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What Is The Difference Between The Short And Int Data Type In C++? (Explained)

What Is The Difference Between The Short And Int Data Type In C++? (Explained)

A programming language is a notational system employed to compose computer programs. Formal text-based programming languages make up the majority of the field, although they may also be graphical in nature.

A set of directions is created by a programmer to give instructions to the computer so it can carry out and complete a task.

These instructions can either be implemented immediately if they are represented in machine language, the numerical form that is exclusive to each computer manufacturer, or they can be translated from a “higher-level” language and then executed after a quick replacement procedure.

Short typically has 16 bits, long usually has 32 bits, and it can have 16 or 32 bits depending on the compiler. Yes, integers are either 2 bytes or 4 bytes depending on the compiler.

Keep reading to know more about data in programming languages, their types, and how short and int data types in C++ are different from each other.

What Is Data In Programming Language?

The gathering of information of any type is what is meant by the term “data” in simple terms.

The term data is commonly used to refer to information that has been converted into binary digital form for usage with contemporary computers and communication channels; the singular or plural form of the topic of data is acceptable.

Quality, quantity, fact, statistics, and other fundamental meaning-bearing units can all be included, as well as simple symbol sequences that can be given a formal interpretation.

Weights, costs, sales volume, employee names, product names, addresses, tax identification numbers, and authorization marks are just a few types of data.

Data Type

Data Type
Data type in a programming language is the intention with which that data has to be used, or processed.

The kind of data that a variable can store is known as a data type. Integer, real, character or string, and Boolean are only a few of the several forms of data that are supported by the majority of computer languages

It is essential to know the different types of data to help ensure that each property’s value is as expected and that the data is collected in the correct format.

Let’s take a closer look at the different types of data in the table below.

Data TypeUsage
IntegerWhole numbers(1,5,9)
StringAlphanumeric (hello world 12)
BooleanLogical values (true/false)
FloatNumber with decimal(0.7)
Different types of data in a programing language

Evolution Of The First Ever Programming Language

Computers have needed a way to be instructed to carry out a certain task ever since Charles Babbage’s difference engine was created in 1822.

The first compiler, A-0, was created by Grace Hopper in 1951. A program known as a compiler converts a language’s statements into 0s and 1s that the computer can understand.

Programming became quicker as a result of the programmer not having to perform the task by hand.

Around 1883, The Analytical Engine’s Algorithm is regarded as the first computer programming language because it was developed by Ada Lovelace to compute Bernoulli numbers for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine

How Does Programming Language Work?

Programming is a complex division where one needs to learn multiple languages, and user interfaces to implement programming codes.

Programming language functions in a way that the operator converts high-level language into a low-level language known as the machine language, or “binary language,” which we learned in high school.

Most programming languages operate in the same manner: To instruct it, you type code: write (“Hello, world”).

Compiling the code creates machine code that the computer can interpret. The code is run by the computer, which then returns “Hello, World” to us.

What Is C++ Language?

The C++ programming language was created by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT&T in the middle of the 1980s as an extension to the C programming language that included objects while maintaining the program’s efficiency.

For both educational and industrial programming, it has been one of the most significant languages. C++ has been used extensively in several operating systems.

Creating business-level applications that include numerous interconnected apps has become popular, and C++ and Java are two of the most widely used languages for doing so.

Because C++’s syntax is comparable to those of C and Java, programmers find it simple to convert over to using it.

The tutorial helps you understand the basics of C++ language.

What Is So Unique About C++ Language

One of the most popular languages for creating all kinds of technical and commercial software is C++.

Due to its speed and proximity to low-level languages, C++ is one of the most flexible programming languages and offers total control over memory utilization and maintenance.

It is one of the hardest languages to learn and use on a big scale because of this particular characteristic and its many other features.

Difference Between The Short And Int Data Types in C++

Machine-related factors account for the majority of the differences between the two. Short and I t are both used for integers, but the difference is in the word length.

The “short” data type is a signed integer type that normally uses 2 bytes (16 bits) of memory. As a signed integer type, the “int” data type similarly takes up 4 bytes on average.

When you are certain that the values you need to save, short will fit inside its range, it has a smaller range of values than “int” and is made to conserve memory. For general-purpose integer arithmetic, the keyword “int” is frequently used and has a wider range of values than the keyword “short”.

A “short” can store values in the range of at least -32,767 to 32,767. The range of values an “int” can hold is at least -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647.

As it offers a greater range and is frequently the default option, you can generally utilize “int” for the majority of your integer needs. However, you can choose to use “short” to save memory if you are working with memory constraints or if you are aware that your numbers will always fall inside a specific range.

Use int unless memory conservation is essential if your program utilizes a lot of memory (for instance, by using several arrays). In that situation, use brief.

Other Programming Languages

Programming languages are used by computer programmers to develop website features, change the look of web pages, and organize data.


Python is one of the many such languages that is adopted by Google.

A well-liked programming language is Python. It’s employed for software development, web development, and math.

The programming language Python is high-level and versatile. Code readability is a key aspect of its design philosophy.

Since Python is fairly easy to learn, many non-programmers, such as accountants and scientists, have used it for a range of mundane tasks, including handling funds.


The second most common language is Java, which is particularly well-liked by programmers.

Similar to JavaScript and Python, it is a flexible and all-purpose language.

Object-oriented programming languages like Java are extremely popular. When you develop a piece of code in Java, it may run on virtually any device that supports the Java platform, which contributes to the popularity of the language.


A domain-specific language created for handling data stored in databases is called Structured Query Language (SQL, often known as Sequel).

This programming language, unlike many of the others listed thus far, isn’t general-purpose, so its use is much more limited.

MySQL is an RDBMS that enables users to keep the data that already exists in a database organized. SQL is used for accessing, updating, and managing data in a database.


  • An instruction set is sent to a computer or other piece of computing equipment using a programming language, which is a vocabulary and grammar system.
  • In general, programming languages are high-level languages like BASIC, C, C++, COBOL, Java, FORTRAN, Ada, and Pascal.
  • New programming languages are being introduced, yet C++ is still in use. There are several different data types in this language, including the use of short (data modifier) and “int,” which is the base data type, and both are used for integers.
  • The difference can be found in the memory area. While “int” defines a memory space of 4 bytes, short itself clearly describes a short memory region of roughly 2 bytes.

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