What is the Difference Between Cucumber and Zucchini? (Difference Revealed)

If you place a cucumber and a zucchini next to one another, you might think they’re the same thing. You wouldn’t be the only one to be perplexed because they both have long, cylindrical bodies with skin that is dark green.

But if you attempt utilizing one instead of the other, you’ll quickly see that you were wrong. 

Due to their relatively low glycemic index, cucumber and zucchini are favourites among those trying to lose weight quickly.

Due to their high water content, both of them are incredibly low in calories, sugars, and carbohydrates but high in essential elements.

It’s difficult to discern the difference between cucumber and zucchini when they are placed next to one another because they both have the same long, cylindrical shape, same green skin, and pale, seedy flesh.

However, as soon as you touch them, you will know they are not identical twins despite their appearance. In contrast to the cool, bumpy skin of cucumbers, zucchinis have a dry or rough skin. 

Continue reading to know more about the differences between cucumber and zucchini.

What is Cucumber?

Cucumis sativus, a common creeping vine plant of the Cucurbitaceae genus, yields generally cylindrical fruits that are used as vegetables in cooking. 

Cucumbers are categorized as annual plants and come in three main varieties: slicing, pickling, and burpless/seedless.

There are various cultivars that have been created for each of these kinds. The global demand for cucumber goods has led to the cultivation of the South Asian-originated cucumber on almost every continent today.

North Americans refer to plants in the genera Echinocystis and Marah as “wild cucumbers,” despite the fact that these two genera are not closely related to one another.

The cucumber is an underground-rooted creeping vine that climbs trellises or other frames of support by twining its thin, twisting tendrils around them.

The plant can also take root in a soilless media, in which case it will spread out on the ground without a support system. Large leaves on the vine create a canopy over the fruits.

The fruit of typical cucumber cultivars is roughly cylindrical, elongated, and tapered at the ends. It can grow up to 62 cm (24 in) in length and 10 cm (4 in) in diameter.

Water makes up 95% of cucumber fruits. In botanical jargon, the cucumber is referred to as a pepo, a type of fruit with a hard outer skin and no internal divisions. Similar to tomatoes and squash, it is usually regarded, prepared, and eaten as a vegetable.

What Does Cucumber Taste Like?

Since cucumbers contain a lot of water, their flavor is mild and hardly sweet. The phrase “cool as a cucumber” refers to how crisp, cold, and energizing they are when eaten raw.

Although cucumber skin has a more earthy flavor, many people choose to eat it because of its texture, flavor, and health advantages. Cucumbers wilt when cooked yet retain a small crunch.

How Is a Cucumber Used in Cooking?

In foods like salads, and sandwiches cucumbers are virtually typically consumed raw. In addition to tomatoes, peppers, avocados, and red onions, cucumber salads frequently include olive oil, vinegar, or lemon juice dressing.

Except in a few Asian stir-fries, cucumbers are hardly ever cooked. Cucumbers, though, are far more adaptable than that.

They are occasionally added to drinks or infused into the water due to their cooling properties. Additionally, some cucumber species, such as gherkins, are raised specifically for pickling.

Different Varieties of Cucumber

Cucumber is typically used for slicing or pickling. In comparison to slicing cucumbers, pickling cucumbers are shorter and have skin and spines that are thinner.

While most slicing cucumbers are dark green, pickling cucumbers frequently have stripes that range from dark to light green. 

Several popular cucumber types include:

  • English or Seedless Cucumber
  • Armenian or Snake Cucumber
  • Kirby Cucumber
  • Lemon Cucumber
  • Persian Cucumber

What Is Zucchini?

The summer squash, Cucurbita pepo, also known as the zucchini, courgette, or baby marrow, is a vine-growing herbaceous plant whose fruit are picked when their immature seeds and epicarp (rind) are still tender and delectable.

It’s similar to the marrow, though not quite; when its fruit is fully developed, it may be referred to as a marrow. Although the golden zucchini is a bright yellow or orange, regular zucchini fruit can be any shade of green.

They can reach a mature length of about one meter (three feet), but they are often harvested when they are only 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in) long. 

A pepo, or berry, with a hardened epicarp, is what the zucchini’s enlarged ovary is called in botany. It’s a vegetable in cooking that’s typically prepared and eaten as a savory dish or condiment.

Zucchini can occasionally contain toxic cucurbitacins, rendering them bitter and seriously upsetting the stomach and intestines. Stressed growth conditions and cross-pollination with ornamental squashes are two causes. 

Although squashes were cultivated for the first time in Mesoamerica over 7,000 years ago, zucchini was developed in Milan in the late 19th century.

Zucchini tastes a little bitter
Zucchini tastes a little bitter

What Does Zucchini Taste Like?

The flavor of zucchini is mild, slightly sweet, little bitter, and it has a rich texture. When cooked, zucchini’s sweetness is more pronounced.

Although zucchini is sensitive to bite through even when it is raw, cooking also helps to soften it.

How Is a Zucchini Used in Cooking?

More often than not, zucchini is cooked. Along with other vegetables including eggplant, peppers, pumpkin, squash, and potatoes, it is frequently roasted or baked.

Ratatouille, fritters, and stuffed baked zucchini are additional well-liked meals. It can also be used to make sweets like carrot cake or banana bread.

Raw zucchini sometimes appears in salads or julienned into strips as a low-carb replacement for pasta. In the latter case, the “courgette” can also be flash boiled.

Different Types of Zucchini

Zucchini comes in a variety of forms, including:

  • Black Beauty
  • Dunja
  • Gourmet Gold
  • Cocozelle
  • Gad zukes
  • Caserta
  • Ronde de Nice
  • Golden Egg
  • Crookneck
  • Pattypan
  • Rampicante
  • Magda
  • Zephyr
  • Raven
  • Fordhook
  • Summer Green Tiger
  • Bush Baby

Difference Between Cucumber and Zucchini

Cucumbers and zucchini are not members of the same family, despite the fact that they may look identical. While zucchini is a member of the Cucurbita family, cucumbers are a member of the gourd family.

Cucumbers are technically regarded as a fruit by many people. A cucumber wouldn’t really belong in a fruit salad, though. 

When compared to zucchini, a cucumber seems softer to the touch. Zucchini is more likely to feel rough and dry than a cucumber, which will also feel chilly and waxy.

When touched, cucumbers could feel slightly rough, although zucchini usually feel smoother.

Zucchini is used in fritters
Zucchini is used in fritters


Cucumbers are normally consumed fresh, whereas zucchini are typically cooked. Cucumbers, on the other hand, can also be cooked while zucchini can only be eaten fresh or pickled.

Cucumbers are juicy and have a fresh flavor thanks to their high water content. However, zucchinis have a more robust flavor and may even have a tendency to be a little bitter.

When cooked, zucchini holds its shape better than cucumbers do. Cucumbers will preserve a slight crispness when cooked, whereas zucchini melts when cooked.

It’s also vital to remember that cucumber flowers cannot be eaten, but zucchini blooms may.


Compared to zucchini, cucumbers have a marginally lower calorific value. In terms of vitamin B and C content, zucchini is superior to cucumbers.

Both veggies have a similar quantity of calcium, however, zucchini is higher in potassium and iron than cucumbers. Additionally, zucchini contains more protein and fiber.

How to Eat Them?

The best way to eat cucumbers is raw or pickled. On a hot summer day, a cold cucumber can be quite cooling. Usually, cucumbers are found in salads or sandwiches.

They can be employed to flavor water as well. Zucchini, on the other hand, tastes great roasted or stir-fried.

In addition to being sliced and consumed as veggies, zucchini is frequently formed into zoodles or zucchini noodles. You can also shred zucchini and bake it in muffins and bread loaves.


A long vegetable with fluid flesh, cucumber is lengthy. The long, dark-green vegetable known as the zucchini has muddy flesh. 
ExtractMoist and delicateRough and dry
NatureA long vegetable that is often consumed raw in salads or as a pickle. A veggie that is longer than it actually is and is shaped like a cucumber will be referred to as summer squash. 
ConsumptionEaten uncooked and primarily with salads due to its delicate internal structure Used in salads, prepared dishes, fruits, pickles, and pickles.
CookingBecome mashed but keep a tiny bit of crunch when heated. Heat causes things to become delicate, sweetened, and brown.
Comparison Table
Watch This Video to Know The Difference Between Zucchini And Cucumber


  • Despite being members of the same gourd family, the genera for cucumber and zucchini, Cucumis and Cucurbita, are completely distinct from one another. 
  • When someone attempts to touch a cucumber from the ground, it feels wet and delicate, in contrast to zucchini, which feels dry and hard. 
  • Cucumber is a long, inexperienced vegetable with watery flesh that is often consumed raw in salads or as a pickle. A vegetable with simple skin and a darkish green color, zucchini is shaped like a cucumber but is longer than it actually is. It is often referred to as summer squash.
  • Due to their delicate interior flooring, cucumbers are typically consumed raw. Zucchini, on the other hand, can be eaten cooked, raw, as a fruit, or with salads. 
  • When ingested raw, cucumbers taste sweet and juicy, however, zucchini tastes sour and difficult.

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