Friendly VS Romantic Cuddling (Contrasts)
Friendly VS Romantic Cuddling (Contrasts)
For complete intimacy, both couples must cuddle.
For complete intimacy, both couples must cuddle.
A romantic cuddle has no physical constraints, while a friendly one does.
A romantic cuddle has no physical constraints, while a friendly one does.
Friends, couples, and more-than-friends can cuddle anytime.
Friends, couples, and more-than-friends can cuddle anytime.
Romantic cuddles are usually more intense.
Romantic cuddles are usually more intense.
Hugging, holding hands, or cuddling may show how someone feels.
Hugging, holding hands, or cuddling may show how someone feels.
Friends cuddle for no other reason mostly.
Friends cuddle for no other reason mostly.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the differences between cuddles.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the differences between cuddles.