Somebody is used for a person who’s not known or specified.
“Somebody’s” is singular possessive and is used to show someone’s belonging. While “somebodies” is the plural of somebody and you’ll see it rarely being used.
“Somebody’s” has two uses in English grammar. The first use is that it shows possession, another use is that it is a contraction, and “s” in somebody’s indicates “is” or “has”.
Here are some examples:
Somebody’s book was lying on the table.
Somebody’s phone was ringing during the meeting.
Somebody’s got to take the blame.
Somebody’s (has)
Somebody’s looking for you.
In the above sentence, you can take somebody’s as somebody “is” or somebody “was”.
In this article, I’m going to compare different words that seem similar to non-natives.
So, let’s dive into it…
Someone Vs. Somebody
Someone and somebody both are very similar and can be used interchangeably.
Someone | Somebody |
Someone is more a professional term and is more common in writing. E.g: If someone is good at making pizzas, it’s not necessary that the person also loves eating pizzas. | While natives are more likely to use somebody in speaking because it’s informal. E.g. Somebody is going to take this opportunity. |
Anyone Vs. Anybody
Both the words are interchangeable. The common thing about pronouns, anyone, and anybody, is that they’re singular. The reason why anyone is more commonly used in print media is that it’s considered more formal. You’ll rarely find ‘anybody’ being used in publications because it’s more common in speaking.
Is anyone willing to join me for a movie night?
You can replace anyone with anybody, it won’t change the context of the sentence.
Someone And Something – What’s The Difference?
When you’re indicating a non-specific person, you use someone. In comparison, something means a non-specific thing.
Some refer to human beings as we have emotions, feelings, needs, and an ability to react to things.
While ‘something’ can never harm other people intentionally and have no desire or need.
Something can be a car, machine, tool, or anything that someone runs.
There is something that needs to be relied upon to accomplish something.
Somebody Does And Somebody Do
The thing that confuses beginners a lot is that if ‘somebody’ is singular or plural. The fact that somebody refers to a non-specific person from a group of people, many believe that somebody is a plural, which isn’t correct in any way.
Keep in mind that any word that ends with “body” is always singular.
- Does – It is a singular present indefinite tense.
- Do – It is a plural present indefinite tense.
- Since somebody is a singular pronoun, you’ll use ‘does‘ with it.
- In the case of the plural of somebody, which is somebodies, you will use do.
Somebody does.
Somebodies do,
Someone Else’s Vs. Someone Else
Someone refers to a person who’s unnamed and non-specific. When you place else with someone, you refer to a person other than you previously referred.
As far as you’re concerned which one of these is correct, let me tell you that someone else’s is correct according to the grammar rules.
Someone else’s is a possessive indefinite pronoun and seems to be used to show belongings to an unnamed person.
It’s someone else’s book.
Building a house on someone else’s dream is not possible for me.
Did Anyone Say or Said?
It is correct to use “did anyone say” according to English grammar rules. Did is the past tense of doing and you can use it in two types of sentences – negative and interrogative. Did, similarly to do, shows an action. Moreover, “did” and “said” two past verbs cannot come together. So always use the first form of the verb with “did”.
Did you go to school?
Yes, I did.
Did you call my mother?
No, I did not call your mother.
Subject + did + not + 1st form of verb + object
Did + subject + 1st form of verb + object
You can use these formulas to make sentences.
Here’s a great video about indefinite pronouns
- “Somebody’s” shows ownership or connection with an unnamed person.
- “Somebodies” is the plural of “somebody” but is not commonly used.
- “Somebody’s” also acts as a contraction for “is” or “has.” And it indicates possession as well.
- Examples highlight how “somebody’s” is used for possession and contraction.
- Understanding the difference between “someone” and “somebody” helps grasp their similar meanings.
- “Anyone” and “anybody” can be used interchangeably to refer to a single person.
- Recognizing the contrast between “someone” and “something” clarifies when to refer to people or things.
- The usage of “does” and “do” with “somebody” and “somebodies” helps improve language skills.
- “Someone else’s” indicates possession by an unnamed individual. It follows possessive pronoun rules.