Manejar vs. Conducir: A Deep Dive into Spanish Verbs

Interestingly, Spanish is the first spoken language in Mexico. The unknown fact about Spanish is that it was the official language of the Philippines for more than three decades. 

When it comes to learning this language, there are more than 21 million foreigners who study it, making it the second most-studied language.

Furthermore, it has two names Castallano and Espanol. People living in Spain know this language as Castallano, while Americans call it Espanol. 

Manejar and conducir are both Spanish words having the same meanings

Manejar refers to handling something with hands or without hands. On the other hand, the word conducir doesn’t have only one meaning. It means to ride, lead, drive and conduct. 

The context of both the words is the same. The only difference is that “conducir” is used in Spain, while the word “manejar” is common in Latin America. 

If you want to learn these words with examples, keep on reading. Additionally, I’m going to share more Spanish words.

Let’s get into it… 


The Spanish word “menajer” means handle, manage, drive, operate and use. One word of Spanish represents more than one English words. 

Let’s have a look at some examples:

Ella maneja esta empresa.

She runs the company.

Maneja esto.

Handle this.


What does Conducir mean in Spanish?
Flag of Spain

There are various meanings of the word “conducir”, though the most common one is “drive”. 

You can also use this word in different contexts, such as:

  • Bring
  • Take
  • Handle
  • Guide
  • Lead
  • Conduct 

Conducir tranquilo relajada.

Calm relaxed driving.

Conducir con seguridad.

Drive safely.

Conducir este coche

Drive this car

Let’s look at some of the other examples of this language.

What Does “Dar” and “Regalar” Mean in Spanish?

The meaning of the word “dar” is “to give”. It can also mean yield, lend or show. The other word “regalar” also has a similar meaning. Give away, present, and give a present all represent this word. 

These examples will make things more clear.

She gave me a present. I’m going to give her a surprise.
Ella me dio un regalo.Le voy a dar una sorpresa.
She gave away her dress.To give an example.
Ella regaló su vestido.Para dar un ejemplo
Regalar Vs. Dar

“Apuesto” and “Opuesto” 

Apuesto is an adjective that means handsome or dashing. Another meaning of this Spanish word is “bet”. While opuesto is also an adjective referring to English words “contrary” or “opposite”. 

Un hombre apuesto.

A dashing man.

Apuesto que si.

I bet yes.

I bet it’s true.

Apuesto a que es verdad. 

Everything has an opposite side. 

Todo tiene un lado opuesto.

My house is on the opposite side of the hospital. 

Mi casa está en el lado opuesto del hospital. 

“Pelea” and “Paliza” – Difference 

“Pelea” and “Paliza” – Difference 
Teacher writing on the white board

Paliza, in Spanish, is an intense fight that includes beating, bashing, or hitting other people. This kind of fight also includes hurting someone. On the other hand, pelea is also a fight that doesn’t necessarily mean a physical fight but a verbal heated argument that can happen face-to-face or over the phone. 

There was a fight at school.

Hubo una pelea en la escuela.

She was beaten up.

Ella fue paliza. 

“Diario” and “diariamente” – Difference 

There’s not a huge difference between the words “diario” and “diariamente”. By diario, you refer to “daily”. While “diariamente” has the meaning of “every day”. 

Diario as an adjective 

It comes before nouns.

She works on daily wages. 

Ella trabaja en el salario diario.

Diario as an adverb 

As an adverb, daily can represent the frequency of an event. 

Leo libros a diario. 

I read books daily. 

Es un diario.

He goes on a walk daily. 

Since diariamente also has the same meaning, you can use this and diario interchangeably. 

You probably want to learn top 25 Spanish phrases. If you do, watch out the video:


  • The Spanish spoken in America is different from that spoken in Spain.
  • The words “menajer” and “conducir” mean handle, lead, or drive.
  • As you probably know, lift and elevator represent the same thing. But Americans use an elevator, while British people use a lift.
  • The same is the case with manejar and conducir. Latin Americans are familiar with the word manejar, while those living in Spain use conducir. 

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