Grammar Demystified: Choosing Between Prefer and Perfer

As English is an extensive language spoken all across the globe and it also comprehends many words, phrases, and their meanings in it. Many English words look similar to each other but some similar would are quite difficult to differentiate.

Usage of correct words at the right time is very important as these words convey your message, expressions, and feeling.

A person using wrong or incorrect words are often times misjudged by people. Usage of correct words has the power to even build or shatter relationships and even your personality.

As similar words are difficult to differentiate in terms of spelling and meanings, many new English learners make mistakes while using them.

And many new learners make common mistakes in spell or pronouncing words. This mistake sometimes changes the meaning of the word or forms a new word that is not even included in the English language.

The words prefer and perfer are perfect examples of what I discussed above.

The word prefer means to select something or someone over another thing. Whereas, the word perfer is simply a misspelling or a mispronunciation of prefer, and there isn’t any word like perfer in English.

This is just one difference between the word ‘prefer’ and ‘perfer. So read till the end to know the facts and correct these words.

Saying ‘I prefer’what do you actually mean?

The word prefer is basically a transitive verb.

The meaning of the word prefer depends on how it is used in the sentence. Its most broad meaning is to select or choose something rather than another thing. It can also be described as an act to put or set forward or before someone.

Take this one as an example: “I prefer basketball to golf.”

The word prefer is a late Middle English word that came from the old French word preferer, which came from the Latin word preferred. The word preferred came by combining or conjoining two Latin words “prae” which means ‘before’ and ‘ferre’ which means ‘to bear or carry.’

The word prefer is also used to accuse someone officially. For example: “The shop owner has decided not to charge against the suspicious person.

The word can also be used to describe a feeling of linking for something or can describe that the thing is better or best for you. A simple example of this word can look like below.

“He prefers gaming to studies”

“I prefer coffee over tea.”

It can be used to describe one thing or activity, which can be potentially what you like more than another one. A phrase in which the word prefer is used. Let’s take a look at this example.

“Majority of my friend like strawberry milkshakes but I prefer a mango milkshake.”

The meaning of the word prefer varies on how it is used in the sentence.

These are synonyms of the word ‘prefer’ that you must be familiar of :

  • Go for
  • Select
  • Favor
  • Tender
Two different apples
Prefer is used to describe choosing one object or thing over another.

Prefer: Pronunciation and Usage

When talking about the pronunciation of the word prefer, there are two main types.

The first type is British pronunciation, according to British pronunciation, it is pronounced as (pruh·fuh). The second is American pronunciation in which the prefer is pronounced as (pruh·fur).
A video about the pronunciation of the word ‘prefer’ for your better understanding.

The word prefer is used to promote or select one thing or activity over another. It is a general election or choice that we make in our daily life and it does not include any time or moment. The word prefer is often used with ‘to’ and ‘rather than’ depending on the sentence. A simple example of it is the one below.

“I prefer sleeping rather than watching movies at late night.”

Prefer vs. Perfer: Are they connected?

A thumbs up and a thumbs down
Prefer or Perfer: which one is correct?

Although both ‘prefer’ and ‘perfer‘ seem to be very much similar in spelling and pronunciation, they are not the same.

It is a transitive verb used to promote or select one thing or activity over another.Perfer is a misspelling or a mispronunciation of prefer, and there isn’t any word like ‘perfer’ in English.
Its synonyms include Tender, Select, or Favor.
No synonyms
Key distinctions between the word ‘prefer’ and ‘perfer.

The word prefer is a transitive verb used to promote or select one thing or activity over another. On the other hand, Perfer is a misspelling or a mispronunciation of prefer, and there isn’t any word like ‘perfer’ in English.

As perfer is not a word that is why it has no synonyms.

Which is correct to usePrefer to or Prefer over?

The words "Overto" on tiny blocks
The prepositions to and over can be used with the word prefer and both are grammatically correct.

As we all know that the word prefer is used to select or choose a thing over another thing. Now the question arises which of the prepositions either to or over is correct to use with the word prefer?

It is correct to use both prepositions to and over with the word prefer but under some circumstances.

The preposition to is used with the word prefer to describe an action using a verb. The word to can also be used with the word prefer in a single statement to describe what you like. Whereas in most cases, the word to is used to compare things in the same sentence. The second thing is usually introduced by the word to.

A simple example of it is: “I prefer to stand rather than to sit.”

The preposition over is used with the word prefer when making comparisons using nouns. The word prefer over is used to make comparative statements between two things. While using the word you must use gerund verbs (walking) rather than infinitive verbs (to walk) as it sounds odd to say“I prefer to study over gaming.”

I would prefer vs. I will prefer: Are they the same?

I would prefer and I will prefer are commonly used phrases that include the word prefer. Many of you might face difficulty to differentiate both phrases as both are pretty similar and indicate something in the future. It is important for you to know the differences between both phrases to avoid their incorrect usage.

The phrase I would prefer means a hypothetical condition in which you consider one thing over another in the future. While the phrase I will prefer has a more strong appeal where you choose one option from many that are present and most importantly the phrase I will prefer donates to certainty.

In simple words, you choose one option from the many options given. It is not just a hypothetical condition or situation but is also used to express your desire or incline towards anything or activity. The phrase I would prefer is more commonly used in conditional choice expressed by preferring.

A simple example is: “I would prefer to live in the city rather than in the village.”

Whereas the phrase I would prefer does not have certainty. I would prefer is something that is said under any condition. Whereas the phrase I will prefer is definite, regardless of any type of external event or intervention.

For example: I will prefer to eat pizza.”


Whether you use any word to describe or express your message and feeling, you must familiar with its pronunciation and usage.

The incorrect pronunciation of words may form new words that are not even included in English. A simple example of it is the word prefer which means to select something or someone over another thing.

Whereas, the word perfer is simply a misspelling or a mispronunciation of prefer, and there isn’t any word like ‘perfer‘ in English. That is why the correct usage and pronunciation of words are very important.

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A web story that discusses the grammatical differences can be found here.

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