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    “I like watching movies” And “I like to watch movies” (Exploring The Grammar)

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    Grammar can be tricky while speaking. Several phrases sound similar to each other, but in general, they aren’t. They make a different sense. Such terms create complications and doubts in communication.

    You might have heard people saying, “I like watching movies,” or “I like to watch movies.” Even though they look pretty similar, they are different.

    “I like watching movies” is a time-bound phrase, showing a continuous action; on the other hand, “I like to watch movies” is a generic one. The former is a gerund (-ing) tense, whereas the latter is an infinitive tense.

    There is a need to understand the difference between the two sentences; so let’s analyze them and their exact usefulness.

    What Does “I like watching movies” Mean?

    The phrase “I like watching movies” generally means that a particular person has watched some movies and will continue to watch more.

    The reason is that they are a source of entertainment. Moreover, they give information and ideas. If a person likes watching movies, according to his interest, they become a source of pleasure.

    It means that there is a time associated with this phrase. A person who has just finished watching it and will watch it in the future shows time boundaries.

    Since “watching” ends in -ing, it denotes both having observed and continuing to watch movies. It means that “watching” is a continuous tense; it is happening now and will resume further with time.

    Therefore, it’s preferable to use this phrase in continuous work because that will make complete sense of the current situation in the sentence structure.

    What Does “I like to watch movies” Mean?

    The phrase “I like to watch movies” denotes a particular person discussing his interest in generically watching movies. It does not show any time boundaries. It is because it is tense without any associated time.

    So, it is an infinitive tense. Make sure to use it when referring to things that are not done according to the clock.

    According to the grammatical rules, “to watch” is a primary verb without any particular tense. It implies that you want to do something you haven’t done yet.

    Eat popcorn while watching movies
    Eat popcorn while watching movies


    There are specific examples of both these phrases that we use in everyday life whenever we decide to watch movies. Let’s see what they are.

    “I like to watch movies.”

    • When you were younger, you liked watching movies.
    • Chief, I’m finished watching the movies.
    • I like to watch movies by myself.
    • Chief, I’m done watching movies.
    • She despises it when I watch movies while doing nothing.

    “I like watching movies.”

    • I like watching movies rather than reading about them.
    • You are the ideal companion for watching movies.
    • A cinema theater is required for watching movies.
    • That’s how we used to watch movies, you see.
    • All day long, they dine and like to watch movies.
    • We constantly eat and watch movies.

    Disparities Between “I like watching movies” and “I like to watch movies”

    There are some differences between these two phrases. However, sometimes people consider them similar and use them interchangeably, but that’s not right.

    The table below summarizes all the disparities among them.

     I like watching moviesI like to watch movies
    VerbIf a gerund is used after the word “like,” likeness is expressed: “I like watching movies.”However, suppose a to-infinitive precedes this verb. In that case, it conveys habitual preference, which is something we do regularly that we don’t always like but that we believe to be wise, practical, or correct: I enjoy watching movies.
    TenseAs discussed, watching is a continuous tense. It represents the task you are doing now and will do in the future.Similarly, it represents the common interests of a person.
    ToneWhile speaking, the tone signifies the desire of a person. He has completed the work and will continue to be entertained by movies.It indicates how a person generally behaves toward the idea of enjoying any movie. It shows a casual tone of a person.
    Differences between “I like watching movies” and “I like to watch movies”

    Even though the above phrases don’t have many differences according to the literature survey, proper utilization of each in day-to-day conversations can effectively convey the ideas.

    In Which Context Is The Word “Watch” Utilized?

    You need to consider the word’s usage. When the word “watch” is used in sentences like the following:

    They watched a movie.

    She was watching a movie.

    He is watching a movie.

    People watch a movie.

    You can determine whether the other watch or activity is to blame. Right now, the look is in motion. It can’t belong to someone else.

    Understanding the context in which the word “watch” has been used is crucial because it enables everyone to decide whether usage is suitable.

    The term “context” describes the intended meaning that the words used to write the text or passage produce.

    People love to watch movies
    People love to watch movies

    Why Do People Like to Watch Movies?

    Whether you’re looking for quick entertainment to pass the time, going to the upcoming “largest movie of the year,” or going on a vacation with your significant other, it’s frequently implied that a movie’s sole goal is to entertain. Is that the case?

    • With the help of movies, people may explore their imaginations, feel things they wouldn’t typically think about in the real world, and escape from them.
    • You don’t get to be involved in a vehicle pursuit down a military runway (Fast & Furious 6), be pursued by a madman with a machete in the woods (Friday 13th), or experience the enlightenment of romance every day (When Harry met Sally).
    • Therefore, movies play a big part in the fantasy world. People don’t want to come out of this, so they try to engage themselves by watching movies.

    Consider the last time you searched through every page of every category to find movies you were interested in watching before deciding which movie to stream. How did you choose the film?

    Did you toss a coin; probably not? You likely asked yourself, “What do I feel like?” and “What worlds can I explore?”. And because of discovering various new things, a person decides to watch a movie every time.

    Watch this video to know more about why people watch movies

    What Does the Director Want to Show in the Film?

    Most directors will tell you that their responsibility is to present a story, not to amuse people. That’s the main idea behind making a movie.

    It means diving the characters into a plot, whether it’s a comedy, romantic, or action movie. The central theme of the film can reflect the whole story.

    Directors make movies for entertainment and storytelling
    Directors make movies for entertainment and storytelling

    Before deciding to watch a movie, try to check your mood. Check out if you are in the phase of “I like watching movies” or “I like to watch movies.”

    In summary, using various camera angles makes it easier for us to sense the distance between the two characters. However, because it’s subconscious, people are initially unaware of it, which signifies a strong director.

    Not by the plot but by the marketing, viewers are frequently told how to feel about a particular movie. Humans all know what “hype” means and have all fallen victim to it at some point.

    Movies take everyone to a different time, location, or circumstance that humans might never be able to experience, allowing us to feel and escape from reality. What draws people back to a movie is the emotional response it evokes in us.


    • Speaking can be challenging sometimes. Even though specific phrases resemble one another on the surface, they don’t really mean the same thing. They make sense in different ways. Such terms complicate communication and raise questions.
    • This blog post evaluates the precise utility of two terms; perhaps you have heard someone say, “I like watching movies” or “I like to watch movies.”
    • “I enjoy watching movies” is a time-bound statement that implies constant action; the generic message “I like to watch movies” is the opposite. While the latter is an infinitive, the former is a gerund (-ing) tense.

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