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    The Difference Between The Church Of God And Church Of Christ Religions Which One Means Christian/Seventh Day Adventist? (Discover)

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    The Church of God and the Church of Christ are two separate religious groups that are often confused with each other. While both churches are Christian and share many similarities, there are also significant differences between them.

    One main difference is that there is no music allowed in the Church of Christ, except soft acapella hymns, whereas the Church of God, doesn’t specifically oppose musical instruments in congregations.

    In this article, we’ll explore more of these differences and provide clarity on which one represents the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination. So, let’s dig in!

    History Of The Church Of God

    The Church of God was founded in 1886 in Tennessee by a man named Richard Spurling.

    The church began as a small group of people who disagreed with the beliefs and practices of their current church, so they decided to form their own. They believed in the importance of the New Testament Church as the only true church and sought to restore it in their own way.

    Over time, the Church of God grew and became more organized. In the early 1900s, a man named Ambrose Tomlinson took over as leader and helped expand the church into other states.

    Today, the Church of God has over seven million members worldwide and is known for its conservative beliefs and emphasis on holiness.

    Church of God
    Church of God

    Beliefs Of The Church Of God

    The Church of God believes in the inspiration and authority of the Bible as the word of God. They believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as three distinct persons who are one God.

    They also believe in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and in the practice of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.

    The Church of God places a strong emphasis on holiness and sanctification. They firmly believe that Christians should strive for a life of purity and stay away from the world.

    They also believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues, prophecy, and healing.

    History Of The Church Of Christ

    Coming to the Church of Christ, also known as the Christian Church, was founded in the early 1800s in Kentucky by two men, Barton W. Stone, and Alexander Campbell.

    The church began as a movement to restore the New Testament Church and unify all Christians under one banner.

    Over time, the Church of Christ grew and became more organized. Today, there are over 1.4 million members in the United States alone, with many more around the world.

    The Church of Christ is known for its emphasis on the Bible as the sole authority for faith and practice.

    Beliefs Of The Church Of Christ

    The Church of Christ believes in the authority of the Bible as the inspired word of God. They believe in the Trinity, baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

    They also believe in the importance of weekly communion and the practice of singing a capella in worship.

    The Church of Christ places a strong emphasis on the New Testament Church as the only true church.

    They believe that Christians should strive to follow the pattern of the early church as closely as possible. They reject the use of creeds and denominational labels, seeking to be simply Christians.

    Church of Christ
    Church of Christ

    Differences Between The Church Of God And The Church Of Christ

    While both the Church of God and the Church of Christ are Christian and share many beliefs, there are differences that need to be understood.

    New Testament Church

    One of the biggest differences is in their beliefs about the New Testament Church.

    The Church of God believes in the importance of restoring the New Testament Church, but they also believe that they are the true church.

    The Church of Christ, on the other hand, believes that there is no one true church, but rather that all Christians should strive to follow the pattern of the New Testament Church.

    Holiness And Sanctification

    bible and cross
    bible and cross

    Another difference is in their beliefs about holiness and sanctification.

    While both churches place a strong emphasis on living a life of purity and being separate from the world, the Church of God takes this to a higher level. They believe that Christians should strive for a life of perfect holiness, which they call complete sanctification.

    This means that Christians should strive for a life free from sin and strive to become more like Jesus in their thoughts, actions, and attitudes. The Church of Christ also emphasizes living a life of purity, but they do not believe in the concept of complete sanctification.

    Worship Practices

    The Church of God emphasizes the use of music and singing in worship, and they may use instruments such as guitars, pianos, and drums.

    The Church of Christ, on the other hand, practices acapella singing, meaning they do not use any instruments. This is because they believe that using instruments in worship is not authorized in the New Testament.

    Which One Represents Christian/Seventh Day Adventist?

    Truth is that neither the Church of God nor the Church of Christ represents the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination.

    Seventh-Day Adventists are a separate Christian denomination that was founded in the 19th century. They believe in the authority of the Bible and the Trinity, and they also observe the Sabbath on Saturday, which is one of their distinguishing beliefs.

    Seventh-Day Adventists believe in salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and in the practice of baptism by immersion. They also place a strong emphasis on health and wellness, and many Seventh-Day Adventists follow a vegetarian or plant-based diet.

    Beliefs and PracticesChurch of GodChurch of Christ
    View of the New Testament ChurchThe Church of God believes in a universal church made up of all believers, while individual churches are independent and autonomous.The Church of Christ believes in a restoration of the New Testament church, with a focus on the simplicity and autonomy of local congregations.
    Holiness and SanctificationThe Church of God believes in the concept of entire sanctification and emphasizes living a life free from sin.The Church of Christ emphasizes living a life of purity but does not believe in the concept of entire sanctification.
    Worship PracticesThe Church of God emphasizes the use of music and singing in worship and may use instruments such as guitars, pianos, and drums.The Church of Christ practices acapella singing, meaning they do not use any instruments in worship.
    Seventh-Day Adventist Beliefsnone none
    Difference Table.
    Church of God video explanation

    FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

    Is the Church of God the same as the Church of Christ?

    No, the Church of God and the Church of Christ are two separate religious groups that share many similarities but also have significant differences.

    Do the Church of God and the Church of Christ believe in the Bible?

    Yes, both churches firmly believe in the authority of the Bible.

    Are the Church of God and the Church of Christ Seventh-Day Adventist denominations the same?

    No, neither the Church of God nor the Church of Christ represents the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination, which is a separate Christian denomination with its own distinct beliefs and practices.

    What is the view of the New Testament Church in the Church of God and the Church of Christ?

    The Church of God believes in a universal church made up of all believers, while individual churches are independent and autonomous.

    The Church of Christ believes in a restoration of the New Testament church, with a focus on the simplicity and autonomy of local congregations.


    Last but not the least, for a quick review at the end of this article, the Church of God and the Church of Christ are two separate religious groups, which despite sharing quite similar aspects are different on a huge scale.

    While both churches are Christian and believe in the authority of the Bible, they differ in their beliefs about the New Testament Church, holiness and sanctification, and worship practices.

    It’s important to note that neither the Church of God nor the Church of Christ represents the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination. Seventh-Day Adventists are a separate Christian denomination with its own distinct beliefs and practices.

    As Christians, it is important to respect and understand the beliefs of others, even if they differ from our own. By learning about different religious groups and their beliefs, we can gain a better understanding of our own faith and how it fits into the larger Christian community.

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