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Implantation Bleeding VS Spotting Caused by Morning-After Pill

Implantation Bleeding VS Spotting Caused by Morning-After Pill

It could be implantation bleeding if you start to notice bleeding or spotting several days before your period. There are many reasons for spotting, so it is important to know how to identify implantation bleeding. Check to see if your symptoms match the timing of your spotting before you go for pregnancy testing.

Implantation bleeding is light vaginal bleeding, which can sometimes occur very early in pregnancies. Implantation bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg is attached to the uterine wall. The egg can attach to the uterus anywhere between 6 and 12 days after ovulation. If you ovulate on the 14th day of your cycle, implantation can occur between 17 and 26 days later.

The fertilized egg can settle into the uterine wall and cause spotting or light bleeding. Changes in hormones during early pregnancies can also cause bleeding.

Although it is rare, it can be a sign that you are experiencing implantation bleeding. You might be pregnant if you notice implantation bleeding.

Before diving into the article, have a quick look at this video to understand what implantation bleeding means:

What is the morning-after pill?

The morning-after pill (or contraception) is an emergency form of birth control. Women who have had unprotected sexual activity or whose birth control methods have failed can use emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy.

Morning-after pills are not intended to be used as primary contraception. Morning-after pills can contain levonorgestrel (Plan A One-Step and Aftera, Others) or ulipristalcetate (ella).

Levonorgestrel can be purchased over-the-counter, but you will need a prescription to purchase ulipristal.

If you have had unprotected sexual activity, morning-after pills may be able to help you prevent pregnancy. This could be because you did not use birth control, missed a birth control pill, or your method of birth control failed.

Morning-after pills don’t end a pregnancy already implanted. They delay or prevent ovulation.

The morning-after pill does not replace mifepristone (Mifeprex), also known by RU-486, or the abortion pill. This drug ends an existing pregnancy — one where the fertilized egg has already attached to the uterine wall, and is beginning to develop.

Although emergency contraception can be used to prevent pregnancy following unprotected sexual activity, it is not as effective as other contraceptives and shouldn’t be routinely used. Even with proper use, the morning-after pill may fail and offer no protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

The morning-after pill may not be right for you. If:

  • Allergy to the morning-after pill or any of its components
  • Certain medications, such as St. John’s Wort or barbiturates, can cause a decrease in the effectiveness of the morning-after pill.
  • There are some indications that the morning-after pill may not be as effective for pregnant women who are obese or overweight.
  • Before using ulipristal, ensure you are not pregnant. It is not known what effects ulipristal has on a baby in development. It is not recommended to breastfeed ulipristal.

What is Plan B?

A bunch of pills

Plan B is a morning-after pill that can help prevent unwanted pregnancy. Healthline says Plan B is an excellent option if your birth control has failed or if you forget to take your regular birth control pills. You never know what might happen so Plan B can help you avoid getting pregnant.

According to WebMD, the Plan B pill contains levonorgestrel. This synthetic hormone is progestin. Levonorgestrel is a birth control drug that has been used for many years. The Plan B pill contains more of this hormone to prevent fertilized eggs from attaching in the womb.

For those who have never taken the pill before, it can be confusing. You might be concerned that the pill did not work if you feel spotting.

Unexpected spotting can seem like a negative sign for people who have never taken the Plan B pill before, but it is actually a side effect. Healthline says that unexpected spotting isn’t common and can be caused by taking the Pill.

Planned Parenthood expanded on the notion that the pill can cause spotting. Attia, a Planned Parenthood health provider, stated that while we cannot tell you if your pregnancy is over the internet, we can tell you that spotting can be a normal side effect to emergency contraception (like Plan B).

If that wasn’t enough to calm your nerves, Quora users asked about the differences between light bleeding and implantation spotting after taking the Plan B pill. 

A health educator with 10 years’ experience said, “Implantation bleeding usually has a pinkish color. It’s quite rare for women to have it. I think around 25% of them will have it.” The morning after pill is usually a reddish-brown color.

A pregnancy test is the best way to find out for sure. It is rare for Plan B to cause pregnancy. Spots are a common side effect of the pill. If you’re still not sure, take a test to get your mind clear!

Implantation Bleeding VS Spotting Caused by Morning-After Pill

What are the pros and disadvantages of an implant?

You don’t need to remember to take something every day. Lasts up to five years.

It is reversible. You can have it removed at any time.

It doesn’t affect having sex.

It is highly effective and reliable in preventing pregnancy in the immediate future.
It can cause irregular periods or longer periods. It is most common within the first six months, but can continue for as long as the implant is in use. Although it can be irritating, the implant will still function. You can get pills to stop bleeding if it is an issue.

After the implant is placed or removed, it may cause a sore arm or bruise. There is a slight risk of infection.

Sometimes, it is difficult for the doctor or nurse to locate the implant. You might need to go to another person to have it removed.

Condoms do not protect against STIs.

Is it possible for morning-after pills to cause spotting?

Morning after pill can cause irregular bleeding and spotting. It may also affect your next period. Most women get their period on the time. However, it is possible to have yours a few days later or earlier than expected. You should consult a doctor if your period is not on time for more than five consecutive days. If your period is light or heavy, the same applies.

The morning after pill is safe in emergency situations. Both morning after pill were safe in medical tests.

Rarely, patients can develop an allergic reaction the hormone in the morning-after pill. Consult a doctor immediately if you have symptoms of an allergy. Itchy skin, swellings on the face and a reddening nose are signs of allergic reactions.

Other side effects:

  • Swelling, discoloration, or bruising at the implant site
  • Nausea, vomiting headache, dizziness breast discomfort, mood swings or changes in mood, as well as nausea (feeling sick).
  • Acne can either improve or worsen
  • You may experience frequent, severe, persistent headaches or vision problems that indicate increased pressure around the brain.

Should any of these side effects show up, please contact your doctor immediately.

What is implantation bleeding?

A person bleeding

Implantation bleeding could appear as light spots (blood that appears on the skin when you wipe it) or a steady, consistent flow that needs a liner or pad. The blood can be mixed with cervical mucus or not.

Depending on how long it has taken for blood to leave the body, you may see a range colors.

  • A newer blood will appear in the form of a shade or dark red.
  • Mixing blood with other vaginal fluids can cause blood to appear pink or orange.
  • The appearance of oxidation in older blood can make it look brown.

The implant may cause changes in your period (menstrual pattern), such as irregular bleeding or bleeding between periods, longer periods and spotting, as well as other bleeding issues, such a bleeding disorder called menstrual bleeding. The implant’s contraceptive effect is not affected by changes in your period. It will still function. While irregular bleeding will often resolve over time, it can still be irritating. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you are experiencing persistent and severe bleeding. Pills are available to assist.

You should take note of the consistency and frequency of your bleeding. These are the details that you will need to share with your doctor to help diagnose.

A process of elimination is used for diagnosing implant bleeding. This means your doctor will first rule out other potential causes of bleeding such as polyps.

Can implantation bleeding cause a positive pregnancy test?

Home pregnancy tests detect pregnancy by measuring the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in your urine. When implantation occurs, your body produces hCG. Around eight days after ovulation is when you may have enough hCG to be able to test positive for pregnancy. But, most pregnant women won’t see a positive pregnancy test results this soon.

Many factors can influence the amount of HCG in a woman’s body, including when it was implanted. One week after ovulation, and soon after implantation bleeding, the hCG levels can drop as low as 5 mg/ML. Your hCG levels may range from 10 to 700 mg/ML of HCG when you are four weeks pregnant. Home pregnancy tests usually detect pregnancy at levels higher than 20 mUI/ML.

Waiting a couple of days after you see implantation spotting is a good idea before taking a pregnancy test. This gives your body enough time to make detectable levels of the hormone. Wait until your period is over before you take a home pregnancy test. This will ensure that the results are accurate.


Your cycle will not be protected by emergency contraception pills. You can use condoms, or another barrier method of contraception until you have your period. You should consult your doctor if you use hormonal methods of birth control such as vaginal rings, pills, or patches.

You may find that emergency contraceptives don’t work well if you weigh between 75 kg (165 lb), and 80 kg (176 lb). Women over 80kg (176 lb), will not be able to use emergency contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about emergency contraceptives that don’t change due to a woman’s weight.

An IUD is not an option for emergency contraception. Find a good method for birth control that you can use every time your sex occurs.

Contraception emergency does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Talk to your doctor if there are concerns that you may have been exposed to.

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