Mixtapes VS Albums (Comparison)
Mixtapes VS Albums (Comparison)
A mixtape is a compilation of songs from various sources.
A mixtape is a compilation of songs from various sources.
Mixtapes can have 10 to 20 tracks.
Mixtapes can have 10 to 20 tracks.
Albums are structured, high-quality, and promoted for sales more than mixtapes.
Albums are structured, high-quality, and promoted for sales more than mixtapes.
An EP is a continuation of the songs from the official album.
An EP is a continuation of the songs from the official album.
Artists make money individually on every single song in the mixtape.
Artists make money individually on every single song in the mixtape.
Mixtape tracks also get the chart on the Billboard.
Mixtape tracks also get the chart on the Billboard.
CLICK HERE to view the main differences between mixtapes and albums.
CLICK HERE to view the main differe
ces between mixtapes and albums.