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Comparing Midol, Pamprin, Acetaminophen, and Advil: A Detailed Guide

Comparing Midol, Pamprin, Acetaminophen, and Advil: A Detailed Guide

Every month the girls have to suffer because of their monthly cycle. It’s not something they can get rid of in a matter of days or years.

Menstruation requires you to stay hygienic to avoid infections. It can certainly cause more discomfort for you if you end up having infections with bad period cramps.

Advil is from the Ibruphen Family, which lowers pain and inflammation whereas Midol, Pamprin, and Acetaminophen are analgesic drugs that treat mild pain.

Around 4-5 decades of living their lives around menstrual cycles. Every girl finds out ways how to deal with pain and other symptoms they experience before, during, and after the cycle.

So, let us dig deep and find out the differences and similarities in specific PMS pain relievers.

What is PMS?

PMS as the name explains are the signs you experience before and during your menstrual cycle. Primarily, PMS refers to pre or prior signs you go through that indicate your periods are just around the corner!

So, all those unwanted emotional outbursts are one of the classic examples of PMS. But just because someone might experience such an outburst shouldn’t always be concluded that they are on their period.

Maybe someone might have been bottled up so much that’s also when a girl can lash out at you! Always be mindful and do consider other symptoms.

Along with unpredictable mood changes that you can understand with frequent emotional outbursts like 4-5 in a single day. If you see your girl’s food habits changing every month. During a specific period that’s when you can crack that she’s either PMSing or on her period.

The reason why her moods change and unpredictable cravings are because of the blood loss during periods.

Also, if you notice every month a girl usually looks a little bit more bloated than what’s considered normal. Every person experiences bloating throughout the day because of the amounts of salt and water present in food that slows down digestion based on lifestyle. But, if a girl is bloated for straight 8-9 days then she most probably is PMSing.

Furthermore, if a girl’s body is tender and feels tired and a bit gloomy, she might be experiencing PMS. When a person loses blood consecutively for 4-5 days this causes a change in the hormone levels, moods, and appearance. 

In a nutshell, listed below are the symptoms of PMSing.

  • unpredictable mood changes
  • food habits change every month
  • more bloated and Acne
  • body is tender
  • feels tired and a bit gloomy
PMSing symptom in lower belly
Most pain is experienced in the Abdomen region

Overview Of Specific PMS Pain Relievers

Some of the widely used PMS pain relievers used by women are:

  • Midol
  • Pamprin
  • Advil
  • Acetaminophen
  • Other Pain Relievers of PMS
Pain RelieversPriceIntake Limit
(Aged 12 and Above in 24 hours)
Midol$7.47 from Walmart2000mg
Pamprin$4 from Walmart2000mg
Advil$9.93 from CVS pharmacy1200mg
Acetaminophen$10.29 from CVS pharmacy4000mg
Other Pain Relievers of PMSAs Required
Outline of PMS Specific Pain Relievers

Are Midol And Pamprin The Same?

Midol and Pamprin are both medicines that can be easily purchased without any prescription and are two different brand names for ingredients like Acetaminophen/pamabrom/pyrilamine as aspirin-free pain relievers!

According to this research, Acetaminophen is an effective pain reliever and much better than an aspirin. But though it does have benefits, anything when consumed in large amounts can be harmful. So, if the adverse effects aren’t kept in mind then one might end up with untreatable long-term diseases such as hepatotoxicity!

Ingredients of Midol;

  • Acetaminophen 500 mg
  • Caffeine 60 mg
  • Pyrilamine maleate 15 mg

Midol serves the purpose of a pain reliever and offers 6 different products where you can choose from your priority. It’s available in form of tablets and gelcaps.

Ingredients of Pamprin;

  • Acetaminophen 500 mg
  • Pamabrom 25 mg
  • Pyrilamine Maleate 15 mg

With 2 flavors available’s per your choice if you wish to go caffeine-free or caffeinated. It’s available as tablets only and also serves the purpose of being a pain reliever.

Both Midol and Pamprin offer the same benefits for aches, bloating, cramps, fatigue, and irritability. If you go overboard with its consumption you may end up with the following results; drowsiness, redness or swelling, blisters, and rash. The best thing about Midol and Pamprin is that they take only an hour to show their effectiveness!

Check out my other article to know what is the difference between Hygiene Vs Grooming to get a clear idea of what you must do to stay away from uncertain infections and irritability.

Take a look at some of the other recognition of PMS!

How Are Advil and Acetaminophen Different?

Advil popularly known as Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen are both pain relievers. They are different in terms of their degree to control over the pain levels.

Ingredients of Advil

Advil Tablets or Ibuprofen contains 200 mg, to relief pain and inflammation.

Advil is more beneficial when inflammation is the cause—inflammation such as menstrual cramps and arthritis.

Ingredients of Acetaminophen

Acetaminophen contains 500 milligrams of acetaminophen.

To relieve mild to moderate pain from aches, menstrual periods, colds, and fever.

Some of the Common Side Effects of Both Pain Relievers

  • Sleeplessness
  • Allergies
  • Nausea
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Toxicity

What Are Other Pain Relievers For PMS?

PMS symptoms can be different for every woman because of their genetics and blood flow.  Some of the other Pain relievers for PMS, in my opinion, would be natural remedies like having herbal tea, using a hot water bottle, having chocolatesbloat-free food, and yoga.

Why I think of suggesting these natural remedies would is because some people are afraid to take capsules, the second reason is one must not always be dependent on medications and the third is to increase pain tolerance with the natural method in case of nonavailability of pain relievers as listed above.

Having a cup of herbal tea that can be easily made with home items like ginger, lemon, and honey all have relaxing effects and doesn’t add any more calories so after PMS symptoms wear off weight loss isn’t something for you to worry about.

Adding 15-20 minutes of yoga routine after which you can enjoy a hot shower or apply a hot water bottle will do wonders for your low mood levels. This routine is very convenient and offers mental peace.

Lastly, if you still cannot find a reason to uplift your mood you can enjoy a bar of dark chocolates it channels the reward center of your brain and you can instantly get a burst of energy and temporarily forget about the pain.

Herbal Remedy for PMS symptoms
Home Methods for PMS

Final Thoughts

Midol, Pamprin, Acetaminophen, and Advil all are PMS-specific pain relievers. They all lower the pain and help you go through your day easily.

What sets all of them apart is how quickly they show results, and the cost and the reason behind the intake. If you’re looking for the fastest pain and inflammation reliever then Advil will be your choice. But if you consider the price and how many times can you have a pain reliever then Midol, Pamprin, and Acetaminophen are what you’ll choose.

However, some people don’t feel comfortable investing in any amount to reduce their pain and look for more natural ways to subside their pain so they choose other PMS pain lowering methods.

Everything is based on a person’s preference and what degree of pain they are in. If they can manage it at home then they don’t put much effort to go and buy the OTC medicine but if it gets unbearable then what other option do you have to choose but OTC pain relievers.

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