Marketer VS Salesman (The Difference)

Have you ever bought a product without seeing its advertisement or without hearing good reviews? Obviously not!

We believe what we see with our eyes, and this is why brands need to advertise.

While selling a product, people must be taught how it works and what the package includes, as when people are well-informed about a product, sales increase.

Brands hire a marketing team that persuades consumers to buy their goods and services. Marketers sell products by doing advertisements online and offline as well.

Every brand has its target audience because not everything is for everyone. For instance, beauty products are usually targeted toward women, toys for children, etc.

It is a marketer’s job to identify the target audience of a specific product and then give awareness, information, and inspiration to them as the common ground of every business is to make money and has its objectives which are met by marketers.

Then there comes the salesman, whose job is to sell the product to a client by describing its long-term benefits.

A salesman sells the product by giving education about the design and quality of the product and making customers buy it.

It is the efforts of a salesman to make customers accept and use new products as well.

Selling expands the market and provides satisfaction to the customer.

Now, let’s move further to get to know the difference between a marketer and a salesman.

Let’s start.

What Is The Difference Between a Salesman And a Marketer?

People use the terms marketer and salesman interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference.

They both work for the growth of the business, but their way of work is slightly different.

The main difference between marketing and salesman is that marketing focus on long-term goals and on the other hand the job of a salesman is to focus on short-term goal. Marketers focus on the needs of customers while salesman offers a product at a certain price.

The salesman has to reach the monthly target of making clients, while marketing focuses on the target of the year to generate revenue.

Salesman runs on monthly periodic table targets while marketing is intangible in nature.

Marketing doesn’t have a direct or immediate impact on the company’s revenue. Its strategy works for a long period, while sales have a direct impact on the company’s growth.

For more clarity, let’s check out the comparison chart.

Comparison BasisMarketerSalesman
OrientationAims to deliver on customer needsThe main aim is to sell the product
DurationLong termShort term
FocusFocus on market expansionFocus on the company’s expansion
ScopeSelling of the productAdvertisement, customer satisfaction, sales, and research
Comparison Chart.

Check out this video for more assistance:

Difference between sales and marketing.

Who Is Considered A Marketer?

'marketing strategy' written on a crumpled piece of paper
Setting up a marketing strategy for sales!

A marketer is a person who is responsible for making an involvement chain between a product of a company and its consumers.

The marketer first does market research about what people need and then comes up with a strategy to sell the product in a way that satisfies the customer’s needs.

A marketer is responsible for making an attractive advertisement that could generate huge sales. They work to expand the market by catering to customers’ needs according to their products.

They design or make strategies for all the tasks included in the marketing of a product. They need to make decisions for the profit in the long run.

Making good public relations is also an important task for a marketer; they continuously describe the product policy of the company to customers to generate a sale.

Types of Marketers and Their Roles in Business Growth

Marketers are of six types:

Brand Marketer: Responsible for making a good name for the brand by doing online and offline promotions.

Social Media Marketer: Deals with various social accounts of a company and makes a strategy to increase followers.

Product Marketer: Responsible for marketing goods and services of a company and working with advertising agencies.

Content Marketer: Similar to digital marketer but more focused on increasing the online search of business.

Inbound Marketer: Converts potential customers into permanent customers.

Digital Marketer: Manage social media accounts and organize online events.

Is It Better to Be In Sales Or Marketing?

I think It depends from person to person; either sales or marketing can be a good option when you have an interest in this field, as every job has its fair share of responsibilities and requires time and effort.

Marketing can be good or best for one person and bad or worst for the other. So is the case with sales depending on the nature of a person.

someone writing audience on a board
‘Audience’ generates revenue.

The sales job is usually very stressful as they have a target to achieve in a month and a salesman travels a lot.

The salesman needs to be very organized and hyperactive as they have to deal with many people in a day to make clients, and they must be good at dealing with people.

On the other hand, marketing is good for people who want to learn a lot and are adapting to new changes.

Marketing includes lots of variety, which could be a fun thing for many. Exposure to marketing is broad, but external vendors might get on your nerves when it comes to budgets.

So, it’s totally your call to choose either sales or marketing.

Salesman VS Marketer: Who Makes More Money?

Sales make more money than marketing because salesmen get a limitless commission based on their leads while Marketing persons work on a limited and fixed salary.

The salary of a salesman is potentially very high. They are not bound to a fixed monthly salary.

As sales is a target-based job, the sooner you achieve the target, the more commission you get.

Marketing is a fixed-salary job that works on marketing leads that generate revenue for the business. Hence, they get yearly bonuses sometimes.

However, there is a downside to the salary of a salesman. For instance, there’s a chance you won’t make much since it’s a commission-based job. If you don’t make the quote, you won’t earn as much as you should.

Being a salesman comes down to how much sales you can generate in a certain time period, and your salary is entirely dependent on that. This means if you don’t generate a sale, you won’t get paid.

A marketer, on the other hand, makes money regardless of whether their marketing strategy works or not.

Final Thoughts

The above discussion can be summed up as:

  • Marketers deal with overall market growth, while salespeople deal with clients to sell a product.
  • Marketers focus on a long-term period, and salespeople focus on a short-term period.
  • Marketer works on a fixed salary and gets yearly bonuses.
  • Salesmen get commissions and bonuses on leads and sales.
  • Both of the jobs are stressful and require time and effort.

To read more, check out my article on Electrician VS Electrical Engineer: Differences.

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