9 min read

Do you know that colors have a connection with your emotions? Bright colors can produce various feelings than muted colors, while warm colors can evoke different sentiments than cool ones. Moreover, colors can make you feel certain emotions like happiness, sadness, waves of anger, etc.
The colors come in different shades or tints. Aqua, cyan, teal, and turquoise are shades of blue and green. Do you love blue and green shades? If yes! Continue reading the article to understand the different shades of blue and green.
That is going to be exciting! Because the object of this article is to give you a brief analysis of the difference between cyan, aqua, teal, and turquoise. Even though most people use these terms interchangeably, there are differences between these colors that I’m going to explore today.
I am glad I am not the only one who thought that aqua, cyan, teal, and turquoise are the same colors. Do you think the same too? Do not worry! Continue to read the article to know the differences between cyan, aqua, turquoise, and teal.
Not everybody knows that these colors are different from each other. While, we talk about other colors like black, white, yellow, red, and green. It is easy to differentiate between them. Most people could not find it easy to distinguish between cyan, aqua, teal, and turquoise.
All these colors are different shades of blue and green. If you love all the shades of blue, you might fall in love with all of these colors.
When we transfer the shades and colors of the real world onto the computer display, they get a code which is known as hexadecimal code (also hex code).
Cyan is a mix of green and blue shades. It has more blue content than green.
Cyan is a Greek word that came into existence in 1879. Between the hues of blue and green, we use the light of wavelength somewhere between 490 and 520 nm to produce it. Do you know we can make cyan color by mixing equal amounts of green and blue shades? Cyan is considered to be the opposite of red color.
You can create a cyan color by reducing the red component out of the white light. We can make white light by combining cyan and red light at the proper intensity. Cyan is similar to aqua color. An actual cyan is a bright color, and it is a rare color to find. Have you ever noticed the sky? It has a bit of cyan color.
The word aqua means water. Aqua is a light shade of blue with a bit of green. It is an altered shade of cyan. Do you know aqua and cyan colors have similar hex codes? Sometimes aqua shows a warm tone, and other times it gives cool tone color vibes.
We use aqua shade the most in the fashion industry. You can match aqua colors with different colors like black, yellow, and orange. The hex code of aqua is #00FFFF. Have you ever observed the seawater closely? The seawater has an aqua shade.
You can make aqua color by simply mixing an equal amount of blue and green on a black base. Cyan and aqua are almost the same shades with the same hexadecimal codes. But, the only difference between cyan and aqua is that cyan is a bright color. Although, aqua is a bit darker than cyan. It is not as bright as a cyan color.
There is always confusion about understanding the difference between a teal shade and other blue shades like aqua, cyan, and turquoise. Teal is also a mix of green and blue colors. It has more content of green than blue.
In fact, teal is the name of a bird who has a stripe of teal shade on his head. Do you know it’s been an ordinary color since the 19th century? Have you ever noticed the uniforms of some educational institutes? They prefer to add teal shade to the uniform of students.
Do you know you can make a teal shade by simply mixing a blue color with the green base? The hex code of teal is #008080. Teal is a color that gives you a refreshing vibe. It symbolizes clarity and faith.
Egyptians consider teal as a color of faith and truth. Do you know you can match a teal color with other shades like maroon, burgundy, and magenta? Do you remember the default wallpaper of windows 95? It was solid wallpaper in teal color.
We use teal color for Ovarian cancer awareness. The supporters and survivors of Ovarian cancer wear bracelets, ribbons, and T-shirts of teal color in campaigns for public awareness.
Have you not seen the turquoise shade yet? No problem! We have got you covered. You must have learned in geology that turquoise is an opaque shade. Do you know what opaque is? Opaque is something that does not allow light to pass through it. Opaque materials are not transparent.
Turquoise is also a mixture of green and blue colors. Have you ever seen shallow seawater? Well! If you have, you must know that turquoise is a color similar to the shade of shallow seawater.
In 1573, turquoise came into the world of English. Do you know there are different shades available for turquoise? For example, we have light turquoise shade, medium turquoise shade, and dark turquoise shade. The hex code of turquoise is #30D5C8.
Turquoise shade is a symbol of peace and confidence. It gives you positive energy to start your day. You can match the turquoise shade with other colors like pink, white, and yellow.
Basis of comparison | Cyan | Aqua | Teal | Turquoise |
History of the name | Cyan is an ancient Greek word. It comes from the word kyanos which means dark blue enamel. | Aqua is a Latin word that means water. | Teal is the name of a bird who has a stripe of teal shade on his head | The word turquoise comes from a blue-green gemstone mineral. |
Pronunciation of the name | Sai-an | A-kwuh | Teel | Tuh-kwoyz |
Description of color | Cyan is a bright color. It has a lively shade of green and blue. | Aqua is the color of seawater. It has a mix of blue and green shades. | Teal is a deep color. It has a mix of blue and green colors. | Turquoise is the color of the gemstone. It is a mix of pale green, blue, and a small amount of yellow shade. |
Hexadecimal code | #00FFFF | #00FFFF | #008080 | #30D5C8 |
Complementing hues | You can match cyan color with other shades like yellow, magenta, and darker shades of blue. | You can match aqua colors with different colors like black, yellow, and orange. | You can match a teal color with other shades like maroon, burgundy, and magenta. | You can match the turquoise shade with other colors like pink, white, and yellow. |
Psychology of colors | Cyan color is the symbol of relaxation. It gives a calming effect. | Aqua color is the symbol of trust and vitality. | Teal color is the symbol of faith and rejuvenation. | Turquoise color is the symbol of peace and confidence. It gives positive energy to start up a day. |
If you want to learn more about the differences between cyan, aqua, teal, and turquoise. Watch the video below.
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