What Is The Difference Between “Me Neither” And “Me Either” And Can They Both Be Correct? (Answered)

The Gen Z of this present era likes using terms to look cool, or casual despite the fact that there are many English language experts who may have very strong communication skills in their language.

In grammar, a set of words without a subject or verb is referred to as a phrase. A sentence that lacks fluency is frequently avoided.

“Me either” and “Me neither” are roughly equivalent in meaning, but neither is grammatically correct, and it’s crucial to be precise while speaking English.

Both of these phrases won’t alter a sentence’s meaning. The second one will merely concur that they do not feel like undertaking anything that the scenario suggests.

Keep reading to know more about the individual nature of me either and me neither, and how they can or cannot be set apart.

What Is A Phrase?

One or more words that make up a single portion of speech make up a phrase. Phrases are like the bricks of a sentence if you see a sentence as a construction. Usually, they form a clause or a sentence.

The grammatical nature of the unit is determined by the phrase’s head; for instance, a phrase with a noun as its head is referred to as a noun phrase. The remaining words in a sentence are referred to as the head’s dependents.

English phrases can fall into one of five categories: noun, verb, prepositional, adjective, or adverb. A phrase cannot express a full notion since it lacks a subject and verb.

Examples Of Most Used Phrases

The examples that follow will show how phrases can appear and be utilized in full sentences:

  1. Signing autographs can be a tiring process.
  2. It was a bright sunny day.
  3. I like eating expensive food.
  4. The confused girl was looking for her toy.
  5. He is wearing a bright yellow polo shirt.
All you need to know about phrases

Is A Phrase Similar To An Idiom?

Idioms and phrases are not the same since they have multiple meanings depending on how they are employed in a sentence.

A phrase is an idiom if its meaning cannot be literally interpreted from the individual word meanings.

Phrases are direct and concise in comparison to idioms. There are no figurative undertones in the term; it signifies exactly what the words imply.

The following examples of idioms will help you identify their difference from that of a phrase:

  1. Once in a blue moon
  2. Through thick and thin
  3. Over the moon
  4. Break a leg
  5. Beat around the bush

What Are “Me Either” And “Me Neither”?

Me either and me neither
“Me either” and “me neither” are phrases that are used quite often.

“Me either” is a term used in America to indicate that something said negatively about someone else also applies to you. Those who would answer “me neither” are British English speakers who believe this to be improper.

Both expressions convey the same meaning, which is that we are endorsing another person’s viewpoint and integrating ourselves into it.

I don’t think so, either, or I also don’t think that (or desire that) becomes the stronger choice, which is condensed into the expressions “me either” and “me neither”.

Both phrases are often regarded as incorrect by those who follow the grammatical rules profoundly due to the direct nature of the phrase.

How Do You Use “Either” Correctly?

When describing a decision between two possibilities, the word “either” is employed.

It can also be used instead of the terms likewise or also. Hence, if you are familiar with these words, you can generally substitute either for them while maintaining the same meaning.


  • I have not been there either.
  • I don’t fit in this suit either.

Individuals can also react with “me either” in a terse, casual manner, but this strikes me as being less acceptable and polite.

Difference Between “Me Neither” And “Me Either”

In informal writing and speech, both “me neither” and “me either” are appropriate; nevertheless, they should not be used in formal correspondence.

Both “neither” and “either” can refer to a decision between two choices. This is frequently used in the terms “either” and “or” when there is a positive option, and “neither” or “nor” when there is a negative option.

UsageUsed when making positive choices or something that is likely to be true; both options have the possibility to be trueUsed when choosing from negative options or something that is unlikely to be true; both choices are not applicable
ExamplesHe will visit his relatives either today or tomorrow.Neither John nor Jane wants to stay alone at home.
The differences between either and neither

“Me neither” means I disagree with the statement, and “me either” means I agree with the statement. “Me either” is a saying that is largely American in origin.

Are “Me Neither” And “Me Either” Grammatically Correct?

Me neither and me either are grammatically correct when we talk about a casual, informal tone.

Both “me either” and “me neither” are frequently used and regarded as grammatically appropriate by native English speakers.

“Me neither” is preferable in British English, while “me either” is favored in American English. However, this distinction does not necessarily imply that each of the aforementioned English dialects is less grammatically sound than the other.

To put it another way, choosing one form over the other does not make one more grammatically correct than the other.

Instead, these little differences merely add to the richness of languages and the scientific study of the human mind.

Alternatives To “Me Either” And “Me Neither”

I Don’t Know

It is used when a person is unsure or has no opinion, such as when responding to a question on a poll of the general public.

I don't know
“I don’t know” has many different meanings.

Sometimes people use it to avoid answering your questions or to make it appear as though they are upset with you.

You should accept responsibility for their discomfort if you notice that someone is upset but merely won’t give you the solution.

For example: How old do you believe he is? Yeah, I don’t know, he could be fifty or sixty.


When you’re unsure whether something will occur, whether it’s true, or whether a figure is correct, you use maybe.

People use “maybe” when they are unsure if something is true or not.

It frequently serves as an adverb, which is a word that modifies (describes) a verb in grammatical terms.

Other times, it merely denotes “maybe.” The beginning, middle, or finish of a sentence can all use these forms of maybe.

Different interpretations of the term can stand alone as a response to a query. Famously, maybe is employed as a neutral option between yes and no. You can use the word “maybe” if you’re unsure if something is a yes or no.


  • When you concur with a negative sentence, “me either” and “me neither” have the same meaning. In various settings, they are applied in other ways.
  • “Me either” and “me neither” are both informal terms that are more frequently used in the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively.
  • To many people, me neither and me neither sound wrong. Nowadays, many people use it. Neither do I is the proper formal method to express agreement.
  • When both possibilities are undesirable, the word neither is frequently employed. When one option is chosen, either usually has a constructive purpose. Do not worry if you become puzzled by these two words.
  • Even those who have grown up speaking English incorrectly do so. Practicing makes perfect, therefore, look at the examples given in this article and practice.

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