Emo & Goth (Culture)
Goths wear in black (typically period-styled) outfits.
Goths wear in black (typically period-styled) outfits.
Emo was is a subculture originated from goth's popularity.
Emo was is a subculture originated from goth's popularity.
Despite emo's gothic origins, there's differences which make it a different subculture.
Despite emo's gothic origins, there's differences which make it a different subculture.
Emo is sometimes regarded as a trend, yet goths consider it a lifestyle.
Emo is sometimes regarded as a trend, yet goths consider it a lifestyle.
Both do have black and dark color palettes.
Both do have black and dark color palettes.
Their songs both deal with themes of romance such as unrequited love.
Their songs both deal with themes of romance such as unrequited love.
CLICK HERE to know more distinguishing factors among goth and emo.
CLICK HERE to know more distinguishing factors among goth and emo.