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Explained: The Difference Between Ignorant and ‘Ignant’

Explained: The Difference Between Ignorant and ‘Ignant’

The English language has evolved and gone through multiple changes and developments. Many other forms of English have also been introduced over the centuries. One such form that we will be talking about is Black English. In short, it’s the kind of English spoken by African Americans.

Some words of black English are used as slang words. One such word is “ignant” which is used as slang for ignorant.

However, being ignorant and being ignant are two different things and in this article, I will be covering the differences between the two words what they mean, and examples of their uses.

What Does Ignorant Mean?

Ignorant is often used as a synonym for stupid or uneducated. Ignorant is derived from the Latin word ignorare, which means “to ignore.”

The word ignorant can be used as either an adjective or a noun. As an adjective, it means lacking in knowledge or information. As a noun, it refers to a person who is uninformed or uneducated about something.

So, if you don’t know something, you’re ignorant about it. And that’s okay! Everyone is ignorant about something. The key is to be willing to learn and not think that you know everything.

What is IGNORANCE? (Meaning and Definition Explained) Define IGNORANCE | Understanding IGNORANCE

What Does Ignant Mean?

Ignant is a word that has been around for centuries. It is derived from the Latin word “ignarus”, which means “ignorant”. The word has taken on many different meanings over the years, but the most common meaning is “stupid” or “idiotic”.

Ignorant people are often seen as uneducated or uninformed. They may also be seen as being rude or insensitive. Being ignant means that you don’t know anything about a particular subject.

People also view it as a racial slur as it is part of black African English, therefore people refrain from using it in public.

Black English

Black English is a dialect of American English spoken by some African Americans. It’s also sometimes called Ebonics, African American English, or Black Vernacular English. The term “Black English” isn’t used by linguists to refer to a specific dialect, but rather to the unique speech patterns of African Americans.

Linguists who study African American English typically use the term to refer to the way African Americans use words, phrases, and grammar in their everyday speech.

The origins of Black English are African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and Southern American English. AAVE is a dialect that was created by African American slaves who were forced to speak English.

Southern American English is a dialect that developed in the southern United States. Who speaks Black English? It’s estimated that about 30% of black people in the United States speak Black English.

Black English speakers may use different grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation than Standard English speakers. Black English developed in the United States, as black people were brought over from Africa as slaves. Many of the words and phrases in Black English come from African languages.

Over time, Black English has also been influenced by other languages spoken in the United States, such as Spanish and French. Today, Black English is spoken by millions of people in the United States, both black and white. It’s also sometimes used in popular culture, in music, and in movies

5 African American women sitting on the ground
5 African American women sitting on the ground

How to Improve Your English Grammar?

One of the most important aspects of any language is grammar. Good grammar skills not only make your writing look better, but also convey a higher level of sophistication and education.

Whether you’re a writer or just starting out in your studies, it’s essential to learn good English grammar rules. The following tips will help you improve your English grammar skills. Here are the top 7 mistakes that English speakers commonly make:

  • Mistaking articles for adjectives
  • Mixing up verbs and adjectives
  • Not using apostrophes correctly
  • Incorrect verb tense
  • Misusing plurals
  • Not using correct punctuation
  • Ignoring grammar rules altogether

When we write, we need to be conscious of the language we are using. There are a few guidelines that can help us write in a more effective and error-free manner:

  • Use words that mean what you mean
  • Use complete sentences
  • Use punctuation to clarify the meaning
  • Make use of active and passive voice
  • Avoid using slang
  • Use spellchecker 

Vocabulary can be a major stumbling block for many English speakers. It’s important to regularly practice using the right words in the right way. Here are a few tips to help improve vocabulary:

  • Study vocabulary in context
  • Develop a personal dictionary
  • Practice guessing the meaning of new words
  • Rewrite sentences using the new word
  • Choose words that are properly usage
  • Use synonyms
  • Use common and contemporary expressions
  • Search for definitions 

Grammar can be a challenging subject, but with a little practice, it can be easily mastered. By following these simple tips, you can increase your writing skills and make your English-speaking experience that much smoother.

Examples of Being Ignorant

As discussed above, acting ignorant means not being aware of or not having knowledge about a specific thing. Following are some examples of being ignorant:

  • The belief that the earth is flat is an example of ignorance. People who ignore science and its observations have this belief.
  • Many people refuse to accept the negative effects of tobacco and consume it even though it hurts them.
  • Racism is a very big example of ignorance. Believing that one person is inferior to another just because of their color or race.
  • Some people believe that their physical injuries are transferred to their children. For example, a woman with a broken nose believes that her daughter will also be born with a broken nose.
  • Many people believe in superstitions like if a black cat crosses you your day will be bad.
  • There’s a common misconception that if a penny is dropped from the Eiffel towers it can kill a person.
  • People also had the belief that if you ate the food of a specific culture you might start to look like its people.
black cat sitting on a pile of paper
black cat sitting on a pile of paper

The Difference Between Ignant And Ignorant

The first difference between the two is that an ignorant person is a person who doesn’t have any information or knowledge about a topic. He’s simply unaware and clueless which is why he tends to believe what is in front of him. For example how people in the past believed that the earth was flat because of the knowledge available to them at that time.

Ignant people on the other hand are people who do have information and knowledge about a topic yet they still chose to disbelieve or think otherwise.

An example of this would be people who think the earth is flat in the current times. In the modern era, sufficient explanations and facts are present to support the claim that the earth isn’t flat. Yet there are still those who believe that the earth is flat. These types of people can be called ignorant.

The difference between the two words is that the word ignorant is part of American English whereas the word ignant is a word used in African English and is a form of ignorance. It’s used as a racial slur mostly against black people. Whereas the word ignorant can be and is used with people of all races.

A word in American EnglishA word in African English
Not a racist wordA racist slur
Isn’t considered abusive or offensiveConsidered abusive
If you are ignorant you can only change in the future.If you are being ignant you are choosing to appear ignorant.
A Table Explaining The Differences Between Ignant and ignorant


  • The English language has grown a lot throughout the centuries and currently many versions of it exist like Black English. This tells us that different people have different ways of speaking the same language.
  • Ignorant is a commonly used word that means being unaware of or lacking knowledge about something. Ignant on the other hand means having knowledge yet refusing to see the truth
  • Ignant is used as a racial slur and is considered slang. It’s a word that is used in Black English
  • Improving English Grammar can prove to be quite difficult for some people.
  • The best way you can improve is by avoiding some common mistakes and learning the rules of grammar.

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