third Him, It, HerThem
Objective pronouns

Is There a Distinction Between “He/Him” And “He/They”?

Yes, they have their distinctive usage. He and him, as well as she and her and it, are third-person singular pronouns. On the other hand, He, she, or it is used to refer to the subject of a sentence. 

He, she, or it is used to refer to the direct object of a sentence. It, him, and here are also used in phrases that begin with a preposition.

They are third-person plural pronouns that are used to refer to more than one person or object. It is used in the same way that he, she, or it is when it is the subject of a sentence.

The pronouns are used as direct objects when a third-person plural pronoun is required. I hope you found this information helpful in clearing your thoughts.

What Is His Name Or Who Is He?- Which One Is Correct?

According to several grammatical rules, “Who is he?” seems to be the correct way of asking a question. “Who is he?” is incorrect in standard grammatical English.

“Who exactly is “him”?” is an incorrect sentence. It looks wrong while speaking as well. It doesn’t make sense.

Contrary to that, if you were wondering who a person was referring to when they used the pronoun “him,” this would be acceptable.

What Exactly Do You Mean By Him?

“Him” is a pronoun in the third person singular. He refers to a man, a boy, or a male animal in terms of “Pronouns.”

“Tom’s aunt died unexpectedly and left him a lot of inheritance.” In this sentence, Tom is used first, and then “him” is used to refer to Tom. So, to relate an object, we use “him” in place of a noun.

Consider some more examples:

  • Is Romanian present? Allow me to speak with him.
  • And Elaine greeted him at the bus station upon his arrival.
  • My brother had a wonderful dog. I took care of him for about a week

On the other hand,

In written English, “he” is sometimes used to refer to a person without specifying whether the person is male or female. Many people prefer to use “him or her” or “them” instead of “him.”

We should intervene if the child sees the word “hear.” If the child sees the word ‘hear,’ we should explain that this is the root word in ‘hearing.’

Him as a singular pronoun,

In some religions, the word Him refers to God. God will assist you if you approach Him in humility and trust.

Thus, I’ve addressed different contextual examples to help you understand the idea of “him” and “his” in terms of correct grammar and usage.

Final Thoughts

Pronoun Basics:

  • Grammar is crucial for language accuracy, involving parts like nouns, verbs, pronouns, and adjectives.
  • Commonly used pronouns include he, she, it, and they.

He vs. Him:

  • “He” is a personal pronoun used as a subject, while “him” is an objective pronoun used as an object.
  • Examples clarify usage, like “David is a nice guy. He’s also a very good cook” (subject) vs. “The knife belongs to David. You can replace David with him” (object).

“This Is She” vs. “This Is Her”:

  • Colloquially, “This is her” is preferred over “This is she.”
  • Examples illustrate correct usage in specific scenarios, emphasizing responding with a name rather than “this is her.”

“Where Is He?” or “Where Is Him?”:

  • Both “he” and “him” are personal pronouns with distinct roles.
  • Clarification on using “he” for subjects and “him” for objects, avoiding ambiguity.

Variations in Pronouns – He/Him, He/They, They/Them:

  • Distinctions between gendered and gender-neutral pronouns explored.
  • Introduction of mixed pronouns like he/they, with examples highlighting singular and plural usage.

“He” or “Him” Usage:

  • Formality discussed, supporting the grammatical correctness of “It is him” over “It is he.”
  • Examples and considerations provided for clear understanding.

Navigating “He” and “Him” in Sentences:

  • Clear guidelines on when to use “he” or “him” in sentences.
  • Examples demonstrate the substitution of masculine subjects with pronouns to avoid repetition.

Understanding Pronoun Tables – Subjective and Objective:

  • Clear tables are presented for subjective and objective pronouns in singular and plural forms.
  • Serves as a quick reference for correct pronoun usage.

Conclusion – Distinction and Usage of “He” and “Him”:

  • Recap of the key differences: “he” as a subject pronoun, “him” as an object pronoun.
  • Reinforcement of their unique roles in replacing nouns with a nod to possessive forms like “his.”
  • Addressing common questions and ambiguities surrounding their usage.

Encouragement to Explore Further:

  • Invitation to delve into nuances of language with related articles, like “Into vs. Onto: What Is The Difference?” for continued learning.

Let’s take a look at the difference between into and onto with the help of this article: Into VS Onto: What Is The Difference? (Usage)

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