TV-MA, Rated R, and Unrated (Ratings)
TV-MA is a mature audience rating.
TV-MA is a mature audience rating.
Rated's "R" R-rated movies or series can be seen by adults.
Rated's "R" R-rated movies or series can be seen by adults.
"Unrated" refers to unrated movies, programs, or series.
"Unrated" refers to unrated movies, programs, or series.
Unrated films or series have all the scenes TV-MA would delete.
Unrated films or series have all the scenes TV-MA would delete.
NC-17 is higher than Rated R.
NC-17 is higher than Rated R.
TV ratings are utilized in marketing and advertising.
TV ratings are utilized in marketing and advertising.
CLICK HERE to learn more about these different film ratings.
CLICK HERE to learn more about these different film ratings.