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Audience vs. Critic Scores: Unraveling the Discrepancy

Audience vs. Critic Scores: Unraveling the Discrepancy

A movie is a work of visual arts which stimulates experiences, it’s a way of conveying ideas, stories, feelings, and perceptions. The film industry has been a part of our lives since the late 1800s, the first films used to come in black-and-white, however from the early 1950s more films were made in color.

This confirms that movies are a fun part that we all share. As there are many genres of movies and not every genre will be liked by everyone. People have their preferences, however, there are movies that are enjoyed by every individual.

Every movie goes through an analysis which is called film criticism, and it’s divided into two categories, first one is academic criticism which is done by film scholars and the second one is journalistic film criticism which is done by the newspaper,s and the other forms of media. Film critics that work for newspapers, magazines, and broadcast media mostly review new movies, they basically have one or two days to come up with their opinions or reviews. Nonetheless, it has been observed that critics have a huge impact on the responses of the audience and their attendance at films. Only those few genres, Mass marketed action, comedy, and horror movies aren’t affected by the reviews of a critic.

Despite that, critics’ opinions have some impact on some of the audience, poor reviews from known critics in an important paper or magazine can lead to the reduction of audience interest as well as attendance.

Some observers say that marketing a movie in the 2000s was intense, well-coordinated, and well-financed, it was, let’s say perfect, so much so that reviewers were unable to give a poorly written or filmed blockbuster in order to attain market success.

It’s said that acute critical reactions may have a considerable amount of influence as there were well-promoted films that had a cataclysmic failure due to the harsh reviews, and other films that had unexpected success as they were critically praised. Moreover, it was observed that positive reviews usually spark interest in lesser-known movies.

The whole point of the above information is that the audience and reviews are the two most important factors of a movie’s success or failure.

film tape
Well-known critics affect how an audience perceives a film, even before the film is out.

Today, there are some leading websites that review the movies, two of them are called Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB. These websites have almost all the movies, and every time the movie is reviewed by these websites.

First, let’s differentiate between audience score and critic score.

The Audience Score is a metric that rates the quality of movies as well as TV shows. The score is calculated by only considering the percentage of people who have rated the movie or TV show at least 60 out of 100 (or 6 out of 10), then it’s multiplied by 100%.

The critic score is a representation of the percentage of professional critic reviews which are positive. The score is calculated after the given movie or TV show receives at least five reviews. The moment those reviews come in, the website measures the positive ones against the negative reviews and then assigns the score.

The difference between audience and critic scores is that the critic scores are a numerical collection of the ratings which are given by all the critics who have reviewed the film or the TV show, while the audience score is a collection of all the people who have rated a film or TV show a certain score.

Basically, the audience score is the collection of ratings that people give, whereas the critic score is the numerical collection of ratings that critics give.

Keep reading to know more.

Which movie has the most reviews?

a person watching the movies with popcorn and a drink
There are many incredible movies that have the most amount of reviews.

Some of the most credible websites, like Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB rate the majority of the movies.

On IMDB, The Shawshank Redemption has the highest rating, it’s rated 9.2 out of 10. While on Rotten Tomatoes, Leave No Trace has the highest rating, the Tomatometer, which is the critic score, is 100%, and the audience score is 80%.

Here is a table for some of the recent highest-rated films on Rotten Tomatoes:

MoviesTomatometerAudience Score
Popular movies and their critics and audience score.

The higher the percentage of the Tomatometer, the more reviews the given movie or the TV show has.

What is the highest audience score movie?

silhouette of people watching a movie
The audience score is the public’s general opinion of a film.

The highest audience score was 94 which was assigned to the movie called The Departed.

The audience score is the most incredible thing, and now Rotten Tomatoes displays the audience score on the page. People can push a movie to the top, thus their vote and their opinions matter.

Here is the list of the movies with the highest audience score and I will be adding the critics score:

  • The Departed: 90/94 (250,000+)
  • A Beautiful Mind: 74/93 (250,000+)
  • Spotlight: 97/93 (50,000+)
  • The King’s Speech: 94/92 (100,000+)
  • Green Book: 77/91 (10,000+)
  • Argo: 96/90 (100,000+)
  • Slumdog Millionaire: 91/90 (250,000+)
  • Million Dollar Baby: 90/90 (250,000+)
  • 12 Years a Slave: 95/90 (100,000+)
  • Crash: 74/88 (250,000+)
  • Gladiator: 77/87 (250,000+)
  • No Country for Old Men: 93/86 (250,000+)
  • Return of the King: 93/86 (250,000+)
  • Chicago: 86/83 (250,000+)
  • Moonlight: 98/79 (25,000+)
  • Birdman: 91/78 (50,000+)

What is the biggest movie flop of all time?

an empty theater
Some movies succeed, some unfortunately flop.

If we were to name a movie that is the biggest flop of all time, it would be Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) according to Rotten Tomatoes. Critics on Rotten Tomatoes said, “this embarrassingly incompetent cyber-espionage dumpster fire is the single worst movie which was ever made”.

While some movies may make it to the top and taste the sweetness of success, some movies get behind and taste the sourness of failure.

There are many movies that may have been huge projects, but they failed to satisfy the audience, nonetheless here is a list of the biggest flops of all time.

  • Dark Crimes
  • Jaws the Revenge
  • The last days of American Crimes
  • Pinocchio
  • Gotti

There are many more movies, however, these listed movies are quite terrible because none of them have a rating on the Tomatometer.

Is there a movie with 0 on Rotten Tomatoes?

Dark Crimes starring Jim Carrey had 0% on Rotten Tomatoes.

There are thousands of movies that have 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. In the movies that I have listed above, every one of them has 0% on the Tomatometer which is the critic’s score.

Rotten Tomato lets you know where a movie or a show stands by putting an icon on the Tomatometer and the Audience score, here is the list of those icons.

Tomatometer Icons:

  • Fresh red tomato: When 60% or more of reviews are positive for a movie or TV show. A red tomato indicates its Fresh status.
  • Green splat tomato: When less than 60% of reviews are positive for a movie or TV show. A green splat indicates its Rotten status.
  • Faded tomato: When Tomatometer® score isn’t available. This happens either because the title hasn’t been released yet or there aren’t enough ratings in order to calculate and generate a score.

Audience Score:

  • Full popcorn bucket: When 60% or more audience gives a movie or TV show a rating of 3.5 or higher. A full popcorn bucket indicates its Fresh status.
  • Spilled popcorn bucket: When less than 60% of the audience gives a movie or TV show a rating of 3.5 or higher. A Spilled popcorn bucket indicates its Rotten status.
  • Faded popcorn bucket: When there isn’t any Audience Score available. This happens either because the title hasn’t been released yet or there aren’t enough ratings in order to generate the Audience score.
  • Checkmark icon: This next to a review means that Rotten Tomatoes has confirmed that the user has bought a ticket to the movie.

What’s the lowest-rated movie on Rotten Tomatoes?

a collage of movie posters
Rotten Tomatoes contains almost all the movies and TV shows, it’s the most credible website that you can find.

Ballistic: Ecks vs.Sever (2002) had a 0% Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes and a 19% audience score, making it one of the lowest-rated films of all time.

As there are movies with the highest score, there are also movies that have the lowest ratings. Here is the list of some of the movies that have the lowest ratings.

  • MAC AND ME: 7% Tomatometer score with 38% Audience score.
  • IN THE NAME OF THE KING: A DUNGEON SIEGE TALE: 4% Tomatometer score with 23% Audience score.
  • MATERIAL GIRLS: 4% Tomatometer score with 44% Audience score.
  • BLOODRAYNE: 4% Tomatometer score with 17% Audience score.
  • THE FOG: 4% Tomatometer score with 19% Audience score.

What is the highest audience score on Rotten Tomatoes?

There are quite less number of movies that exceed 94%, one of them is TOP GUN: MAVERICK, which holds 99% of the Audience score.

There are plenty of movies that have a high audience score, as most of these movies are a masterpiece.

To this day, Leave No Traces holds the highest Tomatometer score which is 100%, however, the Audience score is only 80%.

There are several movies that hold a higher Audience score, however, the Audience score goes as high as 94% in most cases.

I have listed those movies above, it includes movies like The Departed and Elvis.

Here is a video that lists the 9 movies that you may have never heard of.

Films with 100% on Rotten Tomatoes

To Conclude

  • The Audience Score is the collection of ratings that are given by the audience.
  • The Critic score is a collection of the ratings that are given by critics who reviewed the film or the TV show.
  • Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB are two of the most credible websites when it comes to ratings.
  • The biggest flop of all time is Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) according to Rotten Tomatoes.
  • Leave No Traces has the highest Tomatometer score of 100% and its Audience score is 80%.
  • TOP GUN: MAVERICK holds 99% of the Audience score.

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