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What’s The Difference Between “Grateful” And “Thankful”? (Answered)

What’s The Difference Between “Grateful” And “Thankful”? (Answered)

Many people who write in a journal spend some time each day practicing thankfulness and developing a grateful mindset.

If you keep a gratitude diary as part of your journaling routine, you might even interchange the terms thankful and grateful when you express thankfulness as part of your morning or evening routine.

Gratefulness involves expressing appreciation for something done or received, whereas thankfulness is feeling content and relieved.

Being grateful versus being thankful to have different goals, despite the fact that they may appear to be the same.

When you are thankful, you feel blessed for the things you have already been given. Being grateful is recognizing the positive things you already have in your life.

Let’s dive into this article to highlight some more differences between being thankful and grateful. Let’s begin!

What Is Gratitude?

Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. Focusing on the good parts of our lives and expressing our gratitude for what we have is crucial.

With the things we usually take for granted, including a place to live, food, clean water, friends, family, and even an internet connection, we may need time to pause and consider.

We are frequently urged to “count our blessings,” which is a deliberate way of appreciating what we already have. Someone else can only hope for what we may have, and vice versa.

In this world, there isn’t a single way to live. You must therefore be aware of what you have and utilize it to its full potential.

Let’s look at the three qualities of gratitude.

Stages of GratitudeDescription
FirstA sense of thanksgiving for your blessings
SecondExpressing your appreciation to those who have improved your life
ThirdAcquiring new habits through interactions with others who have aided you
The Different Stages of Gratitude

Importance Of Gratitude

Gratitude is a practice that can bring positive emotions and good practices into your life.

If you want to foster relationships with your friends and family, develop the habit of giving thanks when it is due, and adopt a positive outlook, gratitude is crucial.

Many of us see the ideal situation where we will be pleased in the far future. But even now, there is enjoyment to be discovered. Little activities like getting out with friends, traveling, or enjoying your favorite music can make a big difference.

Gratitude makes it easier to appreciate what you already have instead of concentrating on what you lack.

That being said, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the grass is almost always greener on the other side of the hill. This is not to imply that you shouldn’t have aspirations.

What Does Being Thankful Means?

Being thankful, also known as being grateful or appreciative, is a good, other-centered feeling.

It usually entails admiration for the other person’s deeds, but it could also be admiration for the person’s very existence. I’m just grateful to have you, for instance.

In other circumstances, it is pretty much always a good idea to be grateful. This is supported by the definition of gratitude, which is “expressing gratitude and relief” or “being pleased and relieved”.

You can see that the concept of gratitude is far more expansive than the definition of gratitude. It demonstrates that having gratitude has a limited scope and that it has considerably more varied applications.

What Does Being Grateful Mean?

To feel or express gratitude for anything done or received is to be grateful.

One should always be grateful for the little things life has to offer.

What stands out to me in this situation is that gratitude is shown whenever something is done for you or given to you. This usually generally denotes a personal gift or act of kindness from another person—or people—for you.

Normally, you would express your gratitude in this situation. You might also express your gratitude. However, based on definitions, the word “grateful” fits this situation better.

Some common examples of grateful are as follows:

  1. Expressing appreciation to the person who prepared your meal
  2. Being appreciative of your health
  3. Expressing gratitude to the housecleaner
This video can help you look at ‘being grateful’ on a positive note.

Difference Between “Grateful” And “Thankful”

According to Merriam-Webster, being grateful or expressing appreciation is one thing, whereas being thankful is experiencing joy, satisfaction, or happiness.

The obvious distinction between these definitions is that thankfulness refers to being happy about something that happened while being grateful concentrates on the sensation and expression of thanks.

In essence, expressing gratitude is an action, but feeling gratitude is a feeling.

When you begin to appreciate what you have, gratitude comes over you. You feel grateful just by thinking about this particular moment, for instance.

You then become acutely aware of the things you do have as a result of that sensation. You begin to value life and everything that comes with it, both positive and negative.

On the other hand, gratitude springs from a much deeper place. You must verbally or physically convey your gratitude if you want to receive it.

It involves more than only expressing gratitude or appreciation for something. It’s about showing folks that their generosity was appreciated.

Being thankful can therefore be difficult for certain people. It’s simple to be grateful for what you have. But expressing gratitude to the person who gave you a reason to feel this way is quite another.

Alternatives To The Words Thankful And Grateful


Blessing is a form of appreciation that one must be thankful for.

To be blessed is to be extraordinarily or divinely favored and fortunate. Examples of being blessed include having a robust, healthy body and the capacity to make friends. delightfully comfortable or happy.

However, the meaning of the word “blessed” is specific to religion. It suggests more than just gratitude.

It may also imply having something positive like talent, tremendous happiness, etc. For instance, she has good health, and we are fortunate to have five lovely grandchildren.

These phrases can be used to express your satisfaction with someone, particularly in light of something they have done.


Satisfaction often comes with happiness and contentment.

A person’s level of satisfaction is determined by how favorably they view the overall quality of their existence or how much the individual enjoys the life that he or she leads.

Happiness is a process and satisfaction is the end result. Happiness arises from our feelings, whereas contentment is based on logic.

Hoorays, interjections, or primarily spoken words that you yell to indicate that you are glad and passionate about something are simple ways to convey satisfaction.


  • While thanksgiving is a reaction to a specific event or experience, gratitude is an all-encompassing appreciation of life. We must cultivate both gratitude and thanksgiving if we want to have a truly, authentically positive mindset.
  • You can be appreciative of your family and also thankful that your cousin arrived early to assist you in setting the table for the occasion. You can be appreciative of your neighborhood and the place you call home, but you should also be grateful to your neighbor for bringing your trash cans up from the curb on a rainy day.
  • Accepting things as they are and clinging to our appreciation of the resources we value and have access to are both aspects of practicing thankfulness.
  • Out of this thinking, gratitude develops, enabling us to recognize and express gratitude when things go well, such as by saying “thank you” or even by writing a thank-you note.

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