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What Is The Difference Between Being Sensitive And Emotional? (Answered)

What Is The Difference Between Being Sensitive And Emotional? (Answered)

We live by certain emotions embodied within ourselves, that help us think and feel differently in different situations. Each individual will show a set of different emotions, and levels of sensitivity based on their personality, and experiences.

The secret to controlling your feelings in every situation is realizing the difference between being sensitive and becoming emotional. To adapt and influence your environment more effectively, it is imperative to keep a firm grip on your emotions.

The ability to be sensitive allows us to behave more positively by picking up on small clues that others might overlook. Emotions can be strong and overwhelming.

Having or exhibiting a rapid and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings is, in other words, being sensitive. Being emotional means being aware of another person’s feelings.

Keep reading to know more about the core definition of sensitive and emotional, and the differences and similarities between them.

What Are Emotions?

A key component of what it means to be human is emotion. We have strong emotions, and those feelings frequently influence what we do.

Another essential component of well-being is emotion. It’s difficult to envision happiness without well-being. Additionally, negative feelings like melancholy and worry might make achieving well-being more challenging.

Some people may even conflate the terms “happiness” and “well-being.” For instance, they help us get ready to react to an actual or perceived environmental stimulus. In this situation, we might feel fear, which makes us withdraw.

Because happy people are typically more creative and receptive to new ideas, emotions are also helpful for creative work. Along with encouraging employees’ innovation,

The different and most common types of feelings are as follows:

Types of EmotionsExamples
PositiveJoy, Love, and Surprise
NegativeAnger, Fear, and Sadness
Different types of emotions, along with some examples

Both positive and negative emotions can spread quickly, with negative emotions spreading more quickly than happy feelings.

Dealing With Emotions

Although managing emotions might be difficult, there are techniques that can be useful.

It’s crucial to acknowledge and label the emotion you are experiencing because doing so can improve your comprehension and management of it.

If you can, try to get away from the circumstance or trigger that is bringing on the emotion. This can give you perspective and keep you from making snap decisions.

You can use mindfulness techniques to help you stay rooted and centered in the present moment, such as deep breathing and meditation.

You can receive emotional support and aid in the processing of your feelings by speaking with a dependable friend, member of your family, or therapist.

Learn the effective processes of managing emotions.

Emotional Sensitivity

Emotionally sensitive people tend to overthink a lot and take conversations seriously.

The Highly Sensitive Person, Empaths, and brilliant people are frequently characterized by their emotional intensity.

Being intense means experiencing a wide range of emotions more profoundly and vividly than most people do. These emotions can be both positive and negative, such as pain, distress, despair, fear, excitement, love, grief, or happiness.

It denotes the presence of a very sensitive, insightful, and imaginative personality. Additionally, it implies that they are more prone to sadness and existential anxiety.

An intense personality could indicate the following:

  1. Passion and depth of emotion
  2. Extreme sensitivity and empathy
  3. Having excellent perception
  4. A vibrant inner world and imagination
  5. Existential anxiety and creative potential

What Is Sensitivity?

The word “sensitive” can be used to describe a variety of things. The American Psychological Association defines sensitivity as “awareness of and responsiveness to” another person’s feelings.

Additionally, it denotes a greater propensity to “easily hurt or offended.” A highly sensitive person can fit any criteria, however, being sensitive does not automatically qualify one as an HSP.

Even while someone may be sympathetic towards others or sensitive to disparaging remarks, they may not necessarily be an HSP.

Some people may find specific clothing textiles intolerable, yet they may not be as sensitive in other areas of their lives; or they are easily offended, but they don’t experience constant exhaustion from too much social interaction.

Highly Sensitive

Sensitive individuals have strong reactions to conversations and opinions.

More than just a name, being highly sensitive is a personality trait that is linked to three different groups of genes.

It is known as sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) in science. According to a study, people with SPS perceive stimuli more thoroughly and react to their environment more positively and negatively.

Highly sensitive people are easily overstimulated despite having a rich inner life. A person with SPS, for instance, may react more strongly to:

  1. Pain
  2. Loud Noise
  3. Alcohol
  4. Caffeine
  5. Hunger

Your heightened consciousness can have an impact on everything you do and experience if you’re a highly sensitive person.

Comparing highly sensitive people to non-highly sensitive people, it is clear that their brains are physically different. According to research, highly sensitive people have more reactive mirror neurons in their brains, which makes them more adept at “mirroring” the emotions of others.

As a result, when you are highly sensitive, both your own and others’ emotions are profoundly processed.

Difference Between Being Sensitive And Emotional

Sensitive persons are more sensitive to their surroundings’ emotions and are more susceptible to being impacted by them. People who are highly emotional are more likely to express their emotions and may find it more difficult to restrain them.

A complex mental state called emotion involves ideas, feelings, and physical changes.

The trait of sensitivity describes how quickly a person is influenced by their surroundings or by other individuals.

Although highly sensitive persons are frequently emotionally unstable, the two concepts should not be confused.

People who are more emotional may be more prone to feel and express a greater variety of emotions, both good and bad. Additionally, they could be more in touch with their emotions and have improved understanding and empathy for others.

Being sensitive is having the awareness and comprehension of other people’s needs. It is frequently used synonymously with “empathetic.”

Understanding how someone is feeling involves the ability to read nonverbal signs, such as body language and tone of voice.

It also entails having the capacity to understand another person’s viewpoint and place oneself in their shoes.

Different Kinds Of Human Emotions


Frustration can often lead to violence and consistent anger issues.

Frustration is the feeling of displeasure or annoyance brought on by not being able to achieve anything. Numerous problems in your life might arise if you are always irritable.

This rage is typically momentary and normally goes away when the situation changes.

However, occasionally it can continue longer and have a more significant impact on your health and well-being, such as when you find yourself falling short of your expectations.

Physical behaviors are another typical way that people show their dissatisfaction. They may use recurrent bodily gestures to convey their sentiments of irritation and unhappiness, such as sighing, frowning, tapping their feet, or clenching their fists.


Excitement is a feeling of positivity and happiness.

Like all emotions, excitement starts in the brain. However, emotions cause significant bodily reactions.

In response to a feeling of anxiety or excitement, many people have experienced queasy feelings, shaking, weakness, and sweaty palms. These are the intricate reactions of the body to a mental state.

Any form of excitement is an arousal state. Arousal occurs when the sympathetic nervous system becomes more active, the heart rate rises, and the brain starts to indicate an increase in hormone synthesis.

Excited people experience stronger emotions, which can impair their ability to make decisions. People who are excited are more prone to make any decision, even a terrible one. Impulsivity is a result of excitement.


  • Unaware of other people’s thoughts, feelings, or the reasons behind their yelling, the emotionally unstable individual lives in a whirlwind of her own emotions.
  • Sensitive sensors work well. It recognizes subtle changes. The sensitive, unfeeling individual is hurt by your harsh comments and never expresses it, but they will just refuse to work with you again.
  • When you have an emotional person as a companion, she will be preoccupied with her own emotions and may not be receptive to your needs because she is preoccupied with her own.
  • A sensitive individual is particularly interested in your feelings since he can readily perceive them and anticipate your thoughts. Because the stimulus is subjectively stronger, he is more easily influenced by your emotional responses.
  • Although his feelings may be less strong than those of an emotional person, they are nonetheless more susceptible to other influences.
  • A sensitive individual’s emotions cannot be felt by an emotional non-sensitive person. A sensitive individual thinks an emotional person is constantly yelling out their emotions.

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