Sri Lanka and India: Diversity (Differences)
India, officially the Republic of India, is a South Asian country.
India, officially the Republic of India, is a South Asian country.
While Sri Lanka is a separated Indian subcontinent.
While Sri Lanka is a separated Indian subcontinent.
India and Sri Lanka doesn't have a monolithic culture.
India and Sri Lanka doesn't have a monolithic culture.
The official language of Sri Lanka is Sinhala, and Hindi in India.
The official language of Sri Lanka is Sinhala, and Hindi in India.
Buddhism influences Sri Lankan and Indian cultural traditions.
Buddhism influences Sri Lankan and Indian cultural traditions.
Indians are receptive to talks, whereas Sri Lankans are less so.
Indians are receptive to talks, whereas Sri Lankans are less so.
With all these differences, India and Sri Lanka are culturally-diverse countries.
With all these differences, India and Sri Lanka are culturally-diverse countries.
CLICK HERE to learn more about India and Sri Lanka's cultural differences.
CLICK HERE to learn more about India and Sri Lanka's cultural differences.