What Are The Differences Between Python And An Anaconda? (Answered)

Short answer: One of the biggest and heaviest snakes in the world, the anaconda is a member of the Boidae family. While the Python is a non-venomous snake that is a member of the Pythonidae family, it is a semi-aquatic snake that is primarily found in tropical South America. Asia, Africa, and Australia are where it is most prevalent.

Snakes are among the creatures that humans fear the most because of their looks and venomous bodies, which may kill or consume a person in a matter of hours.

Numerous people confuse Python and Anaconda since they have numerous similarities.

They set themselves apart from one another through a multitude of differences. They are both long and have massive bodies, and they both use their strength to destroy their prey.

Anacondas prefer aquatic environments overall, whereas pythons prefer terrestrial ones. In addition to being generally heavier than pythons, anacondas have a tendency to live shorter lives than pythons do.

Regardless of their differences and similarities, pythons and anacondas are both interesting reptiles with enviable reputations.

To learn more about them and how they differ, keep reading. Let’s begin!

What Are Snakes?

Reptiles of the sort known as snakes are widespread throughout the world. They are distinguished by their overlapping scales and long, thin, limbless bodies.

Species differences in snake size and weight can occur. Some are enormous, monstrous predators with lengths of many meters. Others can weigh the same as a coin because they are so tiny.

On the earth, there are more than 3000 different species of snakes, and new ones are being found every year. Only 200 of the 600 venomous species—or 7%—are capable of killing or seriously injuring a human.

Snakes flick around their forked tongues which aids them in smelling their surroundings; that alerts them when food or danger is around.

The scientific classification of snake is as follows:

Scientific ClassificationClassified
The scientific classification of snakes

What Do Snakes Eat?

Snakes are carnivores, which means they want to devour other creatures. According to the size of their bodies, each variety of snake chooses its food.

For instance, smaller snakes favor eating insects, birds, and rodents. However, larger snakes like to devour bigger animals like pigs and deer.

Snakes use unusual hunting and eating techniques. They can devour prey far larger than themselves because of their removable jaws.

Snakes can occasionally consume their prey over the course of several days to several weeks.

Others are far more aggressive and use speed and raw power to overcome their prey; some species will sneak up on their prey and ambush them.

You can find snakes the most in the following locations:

  1. Africa
  2. Asia
  3. Central America
  4. Eurasia
  5. Europe
  6. North America
  7. Oceania
  8. South America

What Is A Python?

Pythons are the most feared snakes due to their large size.

Since pythons are non-venomous constrictors, they wrap their enormous bodies around their prey after ambushing it and squeeze it until it is unable to breathe on its own and dies.

Pythons never pursue their prey; instead, they wait for it and overwhelm it. Pythons open their mouths to allow them to swallow their prey fully while consuming larger creatures.

Over 30 species are known for them. More well-known species include the Reticulated Python, Burmese Python, Pygmy Python, and African Rock Python.

The prey is asphyxiated and constricted by the muscles in the body of pythons until it is dead, at which point it is swallowed whole.

Despite their reputation as excellent predators, pythons are also susceptible to becoming prey. Even the largest snake species need to be on guard against their predators, which can include lions, leopards, and big birds of prey.

What Is An Anaconda?

In contrast to the 33 different species of Python, there are only four known species of anacondas, a non-venomous boa constrictor.

The species of Anaconda are:

  1. Murinus (Green)
  2. Notaeus (Yellow or Paraguayan)
  3. Deschauenseei (Dark-spotted)
  4. Beniensis (Beni or Bolivian)

Depending on the species, the anaconda can grow up to 30 feet (9 meters) long in length. The green anaconda is the species that most people envision when they hear the word “anaconda”.

They can be found in much of South America, all the way down in Paraguay, where they reside in the forest. They favor marshes, swamps, and streams and are primarily nocturnal aquatic species.

They typically have brownish-green coloring with black patches, which helps them be excellent predators in the muddy, brackish waters they live in.

Anacondas are varieties of boa constrictors that kill their prey by asphyxia, just like many species of python.

Anacondas are experts in preying upon sea creatures.

They prefer fish, other snakes, and reptiles as food because they spend most of their life near or in water.

Differences Between A Python And An Anaconda

It’s easy to understand why pythons and anacondas are frequently mistaken for one another. They are both extremely long, strong snakes without venom that kill their prey through ambushing and constricting.

It’s unlikely that they have ever interacted in the wild because pythons are native to Asia, Africa, and Australia, whereas anacondas exist in South America.

However, given how pythons, particularly the Burmese python, are being introduced throughout the world, it might only be a matter of time before this battle takes place in the actual world.

Action And Location

African, Asian, and Australian ecosystems are just a few of the places where pythons can be found.

They are constrictors, which means they encircle their prey with their strong bodies and squeeze them until they suffocate.

Pythons hunt by ambush, waiting for their prey to approach them rather than going after them directly. Additionally, they have a reputation for being skilled climbers, able to scale trees and shrubs in quest of prey.

On the other hand, anacondas are mostly found in South American swamps and marshes. Although they are constrictors as well, they are renowned for being able to kill far larger prey than pythons.

In search of their next meal, anacondas move through the water like eager hunters. They can hold their breath underwater for up to ten minutes and are outstanding swimmers.

Size And Speed

The largest python species can grow to a length of at least 28 feet and weigh over 200 pounds.

Despite growing to a maximum length of 22 feet and weighing up to 550 pounds, anacondas are smaller than pythons.

The anaconda is a gigantic reptile that can grow up to 12 inches in diameter. It has the advantage despite the python being longer since it is thicker and heavier.

The python can move at a maximum speed of 1 mph while slithering across the land, and it can also sustain this speed while swimming.

The anaconda moves at a somewhat faster pace on land, traveling at 5 mph; they can swim 10 mph in the water, where they spend most of their time. When it comes to movement and speed, the anaconda has the upper hand.

Senses, Behavior, And Offensive Ability

The python has quite good senses; it can follow the heat and use specialized organs to interpret chemical data and find prey. The sensory organs and skills of the anaconda are nearly identical.

The python can conceal itself underwater, in plants, or rocks. It can stay out of harm’s way by using its size and concealment.

The anaconda has comparable physical defenses with one exception: because its eyes are on the top of its head, it may be more watchful while submerged.

The python is designed to catch and consume prey. It is used to grab hold of the adversary and start encircling and strangling their adversary.

The anaconda does the exact same action, except it has a greater crushing force to end the conflict.

Although these two monsters have comparable offensive abilities, the anaconda has the advantage due to its superior strength.

The table below shows the summary of differences between Python and Anaconda in the form of a table.

Geographical locationAsia, Africa, and AustraliaAsia, Africa, and Australia
Weight7-250 pounds550 pounds
Attack Deer and antelopesSmall and big animals
How they kill their preyThey suffocate their prey until it stops breathing by encircling it with their bodies and applying pressure.They move through the water and can hold their breath underwater; they utilize a greater crushing force.
Length33 feet20 feet
Lifespan35 years10 years
Key Differences Between a Python And an Anaconda

Who Is Bigger: Python Or Anaconda?

The reticulated python is the world’s longest snake. This Asian species routinely grows longer than 6 meters.

The longest snake that was formally measured was 7.67 meters, despite there being tall tales of snakes that were longer than 10 meters.

Though, one of the most heavy-weighted anacondas in the world is the green one. The anaconda is considerably more strongly built in spite of its lesser average length. According to reports, the largest anaconda ever captured weighed 227 kg.

A 5.2-meter anaconda and a 7.3-meter reticulated python are thought to weigh around the same.

Other pythons are among the biggest snakes in the world. African rock pythons and Burmese pythons complete the top four.

Other Snakes Related To Pythons And Anacondas


Rattlesnakes belong to the Viper family of snakes.

The largest venomous snakes in the country are rattlesnakes, and there are other species that inhabit American ecosystems.

They can fast and precisely strike one-third or more of their body length from any position, whether coiled or stretched out.

When threatened, rattlesnakes may rattle as a warning, however, they don’t always do so before biting.

In addition to the mountains, plains, deserts, and beaches, rattlesnakes can be found in various settings where people labor.

Copperhead Snakes

Copperhead Snakes
Copperhead snakes are mostly found in North America, specifically Florida.

According to the biology department at Pennsylvania State University, copperhead snakes acquire their name, appropriately, from their copper-red heads.

These huge snakes, which may be found in the southern and eastern parts of the country, have bodies that range in color from tan to grey to copper, with distinctive hourglass-shaped stripes.

Although their venom is very mild and their bites rarely result in human fatalities, they are also the most prone to bite.

They are medium-sized snakes, with an average length of 2 to 3 feet (0.6 to 0.9 meters).


  • The largest, heaviest, and most dangerous snakes in the world are the python and the anaconda. Despite coming from separate snake families, they have many similarities and shared characteristics. Frequently, people mistake pythons for anacondas.
  • In contrast to the anaconda, which is often found in tropical South America and is a member of the Boidae family, the python is primarily found in Asia, Africa, and Australia.
  • While the female anaconda does not deposit eggs, the female python does so between the ages of 12 and 36. Around 20 to 35 young people are born directly to it each time.
  • The longest snakes in the world are pythons, which may grow to a maximum length of 33 feet. In comparison, anacondas can grow to a maximum length of 20 feet.
  • Pythons kill their victim by encircling it with their body and squeezing it until it stops breathing and dies. They consume their prey whole after killing it. The way anacondas kill their victim is by biting, submerging, and then swallowing the whole thing.

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