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What Is The Difference Between Pascal Case And Camel Case In Computer Programming?

What Is The Difference Between Pascal Case And Camel Case In Computer Programming?

People from CS backgrounds and developers know that acquiring any programming language is a big challenge. But, apart from that, learning several things to gain full command over coding is necessary to avoid hurdles. Therefore, the variable naming conventions are equally crucial along with other various tools. These naming standards are the first things a developer asks for confirmation on when learning a new language or low-code tool.

There are numerous naming standards, of which PascalCase and camelCase are two of the most frequently used methods. As both fall in the variable naming category, they might be similar; however, there is a considerable difference between them.

To put it briefly, Pascal Case unites words and phrases by capitalizing the first letter of each word. On the other hand, in camelCase, the first letter of every word would be capitalized except the first letter of the first word.

So, in this article, I will share the details regarding their contrast and will come up with striking examples. I presume that it will give you some insight into programming, even if you aren’t a computer science graduate.

But before moving toward the main topic, let us first understand what variable naming conventions are.

Variable naming convention

Programmers use a variety of strategies to ensure comprehensible and well-structured code. These include naming variables according to conventions, putting tabs, whitespaces, and indents within code, and adding remarks to help with interpretation.

Naming conventions are one of the motifs, methods, styles, and approaches known as coding conventions, which can increase the supportability of your code. Each language has the naming standards accompanying that particular language in the coding process, making it easier for the developer to comprehend.

Our primary concern is the variable naming convention, so we’ll stick to our topic. Making your code understandable and more accessible depends mainly on how you name your variables. There is only one rule for naming variables: Make sure your variables are clear about what they do and have a recurring theme across your code. Multiple naming conventions exist snake case, PascalCase, camelCase, and Hungarian notation.

Now that you have understood the naming convention, let’s move towards the Pascal and Camel case.

PascalCase is also referred to as UpperCamelCase
PascalCase is also referred to as UpperCamelCase

Let’s Define PascalCase

Pascal naming convention is the standard in which the first letter of any variable made from a compound word has a capital letter. The PascalCase naming convention requires that terms be attached when more than one word is needed to describe a variable’s function adequately. To make the parts intelligible and to make it possible to read code, each different word is preceded by a single uppercase letter.

The Pascal programming language has gained popularity through the term “PascalCase” as it relates to it. The usage of PascalCase wasn’t required because Pascal is case-insensitive by nature. However, because it made the code easier to read, it became a regular practice for Pascal programmers.

Now further, we will elaborate on it with particular examples. The examples are more straightforward and easily understandable. The following samples will clarify the above definition.

  1. ItemNumber
  2. TotalValue
  3. URLName
  4. MasterCard
  5. TitleName
  6. MasterPiece
  7. TotalNumber

The terms upper camel case, studly caps, humpy case, medical case, and inter-caps are all different names for the Pascal case.

Let’s Discuss Camel Case

Camel Case is a naming convention where compound words or phrases are divided by using capital letters which makes it easier to read each word individually. It’s a practice of writing variable conventions without any blank spaces or punctuation. It separates the words with a capital letter. The naming convention comprises several words, with the first letter of each compound word being an upper case alphabet.

The name of this case is rooted in the hump or humps that appear in the camel case name. There are two types of this case: an Upper Camel Case, also known as PascalCase, in which the first letter of any new word is uppercase. It is distinguishable from the lower Camel Case, which contains a first name written with the first letter in lowercase, while the other terms have the first letter in uppercase.

With Camel Case, a more descriptive name can come out using a list of descriptive phrases without going against the naming restriction in any software system where the characters in a word must be continuous (no spaces).

The user-contributed encyclopedic juggernaut Wikipedia heavily utilizes a software program called “wiki,” which can automatically recognize webpage hyperlinks, and this is how Camelcase rose to fame.

Camelcase has utilization in numerous World Wide Web consortium recommended protocols, some of which are;

  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
  • Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SIML)
  • Extendable Markup Language (XML)

Now, sharing some examples of camelCase

  • JenkinsServer
  • jekinsServer
  • iterationCount
  • tomCatInstance
  • gitRepository
  • microService
  • iPhone

In the above examples, when a variable begins with a lowercase letter, it belongs to the class of lower camelCase. In contrast, the variables that follow Pascal case rules are defined as “upper camel case” (JenkinsServer).

After gaining the know-how of the two cases, let’s understand their difference.

camelCase should always begin with a small letter
camelCase should always begin with a small letter

PascalCase Vs. camelCase: What’s the difference

Both are naming conventions, the variables in demand prepared from the compound words. They have the first letter of each appended term with an uppercase alphabet. The significant disparity between these two elements is that a camel case does not call for capitalizing the first letter, but the Pascal case must. They are two valuable gems of programming language in a group of others and need a proper understanding.

To easily remember it, think that Pascal is the name of a human being, and we all have an idea that a person’s name begins with a capital letter. In another case, the word “camel” is just the name of an animal, thereby a common noun; as a result, the initial letter must be in lowercase. Thus, whenever you’re unsure, think about it, “How do you write “Pascal”?”.It is PascalCase since you write it in capital letters. The only other option is CamelCase.

Pascal Case Vs. Camel Case: Usage of both conventions

These naming conventions play a vital role. Most programming languages and frameworks distinguish the components that need explicit explanation in a particular naming convention. Classes, interfaces, and enumerations should all be defined in the Pascal case, for instance, in Java. For example, variables declared within a Java program’s body should be a lower camel case.

Usage of Pascal Case and Camel Case in scripts

These naming conventions are equally vital in two scripts: JavaScript and TypeScript. They serve different purposes.

The Camelcase convention used in JavaScript and TypeScripts indicates whether a character is a variable, function, method, parameter, or property. In contrast, the Pascal case denotes the classes, namespaces, and abstractions like the interfaces.

PascalCase is in fact camelCase where the first letter of each identifier should always be capitalized.
PascalCase is, in fact, camelCase, where the first letter of each identifier should always be capitalized.

Pascal Case and Camel Case in other languages

As defined above, each programming language has its naming convention. I will share a table below that you can quickly memorize without difficulty; if you forget anytime, you can review and revise it.

Functions & Methodssnake_case()PascalCase()camelCase()camelCase()
A comparison table

The table above depicts all the standard conventions for four essential languages. The crucial thing to preparing a proper code is to have an idea of how to write it. Therefore, always use the above variable naming standards and become a master in coding.

Alternative Variable Naming Standards

The kebab and snake cases, which employ underscores to divide words, are variants of the Pascal and camel cases.



Snake case is common in several programming languages, including C++ and Java, for constants and static variables. Since the dash can be misinterpreted as a subtraction operation, using kebab cases is typically avoided.

The preference for the Pascal case over the camel case is typically a convention rather than a requirement in development environments. The program will continue building and operating regardless of the naming scheme. Code should be easier to read and maintain with the correct application of Pascal’s and camel’s cases. It is not a prerequisite for the compiler.

Watch and learn the difference between these two naming conventions

Bottom Line

  • The variable naming conventions are vitally valuable in the package of different tools. When learning a new language or low-code tool, a developer first seeks clarification on these naming conventions.
  • Naming conventions are one of the patterns, techniques, styles, and approaches known as coding conventions, which offer you a solid chance to increase the maintainability of your code.
  • Programmers employ a range of techniques to produce clear and organized code. Variable names should follow conventions; code should include tabs, whitespace, indents, and comments to aid understanding.
  • Each language has naming conventions accompanying it in the coding process, making it more straightforward for the developer to understand.
  • There are several naming conventions; two of the most widely used examples are Pascal Case and Camel Case. They might be somewhat similar because they both belong under the category of changeable naming, but there is a significant distinction between them.
  • Each appended term’s initial letter is in the uppercase alphabet. The critical difference between these two components is that while the Pascal case requires capitalizing the initial letter, the Camel case does not.
  • Using the Pascal case instead of the Camel case is usually recommended rather than required in development settings. Regardless of the naming convention, the software will continue to be developed and run. Using Pascal and Camel’s case properly, code should be simpler to read and maintain.

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