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Phase Difference Demystified: Magnetic vs. Electric Fields

Phase Difference Demystified: Magnetic vs. Electric Fields

Electric and magnetic forces combine to form electromagnetic waves. Electric fields are always in the direction of the electric charges, and magnetic fields are always in the direction of the magnetic poles. 

However, there is a phase difference between these two fields. The electric field is at its peak when it intersects the magnetic field, and the magnetic field is at its peak when it intersects the electric field.

The phase difference between the magnetic and electric fields in an electromagnetic wave refers to the displacement of the electric field relative to the magnetic field. This displacement can be measured in radians or degrees, depending on the context. 

Specifically, if the electric field is displaced by one wavelength relative to the magnetic field, then the phase difference is said to be 90 degrees. The phase difference is important because it determines how the wave will interact with other waves and objects it encounters.

In a linearly polarised electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic field components peak at the same time and go to zero at the same time. However, they point in different directions in space and are separated by an angle of 90 degrees.

Keep reading for more information.

What is Electromagnetic Wave Phase?

a line graph
The phase of an electromagnetic wave is the point in time at which a certain point on the wave has the same magnitude as an electric and magnetic field.

Electromagnetic waves are waves of electric and magnetic fields that propagate through the universe. They have a range of frequencies, or cycles per second, and can travel through air, water, and even some rocks. 

In most cases, two different electromagnetic waves with the same frequency will cancel out each other when they meet. However, there is a particular type of electromagnetic wave called a phase difference wave that travels in opposite directions through the same medium.

In physics, the phase of an electromagnetic wave is its angular position within the period of the waveform. Electromagnetic waves consist of electric and magnetic fields that oscillate perpendicular to each other and the direction of propagation. 

The phase difference between two waves is the difference in their respective phases. The phase can be measured in degrees, radians, or any other unit of measure. It can be positive or negative, depending on the direction of the wave’s cycle.

The Relation Between Magnetic Field and Electric Field

an atom
Electric currents create magnetic fields, and charges create electric fields.

The relation between the magnetic field and an electric field is complex. They are both forms of electric fields, and they both arise from electric currents. However, the way in which they interact is very different. Magnetic fields exert a force on electric currents, while electric fields push around magnetic fields.

Electric and magnetic fields are two forms of electric force that occur in nature. Electric fields arise from charges moving through a conductor, while magnetic fields are created by a current of electric current. The strength of the field is determined by the amount of charge moving through the conductor, and the direction of the current.

These fields are related in a number of ways. For example, electric fields are created by currents in wires, and magnetic fields are created by the spinning of particles within a magnet. Additionally, electric and magnetic fields can interact with one another to create new fields.

The electric field can be seen as the force that causes a current to flow in a wire, while the magnetic field is the force that causes a current to flow around a wire. The electric and magnetic fields are both affected by the speed of light.

In other words, the electric field and the magnetic field are two perpendicular fields that exist in a vacuum. The movement of electric charges creates the electric field, while the movement of electric current creates the magnetic field. The two fields are always parallel to one another.

What is the Phase Difference in Waves?

Phase difference in waves
The phase difference is the difference in the time it takes for waves to reach a certain point.

The Phase difference in waves is a phenomenon that occurs when two waves of the same type but with different frequencies are superimposed on one another. This causes the waves to interfere with each other, creating odd and unpredictable shapes in space.

The phase difference in waves refers to the difference in the arrival times of two waves that are traveling through the same medium. The difference in arrival times can be used to calculate the distance between the two waves and can also be used to determine how strong the wave is.

The phase difference in waves is the difference in the timing of two waves. This difference can be measured in terms of degrees, radians, or time. When two waves have the same frequency and amplitude, they will be in phase if they are perfectly aligned. 

If they are not perfectly aligned, then they will have a phase difference. This difference can be used to create interference patterns.

In other words, when two waves pass through each other, the peak of one wave will line up with the trough of the other wave. If the waves are out of sync, then the peaks and troughs will not line up, and there will be a phase difference between the two waves. 

This difference in timing can be used to measure distance since it can be used to calculate how long it took for the waves to travel between two points.

How Do You Find The Phase Difference?

You can calculate phase differences by finding the difference between the peaks of the waves.

There is no single answer to this question, as it depends on the application and the desired outcome. However, there are a few methods that can be used to find the phase difference. 

One method is to use a frequency divider, which will allow you to determine the difference in frequency between two signals. Another method is to use a oscilloscope or oscillograph, which will allow you to see the waveforms and determine the difference in phase between them.

The phase difference between two signals is simply the difference in their phases. This can be measured in degrees or radians, depending on the system being used. To find the phase difference between two signals, you first need to calculate the phase of each signal. Once you have the phase of each signal, you simply subtract them to find the phase difference.

In simple terms, the phase difference between two waves can be found by measuring the time it takes for the two waves to reach a certain point and then subtracting that time from the time it took for the first wave to reach that point. This will give you the time it took for the second wave to reach that point, and from there, you can calculate the phase difference.

Meaning of the Key Terms

Here’s a short and brief definition of the key terms used in this article, added in the following table for your better understanding.

FieldA field shows what an object would feel at a certain point in space because of a force.
Magnetic FieldA magnetic field is a field that describes the magnetic force exerted on an item in space.
Electric FieldA field defined by the amount of electric force at any given place in space is known as an electric field.
CurrentCurrent is the rate at which a charge travels across space.
The table contains a collection of brief definitions.


  • Electric and magnetic fields in waves differ. The impact of their interactions is different.
  • Phase difference defines displacement between these fields. It is a vital element for wave understanding.
  • Electromagnetic waves travel through space. Their interaction is based on their phase
  • Waves that intersect with different frequencies cause phase differences. And their interference also changes.
  • Magnetic and electric fields interact within waves.
  • Knowing phase differences helps control waves for tech and communication.
  • Fields in waves are perpendicular, molding wave traits.
  • Electric fields originate from charges. Magnetic fields from currents form the electromagnetic field.

If you want to learn more about the topic, here’s a video for you.

Similarities and dissimilarities between Electric and Magnetic Field

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