Linguistic Insights: Differentiating ‘Used To’ and ‘Used For

The English language is spoken all over the world. It’s not only a language that counts for fluency; correct grammar and subject and verb agreement are also key aspects.

Many words have contrasting meanings and distinctive usage. Adverbs help us understand the meaning better when combined with an adverb.

The word “Used” is a part of daily sentences. It’s accompanied by “for” and “to”.

Today, I’ll set apart both words; “Used to” and “Used for”. We’ll look forward to the variations and the similarities between their grammar and usage in the English language.

“Used to” refers to a world where the same choices are made repeatedly. On the other hand, “used for” is a series of uses for the same commodity.

For example, I used to run (when used in front of a verb).

In the case of “used for, These joggers are used for running. This is a mouthwash that is used for treating bad breath. or This is used for people who do not have test scores (probably as a remedy).

These were some superficial differences, but we’ll look deeper into it. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to get to the most accurate and proficient one between the two.

So, let’s get to it right away.

Used To And Used For- What’s The Difference?

They can sometimes be used interchangeably. 

“This screwdriver is used to tighten a nail,” and “A screwdriver is used for tightening the nails or losing them”.

“Used to” can, however, mean accustomed to.

Here’s an illustration: 

“He was used to hearing his cat making noises on his door in the morning, so he realized something was wrong when he didn’t hear the scratching.”

Another example;

“I used to wash my hair in the morning, but now I wash it in the evening,”

  • I used to be a powerful, youthful man.
  • What kind of tool is used to open a door lock?

These examples are the easiest way to determine these two phrases’ differences.

When Are We Supposed To Use “Used To”?

When discussing a scenario that no longer exists, we use the used to + infinitive. It indicates a previously repeated activity or state that has now changed.

When she was younger, she used to be a long-distance runner. 

I used to have trouble sleeping, but I started practicing yoga and found it beneficial. Meaning: become accustomed to and acclimate to.

‘To be used to’ means ‘to be acquainted with’ or ‘to be accustomed to.’ She’s become accustomed to the city and no longer gets lost.

His legs hurt after the hike because he wasn’t used to walking so much. I’m a teacher, so I’m used to speaking in front of large groups.

We often use the phrase “becoming used to” to refer to becoming acquainted with something. This new job is challenging, but I’m confident I’ll adjust quickly.

Here are some uses of “used to” and “used for”:

Used + Infinite (to)Used for + Gerund (ing)
A wallet is used to keep moneyA wallet is used for keeping money.
A notepad is used to write important stuffA notepad is used for writing important stuff.
A bucket is used to collect water.A bucket is used for collecting water.
A box is used to store thingsA box is used for storing things.
Used to Vs. Used for

What Are Different Uses Of The Phrase; “Used To”?

Used to” has two distinct meanings, each having sub-meanings. In most dialects, they are pronounced differently.” Yoosta is one of the first words that come to mind.

It’s spelled out as a single word. If the next word starts with a vowel, say “you too.” (Used to)

As an adjective, 

Spinach is something I’m used to eating.

As a negative V-thing

The word “not” is used to express negation. I’m not used to eating sweet corn. It means, “I had a habit of doing things in the past.”

Look at this sentence; I used to eat sweet corn regularly. On the other hand, a negative verb is accompanied by “never”.

I’ve never been used to eating sweet corn. It may be a disagreement in different dialects, such as British English.

How Can You Illustrate The Phrase ” Used for”?

“A book is used for reading.” “For V-ing” is an alternative with the same meaning. A “blush-on is used for giving a fresh look to your cheeks.” Thus, it’s pronounced as “yoozed for”.

Such as;

The pharmaceutical industry is used for the production of drugs.

In many, if not all, English dialects, the two instances of “used to,” each with its unique meaning, will be pronounced differently. There are many examples of these phrases. Some of them are discussed below.

In his childhood, Tasin used to swim (a lot) in the lake.
Esha's foolishness is something I'm used to.

Aisha used to own a Polaroid in her early 20s. She used to go to the graveyard every week to offer prayers for the deceased.

  • A pen is used for writing.
  • A portable straightener is used for traveling.

You’re quite familiar with these phrases’ contrast and grammatical use, right?

What Is The Distinction Between The Words “Used To” And “Was Used To?”

It’s very simple. Used to be something you do regularly, but now you’re not that regular, while “was used to” is completely about the past.

I was used to going to the barn to work with my horse. It had become second nature to me. Every day, I’m used to lugging water to the pasture. It’s a habit of mine.

I used to go to the karate training regularly.

I became used to exercising many times per week.

Another interpretation of these remarks is that the presidency bolsters the narcissist’s desire to be a dictator’s bloated yet frail ego. This was the reason for the office’s existence.

The exemplary sentences have great distinctions in terms of meanings for both of these phrases.

An image showing various alphabets of English
Scattered alphabets of English language

Used To Or Used For; What Do We Say?

“Used to” describes someone’s liking. That’s what I thought when I first read the question. So, depending on the context, this term or phrase can have a variety of meanings.

So, used to can refer to something you did in the past, such as I used to play golf or eat pancakes for breakfast every morning, or I used to go trekking with my family in the forest every summer.

I used to be able to do something. That refers to anything that happened in the past but is no longer true. However, it’s customary to discuss the purpose of anything.

This phone, for example, is used to make phone calls, and this camera is used to record video. As a result, we use the preposition used before a verb. It means this device is employed to do that. 

That’s how you talk about what something’s purpose is. Then it’s similar to what it’s used for. It’s also about purpose, but we use a noun instead of a verb to accompany the sentence.

So, depending on whether the sentence is used to or used to, they are spelled the same, read differently, and have different grammatical roles.

Although “used to” and “used for” serve the same function, we must alter our grammar somewhat following that sentence.

Want to know more about the contrast between the two? This video tells us about the distinction between the two.

Check out this video to differentiate between “used to” and “used for”

In Terms Of MS Word, Which One Is Correct- “Used To” or “Used for”?

According to my experience, MS Word’s grammar is not an accurate source for proofreading, it’s quite unacceptable and misleading. I’m unsure why “used to open,” and similar phrases would be incorrect. 

It appears to be merely stylistically distinct from “used for opening.”

While both are correct, it’s preferable to use “used for” due to the ambiguity of the term “used to” (both “accustomed” and “was doing it in the past but isn’t anymore” on top of the core “used for” usage), or you may unintentionally construct a garden path sentence.

You appear to believe that used solely refers to habitual acts, whereas used only refers to instrumental actions. This is just partially correct.

Used To- What’s The Purpose Of Using This Phrase?

Used to can be used with both senses, whereas used for is restricted to instruments or tools.

Take a look at some of your examples:

  • This button is used to turn on the computer.
  • This button is used for starting the computer.

Both are acceptable and signify the same thing.

Contrary to that, some experts say that; “This Button is used to start a computer” is grammatically correct, but the implication is weird because the button opens the dialogue box.

Buttons don’t usually have habits, but aside from that, there’s nothing wrong with them.

It’s pronounced with a voiced sibilant [yuzd] when used to is followed by the infinitive form of the verb and signifies “used as a tool”:

"Used to shatter the glass on the fire alarm"

It’s pronounced with a voiceless sibilant [yust] when used to is followed by the present participle form of the verb and signifies “is accustomed to doing something”:

He is used to going out since his childhood.
An image showing several tenses written on a green board.
English class. Grammatical categories Verb Tenses and Aspects

The Final Say

  • “Used to” and “used for” are two phrases in the English language. They may sound the same but have distinct meanings and uses.
  • “Used to” is typically used to describe past actions. Or it is used to describe states that no longer exist or habits that have changed.
  • “Used for” is used to express the purpose or function of something, indicating what it is employed for.
  • In some cases, “used to” and “used for” can be used interchangeably, but their meanings differ.
  • “Used to” can express being accustomed to or familiar with something.
  • “Used to” can be followed by an infinitive verb form. In contrast, “used for” is typically followed by a gerund (the -ing form of a verb).
  • The choice between “used to” and “used for” depends on the context. It also depends on the sentence’s intended meaning.
  • Understanding the difference between these phrases is essential for precise and effective communication in English.

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