What Is The Difference Between Volts Per Second And Volt Seconds? (Explained)

As most of our daily tasks depend on the existence of power, it might be said that electricity is the determining element in our lives.

Volts are units for measuring electricity. It measures the strength of the force that propels electrons through a circuit or the electric potential difference.

Volt-seconds refers to how long a DC Voltage can be maintained on switching magnetic devices, whereas Volt-seconds is a ramp rate known as dv/dt that is used to rate switching devices or compute AC current via a capacitor by i=c-dv/dt.

It is crucial to understand that both of these units can be used to estimate the size and power output of a solar power system, whether it is off-grid or linked to the grid.

Keep reading to know more about electricity measuring units and how they differ individually. Let’s begin!

What Is Electricity?

The definition of electricity is the existence of charge, which is better understood as the movement of charged particles.

These moving particles can have their energy transformed into other types of energy, such as light in a lamp, sound in a stereo, or lifting people in an elevator.

There are two types of electricity:

  1. Static
  2. Current

Several electrons will produce a flow known as a current when this force known as a voltage crosses many atoms. The flow of electrons can continue as electrons migrate between atoms, forcing the following electron to depart the atom.

Resistance is the result of electrons running against atoms throughout the process. As a result, the atom vibrates, and the result is measured as temperature.

Measuring Units Of Electricity

The discharge of electricity in the air causes lightning.

Volt (v), Ohm (Ω), and Ampere (A) are the SI units used to measure the electric manifestations of voltage, resistance, and current.

The International System of Units (SI) serves as the foundation for the electrical units used to measure electric expressions. From this SI unit of electricity, further units are created.

Electric utilities use meters, which are often installed outside of customers’ properties where the power line enters the property, to track their customers’ electricity usage.

These meters employ an electronic signal from mechanical meters to periodically report electricity use to utilities.

Some common measuring units of electricity, alongside their formula, are as follows:

Unit NameSymbol QuantityFormula
AmpereAElectric CurrentI=V/R
VoltVVoltage, Electromotive force, and
Potential difference
WattWElectric PowerP=VxI
Decibel-WattdBWElectric Powerdb=20 log V1/V0 
Units of electricity with their formulas

How Can We Calculate Electricity?

The most common method for measuring and paying for electricity is the number of kilowatt-hours consumed.

It is simpler to talk about energy usage in terms of kilowatt-hours as the average American household utilizes millions of watts of electricity annually.

Simply multiply the unit’s wattage by the number of hours it is used to determine how many watt-hours are consumed daily to determine energy consumption costs.

Consider using a 125-watt television for three hours a day as an illustration. By multiplying the wattage by the number of hours used per day, we find that you are using 375 watt-hours per day.

What Is Voltage?

Voltage forces electrons to move around in a circuit.

Current circulates in a circuit due to voltage. The charge difference between the two points is what it is.

Technically, it is the potential energy difference between two places that, when measured in volts, will produce one joule of energy for every coulomb of charge that travels through it.

The Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, who created what is thought to be the first chemical battery, is honored by having his name attached to the unit “volt.” The letter “V” stands for voltage in equations and diagrams.

Standard AA batteries have a voltage of 1.5V, but household wiring has a voltage that varies globally but is 120V in the US and 230V in the UK.

Relationship between electricity and voltage

What Is Volt Second?

The Weber is a unit of magnetic flux and a volt second. One tesla is equal to one Weber per square meter, or one Wb/m2 (one Weber per square meter).

By definition, a flux change of one Weber per second will produce an electromotive force of one volt in a circuit of one turn. The Weber has the following measurements in SI base units: (kgm2)/(s2A).

The Weber is also expressed as joules per ampere (J/A), tesla-square meter (T·m²), or volt-seconds (V·s).

We may calculate it using the formula 1 Wb = 1 Vs = 1 Tm2 = 1 J/A = 108 Mx (maxwells).

What Is Volt Per Second?

Volts per second is a unit used to express how quickly a voltage changes. A second-based rate unit derived from the SI that is equivalent to one volt per second.

The voltage estimates or quantifies the comparative amounts of energy shifted by various circuit components. It compares the change of energy in various stores.

But of course, these variations add up over time; the larger the energy change, the longer the circuit runs.

A volt is defined as the energy consumption of one joule for every coulomb of electrical charge. 1V = 1J/C. One volt is equivalent to one amp of current multiplied by one ohm of resistance.

What Is The Difference Between Volts Per Second And Volt-Second?

Volts per second and volt-second are two different measuring units of voltage for electric power, and while they are of a similar chain, many differences set them apart.

Volt seconds is the result of multiplying the number of volts by the number of seconds, as opposed to volts per second, which signifies that the number of volts is divided by the number of seconds.

The SI unit for measuring magnetic flux is volt seconds. Volts per second expresses how quickly voltage changes, although I can only think of two applications for measuring them: calculating the current flow on a capacitor or monitoring the rate of discharge in a worn-out battery.

The ramp rate in volts per second, or dv/dt, is used to rate switching devices and determine the AC current flowing through a capacitor using the formula i=C-dv/dt.

How long a DC Voltage can be maintained on switching magnetic devices is measured in volt-seconds.

It is used to show what time duration and voltage magnitude product may be supported on a given device and is expressed as being effectively proportional to flux density created in a transformer or inductor core.

How Does A Voltage Work?

Voltage is the electrical force that would move an electric current between two locations, while current is the rate at which electric charge passes past a point in a circuit.

Two fundamental electrical quantities are current and voltage. Current is the result of voltage, which is the cause.

The electrical potential difference between two points is equal to the voltage between them.

The actual cause of the flow of electrons (electric current) through a circuit is the electromotive force (emf).

Current is the motion of electrons induced by voltage. Each Coulomb of electric charge has the potential to do work, which is represented by a voltage.

Other Measuring Units of Voltage

Volt Per Second Ampere

Electrical induction produces electromotive force in a magnetic field.

The unit known as Volt Second Per Ampere (V-s/A) belongs to the group of electrical inductance.

Another name for it is volt second/ampere. ML2T-2I-2 is the dimension of a Volt Second Per Ampere (V-s/A), where M is mass, L is length, T is time, and I is electric current. It is nearly identical to the H-equivalent standard SI unit.

Volt Per Meter

Electric field
The electric field carries a positive and negative charge.

The common measurement for the strength of an electric field (E field) is a volt per meter. It is symbolized by the ratio V/m. A potential difference of 1 V between two sites spaced 1 m apart is referred to as an E field of 1 V/m.

The electron volt is a useful measure of potential energy for expressing microscopic physics, including the energy of an electron in an atom (eV).

Volt per meter is a measurement of the E field’s strength or intensity in the EM field. Simply put, the electric field intensity is 1 volt per meter if 1 V is applied between two infinite parallel surfaces that are separated by 1m.


  • In order to move a unit charge from one place to another against the force that works to keep electric charges balanced, the voltage must be applied. Voltage is the amount of potential energy available to transfer charges across a conductor per unit charge in the context of electrical power sources.
  • Volts per second are calculated as voltage divided by seconds and voltage multiplied by seconds. Distance and acceleration would be the first and second values, respectively, if velocity were to be used in place of voltage.
  • Moreover, a volt per second is a measurement of the rate of change of a voltage, whereas a volt per second is a unit of magnetic flux (Weber).

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