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Explained: Differences Between Happyness and Happiness

Explained: Differences Between Happyness and Happiness

It’s not uncommon for people to talk about happiness in the present moment, but they can also speak more generally about how they feel about life.

The feeling of happiness is defined by fulfillment, satisfaction, and contentment. Happiness has several different definitions, but it’s often described as satisfaction with life and having positive emotions.

The only difference between happiness and happyness is that of spelling. The grammatically correct word is happiness, while happyness is considered incorrect.

Let’s explore these words further.

How Do We Define Happiness?

Happiness is defined as the state of being happy or content.

Happiness is that feeling you get when you’re happy, and you can’t stop smiling. When you’re safe or successful, or lucky, or healthy, you can’t help but feel satisfied. In terms of psychology, you can call it subjective wellbeing.

Happiness is the feeling of satisfaction you feel when you achieve a goal in your life. All of you want happiness in your lives. You all have different ways to get it. You spend your whole life trying to feel that level of contentment even once.

What Is Meant By Happyness?

Happyness is just the same as the word happiness. So you can say that it means a state of being happy or joyful.

The feeling of contentment fills your heart at some stage of your life. There is no proper scale for measuring your happyniess. It’s an emotion that reflects in your actions, your eyes, and even your body language.

Know The Difference?

Both happyness and happiness express the same emotion and feelings. It’s just the way they’re spelled that’s different. One of them is formal, while the other is just recently derived.

Happyness spelling includes “y” instead of “I.” It’s not grammatically correct. It is trending only because of its use in a popular Hollywood movie called “The Pursuit of Happyness.”

Why Happiness Is Not Happyness?

The word happyness is extracted from a movie named “The Pursuit of Happyness.” That is because, outside Christopher’s daycare center, happiness is spelled as ‘happyness.”

Will Smith’s character son is called Christopher in this movie. His father makes an effort to bring the administration’s attention to this grammatical mistake but no one paid attention to him.

In the end, he realized it’s not the spelling that matters but your emotions.

What’s The Meaning Of Y In This Happyness?

The writer of the movie kept the authentic word happy; where only “ness” was added as a noun, not to change it to experience happyness to its fullest in its true sense.

Image of a woman smiling while holding a balloon in her hand.
Inside peace is the key to happiness.

The writer used the word happyness to express that it’s all about the whole. It might be impossible to achieve absolute happiness, but it’s always something to strive for. It’s a goal to pursue, for everyone, always faithful, even if you can’t reach it.

There are very few choices in your life. You’ve to learn to be happy in whatever circumstances life throws your way. It’s a consistent struggle against misery and sadness.

What Are The Three Levels Of Happiness?

Psychologists have divided happiness into three levels.

  • Pleasant Life, it means you enjoy your daily pleasures.
  • Good Life, it means you use your skills for enrichment.
  • Meaningful Life indicates that you’re contributing to some greater good.

What’s The Message Derived From “The Pursuit Of Happyness”?

The movie’s significant message is that passion and persistence make you successful.

Another way you can put this message is to stop wherever you are in your life and be happy. Enjoy little moments in your life. You can only be satisfied right here, being Who You Truly Are, no matter where you go, what you achieve, or who you become.

In other words, you don’t do things for happiness. You do things because you’re happy. The key to happiness is GROWTH because you live in a changing world. There is no other option.

These are a few of the messages that I could deduce from this movie.

What Is The Highest Purpose Of Happiness?

The purpose of happiness is defined differently by various philosophers. I’ll only mention one of the most authentic ones here.

Happiness, according to Aristotle, is the ultimate goal of life. People are looking for pleasure, wealth, and a good reputation despite all being valuable, none of them can replace the chief good humans we should all strive for.

In Aristotle’s view, everyone agrees that happiness is the ideal that meets all these requirements. It’s apparent that you want money, pleasure, and honor only because you think they’ll make you happy.

Happiness is an end in itself, while all other goods are just means.

Do Humans Need Happiness?

Many studies throughout history prove that happiness is vital for living longer, so it’s important for humans.

Happiness is an integral part of human life. You struggle to achieve this happiness by fulfilling your various goals all your life. Here are a few reasons that show how important happiness is for humans.

  • Happy people are more likely to ace job interviews to get better jobs.
  • Generally, happy people have more friends, better social support, and are more content in groups.
  • Happiness and satisfaction in marriage go hand in hand as happier people are more satisfied with their spouses.
  • Happier people live longer and are healthier because of their lower stress levels.
An old couple posing for a picture with smiles on their face.
Happiness helps you to keep your relationship thriving.

So, happiness accompanied by exercise, eating well, managing stress, finding creative outlets, and nurturing relationships will all help you live long and healthy lives.

Is Happiness A Goal or A Journey?

Happiness is more of a journey than a goal in an individual’s life.

The key to happiness is to balance goals with pleasure right away.

People are often more happy when they’re actually waiting for their happiness to come; like a long waited weekend after a stressful week.

A journey to happiness is what makes you happy. So, it’s better to think of happiness as a force that drives us to our goals, not a goal in itself.

Is Happiness An Emotion?

It’s basically an emotion because you can feel it in your heart and show it through your body language.

A state of happiness is characterized by feelings of joy, contentment, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Happiness is often defined as the feeling of positive emotions and the pleasure of living a satisfying life.

Why Is Happiness Not A Destination?

Happiness isn’t a destination but a feeling of fulfillment. You can confine it to a single moment of your life. Every moment throughout your life has its significance.

There are many moments in your life that you consider insignificant at times. However, recalling those moments at some alone time in the future, a smile appears on your face. This is the real essence of that moment in your life and a part of your journey to happiness.

How Do You Get True Happiness?

You’re truly happy when you love yourself and live in peace and harmony with your body, mind, and soul.

Finding true happiness is a daily battle for many people, and whether you’re rich or poor doesn’t matter. Having money doesn’t ensure happiness. The definition of happiness is different for everyone. You can say it’s love, or you can say it has everything the world offers. 

However, in my opinion, true happiness comes from within, not from outside sources. Having a purpose in life and doing what you love makes you happy.

Here is a short video clip explaining the views of different renowned people about happiness.

What is real happiness?

Final Takeaway

The only difference between happiness and happyness is that of its spelling.

In happyness, the author has tried to keep the original word happy intact, only adding -ness at the end. Another reason for using this term is that it was written on the wall of the daycare center in a movie.

On the other hand, happiness is a grammatically correct term with accurate spellings.

These words refer to the emotional state of being content and happy in your life. It’s the feeling of satisfaction that you feel in your heart on a day-to-day basis.

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