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What’s The Difference Between An INFJ And An ENFJ? (Explained)

What’s The Difference Between An INFJ And An ENFJ? (Explained)

Let’s be honest: you have taken numerous online tests and received results for both ENFJ and INFJ, or you may be interested in learning to distinguish between the two personality types. 

If you were to judge these two personality types entirely by their labels, you could conclude that the only distinction between them is whether one is introverted or extroverted. That is just partially accurate.

We need to examine these types of utilization of cognitive psychology to understand what makes them unique. If you’re not familiar with cognitive functions, you may read Susan’s posts “The Cognitive Functions – What Are They?” and “The Simplest Guide to Myers-Briggs Functions Ever” for an understanding of how that all works. 

There are four cognitive functions that are preferred by each kind. These four roles are the same for INFJs and ENFJs, the two types just prioritize the functions differently, which can make a significant impact. 

Stay with us as we will be clearing all your confusion related to the two personality types.

Differences Between INFJ And ENFJ

INFJs and ENFJs have diverse priorities in the world. 

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INFJs’ main role is that of an introverted person. These people believe that the inner world is the most “real,” and they find that being there is stimulating.

INFJs frequently take a deliberate, introspective approach to life. Introverts “cannot live life until they comprehend it,” according to Isabel Myers. INFJs, like other introverts, begin by examining their inner selves to make sense of the outside world. 

For ENFJs, being extroverted is their prominent role. The majority of their focus is on the outside world. They tend to approach life with a more open mind and an emphasis on experiences.

Extroverts “cannot grasp life unless they have lived it,” according to Isabel Myers. They first look outside of themselves to make sense of the inner world. 

The contrasts between introverts and extroverts do not sufficiently distinguish these two personality types. Due to the fact that many INFJs like interacting with others, they are frequently referred to as “extroverted introverts.”

Similar to INFJs, ENFJs are frequently referred to as “introverted extroverts” since they occasionally like and require loneliness. 

Communication StyleINFJs and ENFJs are both caring and empathetic in the way they communicate, while both have strong opinions, ENFJ tends to be more outspoken than INFJs.
They speak in a soft voice and use subtle gestures to communicate their thoughts.
Decision MakingINFJs and ENFJs both make decisions based on how their actions will impact other people. This is because they are naturally attuned to other people’s emotions.
INFJs tend to take more time to make a decision while ENFJs feel fewer needs to process their thoughts internally.
FriendshipsINFJs prefer one-on-one interactions with people. ENFJs need to engage with others more frequently in order to feel their happiest. They appreciate deep connections just as much, but they feel more energized from being in a bigger group. It’s fairly rare for INFJs to strike up conversations with strangers.
OpennessENFJs are more open than INFJs when it comes to sharing their everyday lives. It takes time to build trust with INFJs, more so than you might think.
This means they won’t be sharing their deepest, darkest secrets with you right away.
SolitudeINFJs need more alone time than ENFJs because they are sensitive to external stimuli, such as noise and bright lights. Socializing, particularly with large groups or in loud places, can be exhausting for INFJs.
If they don’t get enough alone time, they tend to become irritable and restless.
What’s the difference between an INFJ and an ENFJ?

INFJs and ENFJs have extremely distinct leadership styles. 

Someone’s preferred function has more going on than just their levels of introversion and extroversion. This function is also understandable to INFJs (Introverted Intuition). For ENFJs, a feeling-based function is their preferred one (Extroverted Feeling). 

Usually, an INFJ will discover that their intuitive side is where they feel most at home. They naturally exhibit pattern awareness, big-picture thinking, and the ability to consider many viewpoints.

The majority of INFJs appreciate knowing and experiencing life more than controlling it. Despite having a “J” in their personality type, INFJs may discover that they associate a little more with perceiving traits than judging traits because intuition is a perceiving function (what we use to gain new information). 

Typically, an ENFJ will discover that their Feeling side is where they feel most at ease. An ENFJ is naturally good at reading other people, identifying and satisfying their needs, and connecting with them in ways that keep everyone content.

They probably value being determined and settling more highly than enjoying life as it unfolds. ENFJs tend to identify strongly with judging features and want order and control in their environment because feeling is a Judging function (what we use to make judgments). 

In contrast to INFJs, ENFJs have a different co-pilot. 

ENFJs and INFJs function differently

Both INFJs and ENFJs have two functions that they are most comfortable with. The sole distinction is the function used as the co-pilot procedure and which is their preferred method.

Their primary roles have already been discussed, therefore let’s move on to the co-pilot. 

INFJs use auxiliary extroverted feelings to complement their introverted intuition. When they are making judgments and interacting with others, they mostly use this function.

It enables people to understand how social groupings function and make decisions that satisfy the needs of all parties. 

Introverted Intuitive supports Extroverted Feelings in ENFJs. They may learn and process information better, thanks to this aspect of their personality. They make use of it to connect patterns and view things in new ways. 

When in a “loop,” ENFJs and INFJs Respond Differently. 

You could be thinking at this point that it’s nearly hard to distinguish between INFJs and ENFJs. How on earth are we supposed to distinguish between someone using Introverted Intuition as their primary process and someone utilizing Extroverted Feeling as their auxiliary when both employ these processes as their favorites?

Here, taking a look at tertiary roles can be beneficial. 

Introverted Thinking is INFJ’s tertiary skill. Given that it is introverted, like their preferred function of Introverted Intuition, they can feel very at ease employing this function.

When INFJs enter a “loop” between their two introverted functions, they bypass their Extroverted Feeling and become more analytical, research-oriented, and intent on attempting to arrange things logically.

An INFJ risk losing touch with their more relational, diplomatic side if they spend too much time in this loop. This may result in social withdrawal, increased criticism, and defensiveness. 

Extroverted Sensing is the Tertiary for ENFJs. It is extroverted, just like their preferred Extroverted Feeling function.

When ENFJs enter a “loop,” they become more focused on sensory experiences and are more susceptible to being sidetracked by details in their environment. An ENFJ may become impulsive, excessively self-indulgent, sidetracked from their long-term objectives, and overly focused on how other people see them if they spend too much time in the loop. 

Stress has extremely distinct effects on INFJs and ENFJs. 

An INFJ Person
The person seems to be stressed

When we are under stress, the inferior function—the lowest in a four-function stack—usually manifests. It can also be used for relaxation, and it frequently appears in our favorite pastimes.

When trying to determine a person’s type, it can offer some really useful hints. 

Extroverted Sensing is the inferior function of an INFJ. They frequently become fixated on outside information when under stress.

They frequently indulge excessively in sensual pleasures like food, alcohol, shopping, etc. INFJs who are under stress may also have a pessimistic, antagonistic outlook on the outside world.

INFJs frequently discover they enjoy hobbies that call for sensory engagement, such as gardening, cooking, or yoga when they are engaging in this function in a healthy way. 

Introverted Thinking is ENFJ’s weaker function. When under stress, people have a tendency to be overly harsh with both themselves and others. They can begin employing illogical reasoning to resolve issues alone while frequently experiencing a compulsive need to act.

If they’re using this function appropriately, ENFJs may discover that they particularly love tasks that call for analytical reasoning, such as playing strategy games or using computers. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

The main distinctions between the INFJ and ENFJ personality types have now been discussed. Even for those who have thoroughly studied personality types, it can be challenging to distinguish between these two types. 

To help you understand it better, let’s look at some frequently asked questions regarding each type. 

Are INFJs more thoughtful than ENFJs? 

Since they are both innate empaths and very perceptive, they frequently have a keen awareness of other people’s needs. Both INFJs and ENFJs have a strong desire to make other people happy. 

Compared to ENFJs, INFJs are more reflective and analytical. They constantly seek out underlying meanings and weigh all of the potential effects of their actions. Although it can occasionally give them a cautious or even unsure air, this also enables them to observe things from various angles, which aids in their ability to assess the needs of others. 

On the other hand, ENFJs are more prone to act on their first impulse and be true to their instincts. This may result in rash actions, but it may also prompt decisive action when it is required. 

Both types are considerate and caring in their own manner. While ENFJs are more prone to act fast to make others happy, INFJs are more likely to ponder carefully how to bring harmony and optimism into people’s lives. 

Compared to ENFJs, are INFJs more emotional? 

Two of the most emotional personality types are INFJs and ENFJs. Over 90% of both groups indicated that they are in touch with their emotions in a recent So Sync’d survey. They are, after all, a preference for perception, emotion, and judgment. 

INFJs have a tendency to be less outspoken about their feelings than ENFJs do. INFJs may also be more likely to internalize their emotions than other personality types, making them appear composed even when they’re actually feeling overwhelmed. 

ENFJs, on the other hand, tend to wear their hearts on their sleeves and are typically more vocal with their emotions. They have no fear of feelings.

In fact, they view themselves as an important tool for interacting with others and developing connections. The desire to form lasting, meaningful relationships is innate in ENFJs.

They believe that emotions play a crucial role in who we are and that suppressing them only serves to alienate us. 

INFJs or ENFJs are more creative? 

Imagination is a skill that both INFJs and ENFJs tend to excel at. These two personality types are frequently drawn to artistic, musical, and literary endeavors.

Psychology says, both of them have a strong sense of intuition and are continually inspired by their surroundings. 

Because they spend more time contemplating and have very rich inner lives, some people would argue that INFJs are more inventive. Additionally, INFJs are more likely to daydream and explore their inner world, enabling people to think of original ideas, however, it could take some time. 

Some would argue that ENFJs are more innovative since they always generate fresh concepts and think beyond the limit. More often than not, ENFJs are drawn to external stimuli.

They love to discover new methods to connect with people and are continuously looking for new social encounters. One of the personality types most likely to identify as musical is ENFJ. 

In the end, INFJs are more inventive in their own brains, but ENFJs are more inclined to translate their imagination into reality. 


  • The ENFJ and INFJ are two personality types that have very different priorities in the world. There are four cognitive functions that are preferred by each kind.
  • Each person’s preferred function has more going on than just their levels of introversion and extroversion.
  • Both INFJ and ENFJ have two primary functions that they are most comfortable with.
  • When in a “loop,” ENFJs and INFJs respond differently.
  • When an INFJ enters a “loop” between their introverted and extroverted functions, they become more analytical, research-oriented, and intent on attempting to arrange things logically.
  • Extroverted Sensing is the Tertiary for ENFJs. 
  • Most people don’t completely match every aspect of their personality type, but we all have a “best fit” type that accurately captures our mentality. 

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